+30 votes
in Nordic Stuff by (790k points)

Shout-out for Nobi (roleplaying as Noah and if she can she can have diferent characters) for saving SHR :D

WHATS UP ROLEPLAYERS. This is Kidztalk's Scandinavian History Roleplay Created by Nordic_Genealogist (Carly)  norway-flagsweden-flagfinland-flagsami-flagnorway_sweden_union

- rules (plz read) - 

1. You can do any Era of Scandinavian history.

2. Be accurate

3. Don't spam.

4. Have funsies

5.  No Inapropiate content 





COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE (You can also put non-independent areas like Faroe Islands and Sápmi) :



SHR Discussion Wall : https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/210812/scandinavian-history-roleplay-shr-discussion-wall

Im concerned about the amount of people who want to be Scandinavian-American Immigrants in the 19th century Y'all need Hjelp.

List of Characters

  • Carly (Nordic_Genealogist)
  • Nora (Esie)
  • Karin (Inga The Finnish-American)
  • Noah Hanssen (Army Surnamed to Noah Åhberg) (NobodyImportant)
  • Inga (Inga The Finnish-American)
  • Carl (EloquentRacer92)
  • Shred (ThatOneShreddedGuy)
  • Sigrid (JapanPeach)
  • Jovnna (JapanPeach)
  • Mary Hansen (Army Surnamed to Mary Cowell) (PizzaLover44)

Eras of Scandinavian History (For Reference)

The Beginning  < 790 AD

Viking Age - 790 AD - 1100

Kalmar Union/Medieval era - 1300 - 1500

Age of Liberty - Late 1500s - Early 1800s

Chaos era (not the real name, that's what I call it) Early 1800s - 1900s.

Post-war 1960s - present

Kidztalk's 1# Roleplay since November 2023!
Have funsies roleplaying

- Carly, The owner

Banned words : "Ship" and "Cholera"

This Roleplay is sponsored by raid shadow legends

by (530k points)
by (790k points)
SHR Logic
by (33.2k points)

this is impressive, who knew Scandinavian history could literally be more popular than this question, I have never seen HISTORY CLASSES be so popular.

by (790k points)

Idk why this is so popular its littearly just 12 year old girls pretending to be in a SAIN just to fill the void
by (530k points)
I never confirmed nor denied that I was twelve.
by (790k points)
Just saying thats the median of the kids here
by (530k points)
Ah. Cool beans.
by (790k points)
wanna rp fellow Nobester

(do you like that rp)
by (122k points)
Sephora 10 year olds vs SAINing 12 year olds
by (790k points)
both are cringe

78 Answers

+1 vote
by (790k points)
Best answer
Roleplay starts

*Carly just chills, she sits down the downtown of Oslo, freezing. She does not have a coat*
by (122k points)
*Inga comes with a Sámi scarf she made out of Reindeer fur, and hands it over to carly*

"Buorres, Mun Námma Lea Inga"
by (790k points)
*in Norwegian*
Thank You!
by (790k points)


this is not funny. this is educational and supposed to educate on Scandinavian culture. this has nothing to do with Scandinavian culture/history, so leave the roleplay. You have been flagged 3 times already
by (965k points)
Hey, what’s that burning building?… It’s not nearly hot enough.
by (790k points)
get out gravity

you are littearly making me angry
by (116k points)
you're the man gravity lol
by (965k points)
And why do I hear people shouting? I mean, this never happens in Oslo…
by (790k points)
I was shouting for help.


(Im also hungry, but I littearly only eat crumbs of bread once a day)
by (167k points)
I don't hear people shouting.
by (790k points)
by (530k points)
...Hva er det som foregår?
by (790k points)
My brother is starving, we are freezing and WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS?
by (965k points)
*gives 10 krone*

I gave you extra. Hopefully it’s enough to buy a lotta bread.
by (530k points)
De lot meg streife rundt...
by (167k points)
by (790k points)
*carly packs her bags*

Hey, I heart the Abergs are moving. can we go
by (530k points)
*his eyes light up*

Selvfølgelig! Dette er det første vennskapet jeg har hatt før. Vent, jeg trenger å vite om det er greit med familien min ... Er det greit for deg?
by (790k points)
*Carly stands up*

Ja! foreldrene mine jobber i Sverige, så det er jobben min å ta seg av Johan Jr
by (167k points)
*the Danish one not understanding*
by (790k points)

*Carly looks at the Viking Girl Liv. She looks kinda worried she will raid her and steal her food*

In Danish, sounding worried Jeg taler lidt dansk. rolig.

She gives her a kroner

*in mind* :  was that worth it

by (167k points)

by (790k points)
But do your parents raid?

Viking Kids and Girls were allowed to raid
by (530k points)
*he looks down*

Foreldrene mine er veldig glade for å dra til den nye verden ... Men jeg vet ingenting om språket ...
by (167k points)
by (790k points)
@Noah Jeg kan lære deg.

 si "hello"


hvad laver du her?
by (965k points)
Why raid? Everybody’s gonna look at us like we’re fools.

I only have 100 krone though, so I do need more, and my parents aren’t giving me any more.
by (167k points)
by (790k points)
Carly walks with liv.

by (530k points)

*He's thinking*

Kan jeg virkelig stole på denne jenta? Jeg antar at vi begge er i veldig tøffe tider ...

by (790k points)

meg eller liv
by (530k points)
Hva? Jeg sa ingenting... Uansett, jeg burde nok pakke med familien min. Vil du være med?
by (790k points)

*they go to their hourse*

So... what is actually happening
by (116k points)
I need to stop getting notifications from this.....
by (790k points)
shred r u joining the roleplay or wut
by (790k points)
Nobi- I mean Noah wake up

It's the day
by (116k points)
I gonna join.

Howabout you make me a name.

I gonna me the muscular strong one lol
by (790k points)

fil the sign up sheet outside of the roleplay
by (530k points)
*he gets up and smiles. He thinks about the little English he had taught himself a long time ago...*

"...We...Should pack!" *he said in a strong, thick Norwegian accent*
by (790k points)
Carly stares confused, as she packed some of her clothes and items.

So... what happened to your family?
by (530k points)
*once again, he dropped back into his Norwegian langauge*

"Min far pleide å eie et stort stykke land som ga oss mye penger. Da jeg fylte fire, tok ting en vending på det verste. De siste fire årene som jeg kan huske, har vi slitt med å betale skatt og vokse mye av alt. Den siste måneden har vi gått gjennom en forferdelig hungersnød og har ikke nok penger til å kjøpe annen mat. Vi får også solgt svært lite av den gode maten vår.

He sighs...

"Far og mor tror at Amerika er veien å gå! At livet blir bedre der... Vi har slektninger som dro dit og skapte oss et godt liv. Min far lærer en god del engelsk, men har aldri tid til å lære meg."
by (790k points)
I held his arm.

"I'm sorry, we are dealing the same problem. But my mom is in Sweden and my dad died"
by (122k points)
Inga knocks in the door

can I come? (In Northern Sámi)
by (790k points)


Also, I made a tiny sketch of Noah! Canva is goofy for coloring so its blue-and-white

by (965k points)
*Carl laughs*

A famine? In Norway? You can literally go to the grocery store! I mean, it is more expensive than America, but still…
by (790k points)
Carly glares at Carl.

"Ya know we are poor right"

(she hides Noah)
by (530k points)
"Vi bor ikke i nærheten av dette... 'Matbutikk'," he replied to Carl.
by (790k points)
Carly looks at Noah. "so, where exactly are you going, whos coming and can I go with you."

she also gives him 2 kroners to help Noah's dad pay the boat tickets
by (965k points)

*to Carly*

You are? Well, can’t you farm or something?

*to Noah*

Det er mange butikker i Harstad! Du kan bare gå eller kjøre til en!

by (790k points)
I don't have any land.
by (965k points)
Oh. You must be in poverty then. Well, there’s government aid that can help you.
by (790k points)
The government hates us
by (965k points)
There’s no FBI here. They can’t hate you.
by (167k points)
I've missed a lot in here...

(Also I'm gonna change to Sigrid character)
by (790k points)
*switches to Jórunn*

by (530k points)
"Carl, jeg bor ikke i nærheten av denne "butikken" som du nevner. For å svare på spørsmålet ditt, Carly, drar vi om 2 timer, til Minnesota, hvor onkelen min og søskenbarna mine er. Du kan komme hvis du vil!"
by (790k points)
ja, jeg kommer. Jeg vil også være et annet sted. norge begynner å bli kjedelig.
by (167k points)
Kan jeg komme?
by (790k points)
uhh Noah

someone's at the door
by (790k points)
by (167k points)
by (550k points)
Jens Winters: *Just sits in corner playing mc*

Tova: (in Swedish) Want to stop playing mc?

(In Swedish) I'm doing a castle project. Want to help?

(In Swedish) I guess so.  ?

The MC chat: Tova joins the game
by (790k points)
Jórunn stares at Tova

Jen's right. They think too much minecraft will hurt you
by (167k points)
How does MC exist in the 1800s though
by (790k points)

*sends a letter to Sigrid*

Oh wait.

