+10 votes
in Personal by (794k points)
Whats your favorite thing about me :) My Mental health is really great, however I still feel bad about myself because there isn't a lot of things I can do to make myself feel proud (I just want somebody to give me a quiz or something about Scandinavia and infodump because I probably have encyclopedias worth of Scandinavian info in my mind that I need to get out) so please tell me what your favorite thing about me is, and let me infodump

11 Answers

+1 vote
by (99.7k points)
Best answer
I love how proud you are about being excited about Scandinavia. I think it's so cool that you know so much! You are super cool! A Scandinavian nerd! ( in the best way possible!!)
0 votes
by (90.4k points)
I love how ur so funny and u make me laugh with ur second grade humor that we both share. Or it's the fact that we both have one brain cell.
by (794k points)
I actually only have ⅛ braincell but ok
by (90.4k points)
Well u prob have more of a braincell than me bc you can speak way more languages
ago by (794k points)
0 votes
by (5.2k points)
the fact that you are you
0 votes
by (77.2k points)

Ur the rizz to my ohio skibidi city 

by (794k points)
Yes i do

Also why are you looking at my ancient post
by (77.2k points)


by (794k points)
by (77.2k points)
0 votes
by (794k points)

Why in the choleral and typhoidal water does this have 1k views skull

+1 vote
ur love for scanadvia

um um

i cant  chose

ur amazing in every way
+1 vote
by (214k points)
I really like your love for Scandinavia!

You're really dedicated and super intelligent!
by (794k points)
by (214k points)
You're really dedicated to what you want to study! And I've seen how much you know even on here!
+1 vote
by (122k points)
The Nordicness
+1 vote
by (137k points)
You have a determination that I could never aquire.
+1 vote
by (967k points)
Here’s a Scandinavian quiz:

1. Is this a quiz?
by (794k points)

That has nothing to do with Scandinavia T_T

by (967k points)

2. Duolingo on tulossa sinulle.

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