+3 votes
in Dino's Blog by
Hey everyone :)

I hope you all are doing okay.

Today, my school counselor noticed the SH scars on my legs. She made me show her and tell her everything. I'm screwed. She called my parents and I had a mental breakdown.

My mom was crying. My dad didn't care.

My friends were so worried. they were calling and texting all day.

Either way, im probably not going to be on for a while.

I'm sorry, this is just a lot to deal with.

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (965k points)

Well, uh, don’t die? I mean, there’s still Life Simulator and you gotta beat your parents and everyone you know at it. Especially your enemies. And Jeanne Calment.
+1 vote
by (214k points)
It's okay! Take the time you need!
+1 vote
by (99.5k points)

Prayerss praying-hands

0 votes
I’m sorry that at happened to you I hope doing you’re okay we will all miss you
+1 vote
by (530k points)
...Well, I need you to be okay, and if that means you need to take some time off, take all the time you need bud.

I'll be waiting :]

Love you (platonically),

by (965k points)

999999999999999 years later

nobodyimportant: *still waiting*

EmoDinosaur72: I’m back! Who is still here?

nobodyimportant: Me, and uh, that’s it?

Everyone else: *dead*

0 votes
by (790k points)
I feel bad for you, I am here for you btw


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