He is in the ship


*runs for 100000 hours*

by (530k points)
by (790k points)

I packed my bag

*shows a poorly packed backpack that is worn down, there is a small note in Sámi from Inga*
by (167k points)
by (530k points)
"Jeg forstår. Min far sa at det bare er 30 minutter igjen før skipet går, vi må komme dit raskt."
by (790k points)




by (965k points)

*to Noah*

Et skip? Du mener en av de store cruiseskip som kommer fra Amerika? Eller mener du en liten seilbåt?

by (530k points)
"Immigrasjonsskipet, Carl. Carly, vent på meg!" he adds as he runs after his friend. He's surprisingly fast and catches up with her in no time.
by (965k points)

*to Noah*

Å, den slags skip. Jeg har hørt at de er veldig stinkende og du er borte i flere måneder, og mange mennesker blir sjøsyke og noen mennesker kan dø.

by (790k points)

Carly stares into the deep soul of Carl

"You smell like the future"

she leaves with Noah


by (122k points)

Inga sits down by the dock, she looks at all the people who are going to the ships

are they going to Sápmi?

by (167k points)
Sigrid sits next to Inga

by (790k points)
what are you girls doing?
by (790k points)
by (167k points)
Ahh forgot to comment

by (790k points)

Are you girls migrating?
by (167k points)
Also I'm in Jovnna character now and have been since 5 comments ago
by (790k points)
where is Noah

I cant find him
by (167k points)
*immigrants to Minnesota*
by (790k points)
truly one of the grammar moments
by (965k points)
by (530k points)
Noah holds the hand of his mother, who looks down at him and gently smiles, tightening her grip. He smiles back and looks behind him to see his friend, Carly, conversating with other people who Noah inferred to be other Scandinavian immigrants.
by (790k points)

Carly smiles but before going on board

she falls

also why do I imagine this as anime secne... Scandinavian-American history anime when. 

by (965k points)
*Carl runs to the immigrant ship*

Wow! Are you gonna see Hollywood? And Broadway? And the Statue of Liberty?
by (790k points)
faints again

no were going to Minnesota
by (122k points)
Not breathing until Anime about Scandinavian-American anime becomes real
by (790k points)
I mean, there is a Viking anime AND an Anime on Scandinavia in World War 2

so why not a SAINme
by (965k points)
Oh, that place. All I know about it is that my cousins live there.
by (790k points)
by (167k points)
So you've been there?
by (965k points)
(I’m roleplaying, no.)

When I was really really young yeah.
by (167k points)
Then how do you know nothing about it?
by (965k points)
I was really young, and I don’t remember it. Duh!
by (790k points)

Bye Carl

Bye Jovnna

Bye Inga

*carly cries, and Noah feels her pain*

by (965k points)
by (167k points)
Bye carly
by (790k points)
Noah wake up
by (530k points)
*he sits up and rubs his eyes. He sees the scenery, a cabin in the lower ship, he inferred.*
by (790k points)
Bye everyone

Carly witnessed a fight between some people and took Carl in the deep end of the ship
by (116k points)
I get it
by (965k points)
What? I’m on the ship? The smelly ship?

Get me off, I can just go to America by aeroplane!
by (167k points)
I can get to America out of nowhere
by (790k points)


You stay in the ship


by (790k points)

What about your Sámi friends?

(are you Jovnna or Sigrid?)
by (965k points)
Yeah they do.
by (167k points)
I'm Jovnna
by (790k points)
ah ok
by (790k points)

carly sits quietly, she thinks about Norway. She didnt want to leave but she had to

by (965k points)
*Carl screams*


At least I get to see Hollywood though!
by (790k points)
We're going to Minnesota dummy
And we already left. It will take 2 months until we arrive
by (530k points)

In a different cabin, Noah is laying his head on his mother's lap while she lovingly strokes his hair.

"Vil livet bli bedre i Amerika, mamma?" He asks, looking up at her with hopeful eyes. She smiles at him. "Selvfølgelig, barnet mitt. Det sies jo å være drømmen, av mange. Spesielt av onkelen din."

by (965k points)
*Carl looks out the window*

by (550k points)
Am I on the boat?
by (790k points)

youre not
by (790k points)

107 previous comments skull


by (550k points)
Am I on the boat? Pls
by (790k points)
ur not on boat
by (167k points)
by (790k points)
by (167k points)
by (965k points)
This is so boring. And smelly.
by (790k points)
by (790k points)
Love how the RP died lol
by (167k points)
Let's bring it back then. Only, this comment chain must be the longest on KT.
by (790k points)
by (167k points)

It literally says show 119 previous commentsskull

by (530k points)

Noah fell asleep on his mother's lap...

by (790k points)
Carly just looked at the sea.

"Nothing." she said. She could feel the wind on her face, but nothing special. She stayed there calmly until she heard a squeaking noise

"hey what's that noise"

she noticed there was a mouse in the ship.
by (530k points)

Noah's eye's flew open and his head jerked when he heard a soft but close squeaking sound. He looked down and saw a white, furry little creature with beady red eyes, crawling swiftly from plank to plank on the wooden floor. His mother jumped as the creature went near her feet. She quickly moved and put both her legs on the seat.

Noah had never seen anything like this before. The only creatures he had seen with white pigment were in the sea, when his grandfather had taken him fishing, and he didn't know any other animal. As he thought about this, more squeaky noises began appearing out of nowhere. First, in separate squeaks. Then, in unison.

Gathering up his courage, he readied himself... One... two.... Three!

He leaped off of the bench and dashed to find someone who could help handle these unknown specimens. He ran up the stairs and on the deck, where he could see Carly. He waved frantically for her to come over.

He began hearing more and more squeaks from up there... They must be at different places on the ship.

by (790k points)

(top 5 mistake)
by (530k points)

Slowly, he turned for his eyes to meet the swarming of multicolored versions of the same creature from earlier on the floor. He froze for a second, then his feet did a little running in place, and he ran like the wind as far as he could get from the little monsters, screaming, "DEN STYGGE LANDFISKEN KOMMER! DEN STYGGE LANDFISKEN KOMMER!"

by (965k points)
Woah, what are those? Rats? Wow, this ship sucks…
by (790k points)
Are you OK bro

The ugly land fish are not gonna kill you

All jokes aside, we need a SAIN video game

Ik it sounds boring but yea
by (965k points)
I love video games! Like Mario Kart!
by (116k points)
This is getting good
by (530k points)

I love how I'm the only one writing this like an actual story and others are just loosey goosey about it x3

by (790k points)
Nobi shall be hired by the SAIN industry.


Carly shakes Noah, thinking it was just a dream.
by (167k points)
We're supposed to be in 1860s Scandinavia, where video games aren't a thing yet...
by (965k points)
(I roleplay in first person)
by (790k points)
Carly looked down. "and how many weeks will this take, I believe it has been 3 days." she said, looking tired and hungry. she hasn't ate since she met Noah and feels really bad now.
by (167k points)
Jovnna stares in front of her.

A plate of mashed potatoes appears.
by (965k points)
This is so boring and I’m so hungry. Are we gonna fish or something?
by (790k points)
Carly started eating
by (167k points)
A Thanksgiving feast appears on the table

Jovnna: CARLY!
by (965k points)
Woah what are you eating Carly?
by (790k points)
What in the 9 worlds Jovnna
are you a magical Sámi???
by (167k points)
by (790k points)
by (530k points)

Noah grabbed his belly in agony as he felt the pain of his stomach growling loudly in hunger.

He tried to play it off as if nothing was wrong.

"Jeg har det bra. Jeg trenger ikke mat. Jeg hører det er nok i Amerika ..."

He softly smiled.

by (790k points)
Carly gives some of her food

"hey bro want some"
by (790k points)

OK NOBI (I should probably make an SHR discussion wall)



(I do not speak for all people named Noah, however Noah is Noah and therefore has the right to represent all the Noahs on the Noahverse.) 

by (122k points)

Inga teleports

Helloo. I am from the 1400s IS THIS THE FUTURE.


by (790k points)

Ah, I remeber that during history class

At least you weren't born in this time-

by (530k points)
Noah may very well be a celebrity.
by (167k points)
Jovnna: Anyone want more food?
by (965k points)
When will we reach America? Also, this slop is gross. *eats food*
by (790k points)
in 1 month
at least you have food
by (167k points)
Jovnna: 1 month?!

*fills a table with food*
by (790k points)
*Passive aggresive eating*
*carly notices that Noah isn't near Carly
Where is Noah? Did he move somewhere else in the boat to eat
by (530k points)

Noah runs to go get his parents and excitedly yells to them about the buffet.

His parents are shocked at first, but then beam at him and happily follow him back.

by (167k points)
Jovnna: I don't know. Noah?
by (790k points)


*Carly starts eating, she felt very thankful for Jovanna*

Later, it is night. Carly moves to her cabin and sleeps. Carly couldn't sleep that well, she was worried about the safety of everyone. She did a Prayer so everyone in Scandinavia who weren't able to Immigrate were safe.

