+10 votes
in Personal by (794k points)
Whats your favorite thing about me :) My Mental health is really great, however I still feel bad about myself because there isn't a lot of things I can do to make myself feel proud (I just want somebody to give me a quiz or something about Scandinavia and infodump because I probably have encyclopedias worth of Scandinavian info in my mind that I need to get out) so please tell me what your favorite thing about me is, and let me infodump

11 Answers

+1 vote
by (529k points)

I can give you something to infodump on me about!

Genealogy! :D

Tell me everything you know meowla


by (794k points)
My school unblocked Myheritage and that is amazing
by (794k points)
plz dont say your full name

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