+5 votes
in Dino's Blog by
Hey everyone! :)

So I was inactive yesterday due to an event and I forgot to check the site. I came back and apparently there's some drama?

Basic disclaimer: This isn't meant to be rude or offensive. Its also not meant to boost this situation in any way.

This is just my opinion based on what I've seen and heard.

I think Clara is being a little bit overdramatic with this? (no offense) Like there are hundreds of users that leave and rejoin the site every single day. It can be really difficult to keep up with them all (I speak from experience here). And if you leave for as little as a few months, not everyone is going to remember you immedietely. Obviously nobody is going to be able to remember all of the users that have came and gone over the months, so I don't think Adi was in the wrong or being mean by asking a genuine question. Adi is a pretty nice person and I doubt she meant the question to be disrespectful to Clara. If she did, that's a whole different story.

I just think making posts about it and constantly making a pity party of yourself about how you want to leave the site and how sad you are is a bit odd. I get it, everyone handles things differently and can get affected differently, but to start a whole bunch of drama with other users over something as simple as a question is kind of unnecessary. Again, no hate to anyone, just felt this was necessary to discuss.

Again, I didn't see Adi's question, so I don't know how it was worded or if it was indeed rude somehow, but I would declare myself neutral in this situation. I think both parties are in the wrong and should just apologize and clear this up before it escalates further.

Again, no hate to anyone. I'm neutral. I'm not taking sides here; just trying to state my points and try to bring more light to this situation so it can hopefully be resolved.

Bye :]

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (137k points)
Yeah, I'm just waiting for this stuff to calm down, and I hope you had a good time at that event yesterday!
0 votes
by (114k points)
im happy to see that someone understands besides GC


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