3 days have passed, and Carly was bored. The food supply was still high, however most of it wasn't that healthy for consumption. out of boredom, Carly went into the lower floors of the ship on the stairs, where fell and broke her leg.

"Uff Da, Det var en veldig merkelig feil du gjorde Carly" She said in her head. She said. Carly tried finding a way to go back up, but the "Stairs" where broken. Carly's heart was pounding, as she realized she has no food, very dirty air and a super uncomforable place to sleep in. She tried crying for help, but nobody could hear her.

She started crying. Knowing that both of her parents are not in the ship, Carly tried comforting herself. However, She couldn't stop thinking about being stuck in the lower floor. She sent a letter to Noah with some paper that was on the lower ship.

by (965k points)
1 month?!
by (790k points)
kjære Noah.
Det er Carly. Vennen din. Vel, noe veldig rart skjedde i dag. Jeg kjedet meg, så jeg tenkte for meg selv hva som var i den dype bunnen av skipet. så jeg kom til trappa til bunnen utenfor hyttene, men jeg gjorde en feil

Jeg falt ned og brakk beinet. Når jeg vet at dette var en feil, sitter jeg sannsynligvis fast her resten av reisen, eller enda verre for alltid. Her er luftkvaliteten forferdelig, det er ingenting å spise, og det nærmeste jeg kunne finne en pute var en skinnveske. Jeg prøvde å rømme og gå tilbake til toppen, men inngangen var blokkert.

Den første natten med å sitte fast her inne var forferdelig. Jeg var veldig trøtt og søvnløs, jeg var sulten, hostet mye og frøs. Jeg følte meg også ganske trist over å være alene. Jeg savnet vennene mine.
Redd meg.
- Carly
by (965k points)
I am so bored, but I will finally get to meet my cousins!

And are we gonna see the Statue of Liberty? Because I’ve heard that that’s in Minnesota!
by (530k points)

While walking aimlessly through the ship, Noah stopped himself abruptly from falling down a hole that was in a weird place near the lower stairs. He heard noise, and he bent over to see a shadow of a person down there. They had something in their hand that Noah couldn't quite see.

"Hei? Er det noen der nede?" he asked, waiting for a response. The person looked up, and lowered their head, may be to see him better. When they did that, some light was cast on their face. Noah saw it was a girl... And she looked familiar.

by (167k points)
It is nighttime now. Jovnna lays in her bed, silently singing "Du Gamla, Du Fria" in her head, wishing she could solve every problem in Sweden and the rest of the world.
by (790k points)

Carly grabbed his hand. She has been stuck in the bottom of the ship for a week now. She has been dealing with Hypothermia and Sleep Deprevation. She prayed everyday for someone to rescue her

"Noah! Jeg Trenger Hjelp" She tried saying. However, it sounded worse due to her speech, which was getting worse each day.

When he came Carly showed him the room. She showed him her "bed" which was just a dirty towel and a leather shoecase. She also  a broken-down table and a weird-looking machine. Carly assumed that Machine was the cause of her Aspiration issues, as it created dirty air.

She also pointed to a galon of water on the table that looked like it was siting there for a week, and some bread she got from the feast. She said that for it to last a lot of time, She can only drink 30 Millimeters of water and 2 squares of bread a day to survive. 

She sat down and wrapped herself in the towel. Carly was freezing (assuming the Immigration took place between Winter and Spring) and the towel was the only source of conserving heat.

"hvordan kommer jeg meg ut, når blir jeg bra" Carly said.

Later, Carly could hear echoing from the upper floors. as an annoucement was created by the ship manager 

"På grunn av værforsinkelser kommer vi innen 27. mai. Det er 4 uker til."

In Despair, Carly jumped up. "4 uker? Takk skal du ha." she said Sarcasticlly. 

(my roleplay skills are becoming better)

by (530k points)

How can you silently sing...

by (790k points)

(I talked to Noah)
by (965k points)

Hey, what’s that noise downstairs? Why does it sound like a dying cow?

Carl waits for someone to call out his “rude” gesture.

Oh wait, I just realized that my parents aren’t here! Let’s go—

“På grunn av værforsinkelser kommer vi innen 27 Mai. Det er 4 uker til.”

What?! 4 more weeks?!

by (122k points)

Inga screams on top of her lungs

Attention everyone, a 13-year old Girl and an 8-year old boy are stuck in the bottom of the ship. The boy is fine, but the girl is dealing with Hyperthermia and Starvation. The girl has been stuck for a week, and the boy for a day.

by (965k points)

Carl yells back.


by (122k points)

Inga yells again

"I was talking about Noah."

There was also recently another 10-year old boy. if anybody can rescue, cure and feed Noah, Carly and Carl, You will win 250 Kroner and 12 acres of free land 

by (790k points)
idk why but I get rlly happy when I get a notification from the RP.
by (965k points)
by (167k points)
Jovnna hasn't fallen asleep. When she hears Inga yelling, she doesn't even try to sleep. She runs out of her bed and stares at the broken staircase below her.
by (790k points)
Carly just sat there starring at Jovnna, asking her if she could help them.
by (790k points)
Are you guys alive
by (167k points)
Jovnna stares down at the broken staircase below her, squinting. The broken pieces of the stairs slowly move together, and aren't broken anymore. The whole staircase wasn't broken. Jovnna crawled down the stairs.
by (790k points)
Carly just laid on the floor. She was extremely scarred. She noticed that her arms felt numb. She was praying for somebody to find her.
by (530k points)

Noah could see Jovnna creeping down the stairs. He shook Carly lightly.

by (790k points)
Carly tried making a Sign so Jovnna could read it. Carly remembered the Northern Sámi lessons she took when she was 5 and wrote "HELP"

At this point, Carly's voice was unable to comprehend. She asked Noah to describe what happened to her.
by (965k points)
Hey… is that Jovnna?
by (530k points)

"Vi har sittet fast her nede i 3 dager... Du besvimte og har vært ute en stund nå... Hjelpen er her, Carly, den er her!" He said with weak excitement. He grabbed his stomach in pain as he now felt the way he's felt for most of his life: inexplicably hungry.

by (167k points)
Jovnna crawled the last step. She didn't what to do anymore. "Come here", she said, pointing up the staircase.
by (790k points)
Carly tried getting up. But since her leg was broken, it was hard. After a few minutes, she could carry herself

"Jeg gjorde det!" She said, smiling, and falling asleep.

When she woke up. Carly noticed that she sat in a bed, waiting for her to feel better from the sickness.

She found a bottle of clean water outside of her night table. She tried resting, but Carly couldn't stop overthinking. She wondered if she could make it alive.

However, Carly thought of Noah. He was extremely forward to the trip. Carly just hoped in to the trip without her parents' permition.

"vil de være stolte av datteren sin hvis hun flytter?" She thought.
by (965k points)

Carl runs to the staircase.

by (122k points)
Inga went to the kids. She got some medicine and got some heated blankets she sown herself

She looked at the kids. Noticing that Carl was in a great health state, but Karl and Carly weren't doing that well.
by (790k points)
Carly looked at Inga.

Worried, she asked what was happening
by (790k points)


he now felt the way he's felt for most of his life: inexplicably hungry.

wasn't Noah's family doing well before?

Maybe half of his life since it happened when he was 4?

or was it more recently

by (790k points)
Hello Noah?
by (167k points)
Do you guys want food?
by (530k points)
Half of his life, I guess.

Most of his remembering life x3
by (122k points)
"everything is wrong. Jovanna saved you, so she will the one helping you"
by (790k points)

"UH JA MEN JEG BLIR kurert" 

Carly said, mad. Her voice sounded better but it was still slurred. She was angry since she felt really bad.

Carly took a breath and took the food. After she was done. She stood up and started walking. She fell, but got up.

She came to the upper level. Because of this, Jovnna was concerned.

"jeg føler meg bedre nå" She sarcastically said. Althrought she was still sick, she thought she was totally healthy.

by (790k points)
I feel bad for Noah

Anyways... what is he currently doing
by (965k points)
I want food! I’m tired of this slop.
by (790k points)

*Carly gives her food"

She kept running around the ship. Jovnna noticed her and took her back to the resting room

Carly sat to Noah. "Jeg vet at du ikke har kunnskap, men er dette feil. jeg er fortsatt syk 

by (530k points)

"Mor sier jeg har et sterkt immunforsvar. Jeg synes det er greit at du sitter ved siden av meg." He smiled a weak smile at her, his eyes sleepily flickering until finally...

He falls over, deep in slumber.

by (790k points)

Carly slept.

For the first time in 2 weeks, she was able to sleep well.

When she woke up. Her voice was much better, and she felt better

"Dette er flott " she said.

Carly noticed that Noah fell. She laughed and stood up

"God morgen- NOAH HVA GJØR DU"?  She said

by (530k points)

Noah doesn't answer...

by (790k points)

Carly grabbed Noah

"what do you wanna do"

by (790k points)
Oh yeah.

Off topic, I'm drawing the Roleplay me.. or a SAINsona (I made a Vikingsona so uhh)
by (167k points)
Jovnna watches Carly and Noah
by (790k points)

A day later, Carly laid down on the floor

 She looked at the clouds. One thing she noticed is that one cloud looked like the shape of Norway.

She grabbed Noah and about 3 other young Norwegian kids who were feeling homesick

"dette kan være et kall fra hjemlandet" she said, feeling a strange feeling in her mind.

by (122k points)

I am the 200th comment  a-B)

Inga Noticed a Sápmi-Shaped cloud and called Jovnna.

by (965k points)

Meanwhile in Carl’s room…

When. Will. Jovnna. Give. Me. Good. Food?

by (790k points)
by (790k points)
Carly dragged Carl and Noah to the Norway-Shaped cloud

det er et mirakel she said
by (167k points)
When you want food.
by (167k points)
by (790k points)
Carly grabbed the plate of food from Jovnna and rang her bell so everyone could look at the clouds she witnessed
by (965k points)

Jøss! En norsk sky!

by (790k points)
Carly felt skeptical about the cloud, she thought it could mean something else.

"er dette en samtale? eller er dette bare en vanlig sky?"
She asked.
by (530k points)

Noah sluggishly walked behind Carly and struggled to keep his eyes open.

by (790k points)
"Carly shakes him

How do you feel.
by (530k points)

"Trøtt..." he replies weakly. "...Trøtt og sulten."

by (790k points)
Nei, om skyen

Also. Bro just woke up. HOW IS HE TIRED IF HE WOKE UP?
SHR out of context
by (167k points)

Jovnna (in Nothern Sami): have some of the food. 

Jovnna gave Noah these foods (but they were real Food)


None of you are thirsty?

A mysterious figure appeared

It's Mihkkel.

"Hey guys. My mom hated me so she forced ne to be with you. what do we do here."
by (790k points)

Carly looked at Mihkkel.

"vel. Livet her er forferdelig, men dette er i det minste bare for 4 måneder" she said, kicking a tiny amount of debris on the floor from the lower floor. "Merk her, alt er kjedelig." then looking at some of the kids who were running around playing tag.
"Vi spiser også minst hver tredje dag, vi har ikke rent vann og vi får knapt nok søvn." she also explained, feeling sad.

she suddenly broke into tears, in her mind, she could see visions of her future. in which she saw herself and her friends in extreme danger due to the conditions of the ship.

"Jeg skal gå." Carly said, she went into her cabin and locked herself in her cabin. She sat in her bed, when some of her friends followed.

by (116k points)
Mihkkel! Wait up!

Another figure appears; Shred.

Sup guys
by (965k points)
There’s a Norway cloud in the sky, Mihkkel!

(By the way my character’s name is Carl)
by (167k points)
by (116k points)
by (790k points)

welcome to the Immigrant ship

we deal with chaos 

by (965k points)

Carl notices that Carly and some other people went back to the cabin. Carl does not join them and instead stares at the sky.

by (790k points)
Carly kept crying.

are you ok

by (790k points)
No I'm not ok
by (790k points)
Could anyone rp?

by (167k points)
I dunno what to RP about.
by (965k points)
*cricket noises*
by (790k points)
carly came back from the room

*so what...happened*

(we need more plot twists, we need Nobi here since she writes good)
by (965k points)
Well, there’s a broken wooden board from the kids playing tag, and uh, I joined in.
by (530k points)

(Aww, thanks for saying I write well :])

Noah was laying on the soft covers of his bed. That seems to be the only comfortable part; if he were to lay under the covers, he'd have a hard time falling asleep on the brick-feeling mattress.

He was face up, contemplating whether life would be better in America. He had high hopes... His family was finally moving. It's all they've talked about but never seemed to do. So much was being left behind, yet so little.

He turned over to his side with a tear trickling down his face. Almost all of the pain in his stomach he's dealt with, all of the sadness he's experienced, it was all in Norway. But at the same time, he was leaving his home, his people. He felt comfortable there.

And in America, he doesn't know the language. He doesn't know the people. He doesn't have a home there. He had made one friend back in Norway. She was a lot like Carly. They were just starting to get to know each other.

Then the drought came... Crops started failing, disease was spreading rapidly once more. They had to leave. It was for the best...

Noah turned over to his other side, wiping the tear that had dropped down far below his lip and into his mouth. He liked the salty taste... Just not the feeling that came with it.

by (167k points)
Also how long is one month in SHR TIME
by (790k points)

SHR time varies

technically a month just passed.


Carly looked at Noah, she smiled. "Du hadde en venn, hva heter hun" 

she asked him, drying her tears in her sleeve.

Carly got flashbacks of her past. She remembered meeting a girl from Sweden named Synne Östbberg when she was 5. Synne's family was richer, but they were still friends. 

One day, Synne died at 8 years old due to a disease and Carly felt really bad, even to this day. 

Carly put her head down. "Synne, vi trenger deg. Vi savner deg" she said

by (965k points)

Carl goes back to his room. He sees Carly with her head down.

Carly, hva er galt?

by (122k points)

Inga opened the door.

She showed a figure she made out of debris "I made this." She said.

Shr found more items so they could build this 

3 days later

by (790k points)

Hei Noah

*Carly follows*

"hva var siste gang du følte deg lykkelig i Norge"

She asks him.

by (530k points)

Noah pondered that for a while. Finally, he smiled, looking up at the sky with starry eyes. "Da jeg først møtte min venn ... Emma," he replied. He looked at Carly. "Du minner meg mye om henne." He shut his eyes softly, then sat up.

by (790k points)

Hva? og hva som skjedde med henne?

carly asked. 

by (790k points)

 On the next day, Carly woke up at 4am. She noticed a lot of people woke up early, some who woke up as early as 2am.

She instantly went down to the dining room. she sat down and ate some of the left over food from what Jovnna made. In the room, there was only 4 people. A mom and her preteen son, a young adult girl and an older man. Even thought it didn't taste good, Carly was thankful that she at least ate something. 

2 hours  later, Carly got some of the left over debris that Inga found and built a sculpture. A sculpture of a girl who looked just like her, but wearing a Bunad.

Carly remembered when she got a Bunad. She was 11, and her aunt made it. It was dark red and white.  But realizing that she forgot to pack it, and she only brought 4 outfits on the trip.

She ran up to Noah and Carl to show her creation.

"og dette er dette jeg ble tvunget til å forlate" she said, worried. "Mitt hjem, mitt liv, mitt land. Norge."

by (965k points)

Jeg vet det. Foreldrene mine er mest sannsynlig veldig bekymret for meg. Men jeg får i det minste se Hollywood!

by (790k points)

Carly slaps her forehead

"Bror, det er i California"

by (167k points)
Jovnna: Vi skulle ikke til California?
by (790k points)
skulle til Minnesota-
by (167k points)


by (965k points)
Oh. (This is a duplicate)
by (790k points)
Uansett, kan du lage en skulptur
by (790k points)

Noah wake up




(my sense of humor is broken)

by (167k points)


by (530k points)

Noah walks aimlessly around the sleeping quarters...

by (965k points)
What is that flag? It looks familiar.
by (790k points)
Carly looked at Noah

"what are you doing"
by (790k points)
*in English*

by (965k points)
So… there’s a country called Despair?
by (790k points)

The Norway-Sweden Union IS despair. Come on Carl, Back then, poor farmers got no support from the government. this is why we are leaving.

by (965k points)
Oh! The Norway-Sweden Union! My parents told me about that last year.
by (122k points)
What's that, I live in Sápmi
by (790k points)
You don't wanna know
by (790k points)
by (122k points)
by (530k points)

Noah felt a chill go down his spine when he heard the cursed utterance of... the Union....

by (790k points)

"Vi Snakker ikke unionen"

Carly said. covering Noah's eyes off the flag 

She was thinking about when her mom told her about her life before Union

"før Sverige tok oss, levde vi i fred. Ja, vi var fortsatt fattige, men vi følte oss mye bedre. Sverige fikk oss til å falle fra hverandre. Men Danmark fikk oss også til å falle fra hverandre. hva er verre. er Norge til og med verdt det"

She heard the voice of her mom in her head. Knowing her mom was lucky to live before the union. She also learnt this in history class, in which she mostly ignored

by (122k points)
by (790k points)
*They fight*
by (790k points)
N o a h
by (790k points)
Noah, den snilleste personen. Pleaee. There is a FIGHT happening with Inga
by (530k points)

Noah spectates the fight awkwardly.

(not around my laptop ATM, so I can't say much x3)

by (790k points)
Uhh what do we do.

(Waiting for you to say much lol)
by (790k points)
let's just wait till Nobi gets her laptop so Noah can actually obsevre the fight and try to break it
by (167k points)
Much lol.
by (530k points)

"Gutter, stopp! Carly... Fortell henne om unionen," he said, crossing his arms and looking to the floor. "...Jeg skal ha det bra."

by (790k points)

Carly sat with Inga and Noah. she tried explaining the Union to Inga.

a month passed, and it was her birthday.

"NOAH, JOVNNA, alle sammen, jeg er 14 nå. Jeg har vært her i denne jorden i 14 år"

she smiled

by (167k points)
by (122k points)

oh... well.

Inga sat there with Carly. she said happy birthday in Sámi. 

by (790k points)
Uhh. Noah

Its my birthday
by (167k points)
What do we do now
by (530k points)

"Virkelig? Det er supert!" replied Noah jubilantly. This may have been the first time he was actually happy since the unexpected arrival of the buffet from weeks ago. "Hvordan skal vi feire?"

by (790k points)

Carly held Noah's shoulder

vi vil. vi har ingen penger, og vi er bare noen få barn som sitter fast her. spør kanskje mamma 

by (530k points)

...What does, "maybe mom asks" mean?

by (790k points)

My translate was not working

I meant " Maybe ask mom"

by (530k points)

Oh, lol

by (790k points)
continue roleplay as normal
by (790k points)

s i l e n c e
by (790k points)

while Carly was walking down to the dining hall, she noticed a letter in English from a girl named Synne.

Carly looked at the letter. She already knew that Synne died, so she was confused on the letter.

she heard a public service announcment

"oppmerksomhet alle sammen, vi kommer om 2 uker."

carly smiled, and cried a little "dette er den beste bursdagsgaven noensinne"

by (965k points)
Yay, two weeks until America!
by (147k points)
// alright what's going on and where should I plop my tragic lil lass in- ngl I don't feel like reading through 300 replies haha //
by (790k points)



by (790k points)
Just pretend youre here

(Nobi's replies are full on essays)
by (167k points)

What are we even going to do when we get to America, anyways?

by (790k points)
We have to take a train to Minnesota. Then we have to build a house and chill there.
by (965k points)
I’ve been thinking about that, and I don’t know.
by (530k points)

"Bygg et nytt liv," said Noah hopefully. "Det er det min mor forteller meg."

Noah was suddenly reminded of something. "Jeg må gå og sjekke foreldrene mine!" he exclaimed, jumping off the bed and running to another cabin. While running, he noticed his surroundings. Not a lot of people looked healthy—or even well fed. They were much like himself and his parents.

There wasn't much time to take in the scene that was flying past him; he didn't realize how fast he was until he actually ran.

He got to his cabin with heavy lungs. He was out of breath but quickly regained himself and walked over to his mother and father, who were sitting on the bed and in a chair, respectfully, talking. "Mamma? Pappa?" he said worriedly. His mother looked at him and smiled, beckoning him over to sit on the bed with her. Noah went and sat next to her. He leaned his head on her lap while she gently played with his hair. "Mamma?" he said. "Ja, sønn?" she replied softly.

"Hva skal vi gjøre i Amerika?" asked Noah, gazing into her eyes so that she would be honest with him. His mother looked over to his father, who had a blank look about him. "Jeg og faren din snakket bare om det," said his mother, still playing with his hair lovingly. "Og vi vil snakke om det når vi kommer dit ... Om to uker!"

by (790k points)

Carly and another girl who was a few years younger were dancing togheter*

Later, Carly went and intrduced her new friend to Noah

"Noah, dette er Maret" he said, introducing her

by (147k points)

A strange girl was sitting on a tree limb nearby, one hand on the trunk of the tree. She had never been seen in that area before. Her gray eyes watched the other children.

by (790k points)
"Hei, Hvem er du. Jeg er Carly."
by (530k points)

Carly, I thought you could speak Norwegian, why are you using a translator x3

by (147k points)

// Carly is talking to Nora right- //

She hesitated. "...de fleste kaller meg Nora. Jeg er ny her-" Nora shifted her weight on the branch uncomfortably.

by (790k points)

@Esie/Nora Wait why are there branches

we are on a ship-

@Nobi/Noah : " It's a secret, It's our secret." - Märta Karlsdöttir, 1861 

*continue roleplay as normal*

by (790k points)

another question

who in the 9 worlds is Noah's mom.

We already know her dad's name is Hans (since of the surnaming traditions, Noah is Hans' son) but what is the mom's name.

Also, His Army surname is actually spelt Åhberg, and it is Swedish (Noah is Half-Swedish comfirmed)
by (167k points)
Really? So it's possible in America to chill? Why not Sapmi?
by (790k points)
by (167k points)
When you said that when we're getting to America we're going to chill there. Anyways, I haven't been on for long so I missed a lot In here...
by (790k points)

I feel you.
by (147k points)
by (167k points)
We're on a ship!

I told you now.
by (790k points)

Continue roleplaying as normal

Were on a ship

by (965k points)
We’re on a ship to America!
by (790k points)

(Nobi, we srrsly need to find out who Noah's mom is)
by (530k points)
Noah's mom is the person who birthed him x3
by (122k points)
Inga looked at the group.

"ok folkens la oss slutte å snakke om skipet" she said in Norwegian, her Norwegian is bad. "hva gjør vi når vi kommer dit"
by (790k points)

Is she Nameless.

We know about her dad's past and his name (Hans the guy who dosent know how to pay taxes) but not her mom's name and past

We need some more info about Noah's mom. (In case I do an SHR Wiki)
by (965k points)

Carl answers Inga’s question.

Det har jag tenkt på. Kanskje jeg får se søskenbarna mine.

by (790k points)

Carly smiled.

Jeg vet hva jeg skal gjøre. Spre den norske kulturen. lurer på hva svenskeamerikanerne gjør nå. 

by (530k points)
Noah is a he x3
by (790k points)

anyways. Who is his mom, in terms of her name and past. I need to know on a seperate answer since I dont want to flood the rp thread with stupid questions
by (790k points)

Lets all actually roleplay

carly gathered the kiddos onto a empty cabin for an English class

She held a card with a picture of an egg (Because Well, Noah knows the dark secret of eggs) 

"Noah" carly said, looking at hin "fortell meg hva dette er. På engelsk og norsk"

by (530k points)

"Jeg vet ikke mye om engelsk ..." he replied hesitantly, twisting a piece of his shirt in his fingers. He then thought for a moment, remembering the very little English he was able to teach himself just before his family started off to America.

"Men... Er det egg?"

by (122k points)
by (790k points)

Carly clapped

"Ja! Good Job" She said, smiling.

She took some notecards

"kan du Skriv noe om deg selv?" she said, holding each kid a notecard

by (530k points)


Noah carefully examined the paper he was given. Grabbing a quill that he had in his coat, he jotted down everything that he knew about himself.

Hei, jeg heter Noah Hanssen. Min far er Hans Johansen og min mor er Freja Lundberg. Jeg er født og oppvokst i Harstad. Jeg er halvt svensk på min mors side og halvt norsk på min fars.

by (965k points)

Carl writes something on the notecard.

“I am Carl. I am ten years old.”

by (790k points)

Carly looked at the kids' papers

"Noah, dette er faktisk veldig bra." She said, getting the quill and writing a smily face on the notecard

she glared at Carl

"Carl, skriv mer info" 

during the English lesson, Carly broke into tears. Realizing that she may not be able to speak Norwegian, and that she may forget about Norway.

"er dette verdt det?" she said sadly

"var dette en god idé"

"Jeg dro uten foreldrenes tillatelse"

by (965k points)

Carl thought to himself.

“I can’t write in English very well…”

Carl then writes more information on the notecard.

Jeg er Carl. Jeg er ti år gammel. Jeg er fra Oslo, Norge. Faren min er kaptein på en båt og moren min... Hun døde.

by (167k points)

"Jag me" said Jovnna. "I think they'll be proud of us." 

by (790k points)
"foreldrene mine er veldig strenge. De blir nok skikkelig sinte"
by (167k points)
Jovnna: Would they ever even know?
by (790k points)
by (122k points)
"is anything OK" Can anybody explain why Carly left the cabin
by (965k points)
I don’t know why Carly left. *raises eyebrow*
by (790k points)

Carly came back. She was still crying. She changed onto what she wore when she was stuck on the botton of the ship months ago

"har noen som en flåte" she asked, sniffing. "Jeg vil hjem igjen"

she had visions of how great her life was in Norway. She wrote a letter to Noah explaining what she was gonna go. Go back to Norway.

Kjære Noah.

Dette er et brev om noe jeg ikke vet om jeg vil gjøre. Jeg vil hjem. Nå vet jeg at vi har 1 uke igjen til vi ankommer, men vil dette virkelig være verdt det. Klart Norge er under forferdelig styre *ahem* Sverige. Men, hva må vi gjøre nå. Skal jeg hente en flåte og reise tilbake til Norge. Jeg trenger hjelp.

din venn som kanskje angrer på dette eller ikke

- Carly

by (530k points)

Noah got the letter as soon as she sent it.

He began writing back to her.

Kjære Carly,

Jeg vet ikke om jeg kan ta avgjørelsen for deg. Alt jeg vet er at jeg og min familie skal til Minnesota, og vi har håp om et godt liv der. Du må gjøre det du føler er best for deg.

- Noah

by (122k points)

Báze dearvan

this may be a mistake.

We don't have any rafts.

Inga looks at Carl, Noah and Jovnna

Guys. We have to do something

by (790k points)
vi vil. Jeg vet ikke hva jeg skal gjøre. kanskje jeg blir alene de neste dagene eller så. Min mentale helse går dårlig. fortell Carl, Inga og Jovnna at jeg skal bli på hytta og skrive brev.

- Carly.
by (790k points)

carly went back to her cabin. She notified the kids that she will only communicate via letters.

by (122k points)

to Carly

see you soon sister.

see you in a week

to the other kids

what is happening to Carly.

Maybe she's going insane since welll... we've been here for 4 months now,

by (965k points)
4 months?!
by (790k points)
Arent you not going insane

- Carly
by (122k points)

Inga looked at Noah, Carl and Jovanna

Are you guys going insanse. Is 4 months too long? Are you feeling something bad. Inga said.

by (965k points)
Insane? Who even goes insane?
by (167k points)
What's been happening? Over half of my 72 notifications came from here...
by (790k points)

Carly came back. she looked at Carl.

"Har du hørt om Halwya Håkansdötter?" she asked, showing a letter from her. "nylig var det hennes 41-årsdag, og vel... Det endte faktisk med at hun nesten døde av de ekstreme forholdene her. hennes 18 år gamle sønn Henrik reddet henne. barna blir også gale. Jeg mener, de har nok ikke sovet eller spist godt, så jeg kan forstå dem. Jeg så en gutt tidligere i spisesalen som knuste alle tallerkenene."

by (965k points)

Carl whispers to Carly.

Nei, jeg har ikke hørt om Halwya Håkansdötter. Det er en veldig sprø historie skjønt. Nesten like gal som foreldrene mine, som gjør meg flau i offentligheten.

by (790k points)

Also Im listening to Sofia Jannok (Davadat)

and I have new posts

(The cover of Ásogáttis looks like she is starring deep into our souls)
by (790k points)

an announcmemt came on

ta hensyn til alle. vi drar i morgen kl 20.00. 

by (167k points)
"What does that mean?" asked Jovnna, who didn't speak Norwegian.
by (790k points)
tomorrow we're going to arrive
by (167k points)
"Really?" Said Jovnna. "It's been forever!"
by (965k points)
We’re finally going to arrive! *raises hands in the air*
by (790k points)

anyways... What is everyone's most notable moment here
by (167k points)
When I made the food come out of the air.
by (965k points)
My most proud moment is… I don’t know.
by (530k points)

Noah begins to pack all of his belongings.

"Mitt stolteste øyeblikk her er ... Blir ikke syk!" he said with a grin on his face. He was prideful about his high immunity.

by (790k points)
one day later....
by (965k points)
Pack all of your belongings? I would, but I do not have any belongings.
by (790k points)


SHR Carly is the opposite of me IRL

How? SHR Carly gets sick really easily and I am basically the most immune person IRL

Also Noah has never got sick in his whole life. Bro needs an award at this time (assuming he was in a near-death situtation with the starvation)
by (530k points)
He was, that's why he's moving to 'Merica x3
by (790k points)

as a fellow SAINer whos an IRL Immigrant I can comfirm 

'MERICA united-states-flag

by (167k points)
by (790k points)
by (116k points)
by (167k points)



by (790k points)
20... more.... minutes
by (167k points)
It's been an hour.
by (790k points)
Well, SHR time is diferent
by (167k points)
by (790k points)
it just is, lets wait for Noah and Carl.
by (965k points)
(I’m here.)
by (530k points)
by (167k points)
What now then?
by (790k points)
*Happy EDM music plays*
by (116k points)


by (790k points)
*Carly got her bags and left the ship*
Now lets wait for the train to Minnesota!
by (965k points)
We have finally arrived in America! My parents are probably very worried about me though.
by (790k points)
My dad will kill me.
by (530k points)
(Your dad died, Carly)
by (790k points)
i forgor
Let's just roleplay as normal, noah
by (167k points)

So we are here?

by (790k points)
by (790k points)

guys can we srssly roleplay as normal.

Carly walked onto an Inn. She said that she was gonna stay in for the night, and she already bought passes to all the kids. She gave each kid an English-Norwegian workbook for them to use during the train.

"togturen blir en uke lang." she said softly, passing each book to the kids. “det er viktig å begynne å lære og gjøre seg klar til å gå på skolen. Hvilken klasse går dere, jeg går i 7. klasse.” carly said, clutching one of her certificates she got 2 years ago.

by (530k points)

"Femte," replied Noah while examining the workbook. "Jeg er foran fordi folk tror at jeg er smart."

by (965k points)

Carl looks carefully at the book, despite having proficient English.

I am in grade 4.

by (790k points)

Carly smiled and put the workbook in her luggage, as she went to her hotel room

"god natt barn, vi må våkne kl 6 for toget."

she went into her room and tried to sleep.

by (122k points)
Inga looked at Noah

Noah. Jeg går også i 5. klasse!

hvordan er du smart?

she asked as she went to her room, which she shared with Carly
by (790k points)
*the next day*
by (530k points)

Noah arched his eyebrows at Inga puzzledly. "Fordi jeg er ... Jeg er ikke sikker på hvordan du skal svare på spørsmålet ditt?"

by (122k points)
Inga looked at Noah," vel, jeg ble beskrevet som en av de verste barna i klassen min. når alt jeg gjør er å bare ta notater på samisk? Jeg vet at der du bor kan du bare nynorsk? skriver du på bokmål?"
she said as she walked to the train station
by (530k points)

"Jeg skriver på norsk, mitt morsmål. Jeg skriver også på svensk, et annet språk jeg snakker flytende. Men... Jeg prøver fortsatt å lære engelsk. Mine foreldre, lærere og jevnaldrende pleide å si hvor smart jeg er."

Noah began to think about his education back in Norway. It wasn't like the wealthy class's schools, but he still learned a lot and was able to excel... Much more than other poor people had. Was his family just lucky?

He pondered this for many moments and stayed silent for the whole ride to Minnesota.

by (790k points)
lil history/language lesson

The Modern Norwegian language is divided into 2 dialects, Bokmal and Nynorsk.

Nynorsk is what Noah will be using, both in Historical and Geographical context. Bokmal, which is used mostly today was made illegal in the 1700s- 1800s (Writing books in Bokmal was illegal) due to association with Danish.  It was legalized in 1905 after the death of the Norway-Sweden Union.

Nynorsk was invented by the Government (the name translates to "New Norwegian" , Nynorsk has more relations to Swedish. Today, Nynorsk is only used in Northern Areas of Norway (those not under Sámi law, so Harstad, Tromsø etc).

Let's assume that Noah is speaking Nynorsk, even thought he is speaking Bokmål. Most translators, and websites that offer Norwegian translations only offer bokmål. Also, Note that there are actually 7 dialects of Norwegian depending on area, but it mostly falls under Bokmål and Nynorsk
by (167k points)
When do we get to go...home?
by (790k points)
While on the train, Carly started sketchning some doodles of her life back in Norway. She tried drawing her friend Synne.
"Noah" she asked Noah, "hva skjedde med din venn Emma?"
by (965k points)

Carl simply looks out at the window.

by (790k points)

what happened to Emma (this is in roleplay, so Noah is explaining)
by (530k points)
(He isn't talking for the whole ride to Minnesota.)
by (790k points)

Cam we write letters?

carly sends a letter to him, asking about Emma

by (530k points)
(He was thinking about Emma inside of his head, not out loud, so no one knows about Emma.)
by (790k points)
men jeg vil vite hva som skjedde med henne
by (790k points)

I srssly need to know what happened to Noah
by (530k points)
(He doesn't know, he had to leave her. The last time he saw her was when they were going through borderline starvation. He may or may not see her again in Minnesota, or on the train.)
by (122k points)

inga looked outside. She saw a sign that said

"Velkomenn Till Minnesota"

meitä, skandinaaveja, on enemmän 

by (790k points)

(Wait. Plot twist they reunite)

() means we are talking outside of caharacter

carly looked at the sign and she left the train fast, she smiled.

her smile faded as she thought about her parents

som skal bo hos meg nå 

by (167k points)
(Who does?)
by (790k points)
Roleplay as normal
by (167k points)
Okay. Where were we
by (790k points)
*Carly looks at the town*

"they speak Norwegian here" she said.
by (167k points)
"...And Swedish?" asked Jovnna.
by (122k points)

inga looked at some of the kids.

"Who will live with me" she asked

by (790k points)
by (167k points)
by (965k points)
This town is where my cousins live!
by (167k points)
"Really?" said Jovnna, staring at the town. It seemed as though she was talking to the town than to Carl.
by (790k points)
we all need Noah to be here-
by (790k points)
maybe he's asleep
by (530k points)

Noah follows his friends off of the train.

by (790k points)
"Noah, can I live with your family?"
by (122k points)

Inga was with her dad, who was already buliding shelter

"Noah, Carly." She asked. Can you guys live with us

by (965k points)
Yes, Jovnna!
by (530k points)

Noah shook his head to Inga.

"Nei takk, foreldrene mine vil ha meg nær dem," he replied. He turned to Carly, who seemed to be eagerly awaiting his answer. "Hvis du trenger det, og hvis foreldrene mine tillater det, kan du bo hos oss."

by (790k points)

Carly gets some woodworking tools and starts building a cabin using left over wood. while she was working on the roof, she fell on a rock.

"Det er min første dag her, og jeg har allerede taklet smerte." she said, dropping the tools and sitting down in the grass.

by (790k points)

Carly gave up on her "house" and went up to Noah's parents. it took her a lot of time, as her leg was broken. AGAIN!

"Kan dere være min adopterte mor og far" she asked, with tears in her eyes. " faren min døde under hungersnøden og moren min er for tiden i Sverige og hun kommer ikke tilbake på 8 år. Jeg dro fordi jeg kjedet meg

by (965k points)

Carl gets off the train, where he sees a fairly large town.

Wow! This town is huge after staying on the smelly ship for a month! I can try to find my cousin’s house!

by (122k points)


sad Finnish Noises

by (790k points)


I have seen things there

really bad things

by (530k points)

"Du kan ikke bare forlate foreldrene dine fordi du kjedet deg!" Noah's parents reply, absolutely shocked. They weren't expecting someone that they've virtually never heard of suddenly coming up to them and asking them to adopt...

His mother turned to him with a concerned look in her eyes. "Noah, hvem er denne personen?" she asked.

"En jeg møtte like før vi dro hjemmefra, mor," replied Noah. He didn't know that she was going to ask his parents to adopt her, either. He could also never imagine leaving his dangerously in-need family because of boredom... He looked at Carly confusedly.

by (167k points)
"If this town is so huge, how will you find your cousin's house in this tiny area?" Said Jovnna. "Anyways. Like Carly said, we've been here 5 months. It's time we finally come here."
by (790k points)

"Beklager. jeg kan ikke"

she sat down.

by (122k points)
by (965k points)
It felt like 1 month to me.

Jovnna, I will find my way eventually, but I don't know where I am for now.
by (790k points)
Carly looked at Carl and Jovnna
"I need advice." she said.
by (167k points)
"Advice for what?" asked Jovnna (let's say she forgot how to speak Norwegian cuz my translator isn't working)
by (790k points)
"Noah's parents are mad at me"
by (167k points)
by (790k points)
ask them
by (790k points)
It was nighttime and Carly had nowhere to sleep so she sletpt in the middle of a meadow she found.
by (90.1k points)
A tall figure walked into view she had long blond hair and as she stepped it swayed from side to side. "What are you doing out here" (Also is it okay if I use google translate to type in Norweigen)
by (167k points)
"Existing" replied Jovnna, a little scared.
by (90.1k points)
She wipped around staring down Jovnna, "How many of you are out here? It's very cold...."
by (790k points)

(it is ok to use gogle translate. Nobi does it)

Carly looked at the girl and told her about the story

"tilbake i Norge var regjeringen forferdelig. Mange av oss slet med livet. Det var en hungersnød som tok livet av faren min. Vi kunne heller ikke ha det bra med gårdsdrift. Jeg, sammen med noen av vennene mine, måtte forlate Norge og komme hit for et bedre liv." she said, showing her the diary she made before she left Norway

29. desember 1856.

Kjære meg.

Jeg skal forlate Norge. Jeg er lei av alt som har skjedd. nylig døde faren min av sult. Nå møtte jeg denne gutten som heter Noah som er 5 år yngre enn meg, men familien hans skulle også dra. de dro til dette landet, og jeg har lest at mange mennesker har reist her også, The New Union with Sweden var ikke så hypet.

- carly.

( I may post some of Carly's diary entires. should I do it?)

by (90.1k points)

"Det er forferdelig, jeg kan ikke tro at det skjedde med deg. Jeg ville tilby plass hjemme hos meg, men foreldrene mine ville sannsynligvis ikke like det... Er det noe du trenger? Det må være vanskelig hvor. Er moren din? "

("That's terrible I can't believe that happened to you. I would offer a place at my house but my parents probably wouldn't like that... Is there anything you would need?? It must be hard. Where is your Mother?") 

She looked around behind her seeing Jovnna and leaned in closer to Carly, "Hei, jeg heter Britt? Hva er din?"

("Hi, my name is Britt? What's yours?")

by (790k points)

"Min mor... Hun er i Sverige."

also bolded letters are for actions only

by (90.1k points)

"Hvordan kan det være? Jeg beklager... Vel, hvis jeg kan hjelpe deg på noen måte, vennligst fortell meg det"

("How could that be? I'm so sorry... Well if I can help you in any way please tell me")

She started to leave... picking up her things.

by (167k points)
"Jovnna" said Jovnna.
by (90.1k points)



She continued her departure pulling out a box with a screen she checked it once and started waling briskly north.

by (790k points)
guys, where can I live because I dont have a home
so... I just came here wanting to find an actual home and now I am homeless.
I knew this plan didnt work Noah.
by (167k points)
"Ite better than the Norway-Sweden Union, anyways" replied Jovnna. "And we just got here. We'll find something soon."
by (965k points)
And I still do not know where my cousins live.
by (790k points)
by (167k points)

"We did just get here..."

by (90.1k points)
You can live w/ me!
by (790k points)
by (167k points)
All of us?
by (790k points)
is your family here

also, where's noah.
by (790k points)

Now I know why I can't find a house....

(I'm a lonley 14-year old so guiedhfgufyhf3)

by (167k points)

What did you Google to get that?

"Noah? Are you here? Carl? Hello?"

by (790k points)
I googled "what is it like living in Scandinavia in the 1800s"
by (122k points)
Inga welcomes Carly to her home.

"so, do you want to help me set up my new farm"
by (790k points)
by (790k points)

Somebody, anybody


remember the rat

by (167k points)
"What rat?" asked Jovnna, when, suddenly, a girl came up from behind her. (This is Sigrid by the way).
by (790k points)
by (167k points)
by (90.1k points)

Someone screamed behind Sigrid. 

"H-hva er det?!"

("W-what is that")

A large furry thing was creeping toward the barn.

by (167k points)

(I'll be roleplaying as two characters now lol).

Jovnna didn't know what to do. She just sat, and stared at the large, furry thing.

by (790k points)

by (167k points)

Jovnna and Sigrid follow Carly, running.

by (790k points)
Does anybody have any protection skills
by (167k points)
by (790k points)

by (167k points)
"NO IM NOT" said Sigrid
by (790k points)

(Eras wars)
by (167k points)
by (167k points)
by (790k points)
by (167k points)
A police officer stops at us. "What are you kids doing here?" He says.
by (790k points)
There are police officers in the 1800s?
by (167k points)
Idk just pretend there are
by (790k points)
Who keeps upvoting my comments lol
by (530k points)
I upvoted your comment, but I dunno who the other 2 people are x3
by (965k points)
I’m trying to find my cousin’s house.
by (167k points)
"What's your race?" asked the police officer. Jovnna stayed silent, wondering if she should lie.
by (790k points)
Wheres Noah BTW

by (790k points)

Carly looked at the police officer.

"Jeg er en norsk innvandrer." she said, shyly. "vi kom i går."

by (90.1k points)

"I am AMERICAN. Born and Raised!" 

Britt looked confident but her fingers were crossed behind her back.

by (790k points)
*raised eyebrow emoji*
by (167k points)
"I'm American too!" said Jovnna. Sigrid nodded.

"Where's this 8 year old boy called-" *police officer looks at a paper*"Noah Hansen?"
by (530k points)

Ya'll really won't let this go...

Noah bashfully does a small waving motion to the officer.

by (790k points)
he asked you a question.

Jovnna lied tho.
by (122k points)
"I'm Finnish-American"
by (167k points)
The officer eyes Noah. "Race?" the police officer asked.
by (530k points)

"...Norsk," replied Noah feebly.

by (167k points)
The police officer stares at Noah for a long time, then finally said: "All of you, come here" he said, and  began marching away.
by (90.1k points)


Britt shouted she looked on the verge of tears. Then her face changed rage flashed across it and her fist flew at his head knocking him to the floor.



by (790k points)


by (90.1k points)
(I was hitting the police officer)
by (790k points)

Carly followed the police

"Maybe he will help us?" She asked

by (167k points)
"I don't know..." said Jovnna.  

The police officer got right back up and ran towards the police station, not gesturing for everybody else to follow him.
by (90.1k points)

"GUYS RUN! I just attacked a policeman! He is not going to ask to have tea and toast now!!"

Britt dashed away as fast as she could.

(Also where r we?)

by (790k points)
Carly sat down on a chair.

"What did I do"
by (167k points)
Jovnna chases after Britt, when, suddenly, she felt somebody pick her up.

(does Krav Maga exist in 1800s USA?)
by (90.1k points)

Britt turned around and her mouth dropped open in shock.

by (167k points)
Jovnna tried to turn her head around but she felt hands keeping it in one spot, choking her.
by (790k points)
by (90.1k points)

(Lol... Idk)

Britt's eyes went wild and in a flash she attacked them. Kicking them in the head. But became unbalenced and fell to the floor after her third kick.

by (965k points)
Carl at last gives up on finding his cousin’s house and decides to hide behind a trash can, watching the chaos unfold.
by (167k points)
The people carried Jovnna disappeared with her.
by (790k points)

carly decided to run away. She was crying.

"Jeg vil hjem, Norge." she said.
Carly looked at everyone.

Jeg sa at dette ikke var verdt det. vi fikk problemer med loven. Når kommer skipet til Norge?

by (167k points)

"Is there any?" asked Sigrid. "I mean, people literally want to escape the union, not go there..."

by (790k points)
"Sigrid. What's worst. This, or the Union."
by (167k points)
"Both, but-"

Sigrid suddenly heard horses galloping behind her.
by (790k points)
what's happening.
by (90.1k points)

Britt jumped up and tried to chase after Jovanna. But was unsucessful and fell to the floor crying.

by (122k points)

Inga said, she looked very hurt.
by (167k points)
"Where did Jovnna go?" asked Sigrid
by (90.1k points)

"Where is she?! YOU ARE SO OBLIVOUS!" Britt shouted in histerics.

(My spelling is so bad T-T)

by (167k points)
by (790k points)
Carly sat on the floor.
"does anybody have any food"
She asked.
by (167k points)
Sigrid stayed silent. She heard the horses gallops louder. she thought she may be hallucinating.
by (790k points)
are you ok
by (90.1k points)

´´I wish I did.´´

Britt looked up tears in her eyes.

by (790k points)
Carly went back home. she layed in bed, and she just stood there. her health was horrible.

Carly was told she only had 3 days to live.
by (122k points)

Karin went up Britt, Carly and Jovnna

"what is happening girls." she said.

by (167k points)
(Jovnna got kidnapped. Im Sigrid now)

"I just..." said Sigrid, not finishing her sentence.
by (790k points)
Carly sat down, she was weak, hungry and cold. she looked at the sky and prayed for Jovnna and for everyone in Norway and Sweden
by (122k points)
Karin was taken away by the same kidnappers, and she saw Jovnna

"hello. Who are you" she said.
by (167k points)
Sigrid couldn't stop hearing the horse's gallops grow louder. Then she finally turned around to look.
by (790k points)
*Carly Grabs Sigrid*
(where's Noah lol)
by (122k points)
Karin looked at Sigird

*what do you need help with her
by (167k points)
"Jovnna got kidnapped" said Sigrid to Karin
by (122k points)
"what happened before"
Karin asked.
by (790k points)
*carly just stood there*

why is nobody helping me here
by (167k points)
"What do you need help with" asked Sigrid.
by (790k points)
Im starving
by (90.1k points)

Britt could feel her hunger eat away at her stomach but was too horrified to say anything.

"Does anyone want to come back to my house to evade them... for now.."

by (790k points)
Y e s
by (122k points)
Where's my daughter
by (790k points)
in the void
by (90.1k points)

(Oh nO)

"Follow me if you want to live."

She holds out her hand to Carly *cue action music* 

by (790k points)
*Carly follows her*
by (122k points)
*so does Karin*
by (790k points)
Where's sigrid
by (90.1k points)
They have been walking for a while when a large-ish house seems to rize of of the woods.
by (790k points)
*Carly sat down*
Where's the food
by (122k points)

Karin holds onto her daughter and quickly rushes to her house

by (790k points)
SHR is dead lol
by (122k points)
by (90.1k points)
(this can be happening)
by (790k points)
so britt, what do we do in your house
by (122k points)
by (90.1k points)
(Sry I had Midterms Was Cramming)

"Come in my room is up the stairs to the right I will bring food any prefeces"
by (790k points)
Carly ate the food

"So, who are you"
by (122k points)
Karin started crying
*I miss my daughter*
by (90.1k points)
"I'm Britt I come from Norway my mother adopted me she british and hides my identity so I can have a life of equal oppertunity."

Britt glanced over at Karin saw the tears streaming down her face and handed her a hankercheif.
by (790k points)

Carly looked at Britt, giving her the empty plate of food that she ate

We had to leave. I had to leave with my friend Noah, a Norwegian 8-year old. We had to leave Norway because we had a very long and terrible famine. My dad and best friend died from hunger, and my mom could only earn money in Sweden.

carly kindly sat down with Karin. holding her hand

"When was the last time you saw Inga." she asked, confused

by (122k points)
"She was with me, in the ship"
by (790k points)
by (122k points)
well, Inga got a fever and she had to stay in her bed for a month.

When we arrived, Inga was still sick. She threw up a lot, but then when we arrived to Minnesota she wasn't there.

We probably left her at the hotel in New York

(Where's Noah)
by (790k points)
Carly called Noah and Carl
by (530k points)

Noah quietly looked at Carly, acknowledging her call.

by (790k points)


is Noah doing ok

by (965k points)
“I am… so tired.” Carl said to Carly.
by (790k points)
by (122k points)

Karin went up the boys

My daughter, Inga is lost. Do you know her?

Also, one of her friends got kidnapped

by (530k points)

Noah gave her a puzzled look.

by (790k points)
what do we dooooo
by (790k points)

Carly looked at Noah,

"Do we help her, can you ask your parents"
(which one is the less strict)

by (530k points)
(The dad is less strict because the mom is more overprotective x3)
by (790k points)

back to the rp

Carly asked Noah's Dad, and she asked him not to tell his mom

by (122k points)
Karin was on her knees, praying and crying.
by (965k points)
“No, I haven’t seen… Inga.” Carl said to Karin.
by (122k points)
Noah is gonna ask his dad if we can go to New York On Train to find her.
by (790k points)

Carly waits with Karin and Carl for Noah

by (790k points)
Where's Noah we cant continue the rp without him s
by (790k points)

We cant continue without you

(is he meant to be slow or wut)
by (530k points)

Noah is standing outside of the train to New York, waiting for his friends.

by (790k points)

Carly ran up to him

"did your dad say yes." she asked him.

by (530k points)

Noah nodded, showing his friend the worn brown bag that contained a few of what he would need for the trip.

"Han ga meg dette!" He explained, beaming.

by (790k points)
let's go
by (122k points)
"what's in the bag" Karin asks
by (122k points)
*waits for Noah*
by (530k points)

Noah shrugs.

by (790k points)
Open the bag
by (530k points)

"Far sa ikke før vi kommer til New York..." replied Noah quietly.

by (790k points)

Later, the train came and Carly sat down next to Noah

"hvordan går det" she asked

by (122k points)

Karin grabbed Noah and yeeted him to a seat at the train

by (790k points)

Don't yeet random kids Karin fear

by (122k points)
Yeeting is great
by (790k points)
by (90.1k points)

Britt warps time-space and stands and watches as Noah get yeeted onto the train car. 

"HeLLo LiTtlE ChilD" She says in a demonic voice as she leans down to look at Noah's face.

by (790k points)
We're goung to Newyork
by (90.1k points)
by (90.1k points)

"FOUND US A HOUSE TO RAID !!!!!!!!!!!!!"

 House Raiding List || House Raiding for the Average Teen

by (790k points)
Aint No way were raiding houses
by (790k points)
I love how nowadays this RP went from strict, to chaos, to dramatic, to chaos and then to chaos again

SHR cycle
by (122k points)

Karin sat with britt and yeeted her

by (790k points)


by (90.1k points)
Britt flew into the sky like a team rocket when they got defeated. Then something behind Karin appered there stood Britt holding a cat "PREPARE FOR TROUBLE." then hold up the cat and says "AND MAKE IT DOUBLE!!!"
by (790k points)
Team rocket in 1800s scandinavia
by (90.1k points)
by (790k points)
hej guys?
by (90.1k points)
by (790k points)
We stopped rping
by (90.1k points)


by (790k points)
ik depression

but SHR is dead
by (122k points)

Restarting the RP

while Karin, Noah and Carly were onboard, they see a young girl who looked like Inga outside. She had scars on her arms and she was waving to her mom

by (530k points)

Noah's eyes lit up with glee. He excitedly pointed outside, jumping up and down in his seat.

by (790k points)

Carly looked at Noah as she walked near him to go to Inga

"hvordan er livet her?" She asked him. "Jovnna forsvant og politiet arresterte henne, og jeg var hjemløs"

by (530k points)

Noah looked at her confusedly. "Hva mener du? Jeg var der, jeg har ikke flyttet fra dere."

by (790k points)
"hvordan det går med familien din?"
by (530k points)

"De er på en annen del av toget," replied Noah.

by (790k points)
"hvorfor er du ikke sammen med dem?"
by (122k points)
Karin grabbed Carly and Noah to the train stop, where she saw Inga.

"Noah, because youre really kind to everyone here, could you help Inga or ask her questions?"

Inga hopped in
by (790k points)

While Carly was homeless, she made a bracelet out of left-over pieces of debris she collected on the Ship for Inga

"Hei" she told Inga "Jeg har gjort deg til en ting"

by (530k points)

Noah called to Inga, running over and striking up a casual conversation so as to not pressure her for questions.

by (122k points)
Did you regret the move? I kinda did
by (530k points)

Noah thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head.

by (790k points)
Me too
by (122k points)

Inga hugged Noah

You were lucky

by (530k points)

Noah smiled, "Jeg tror jeg var," he replied.

Noah looked over to the same part of the train where his parents were.

by (790k points)

Carly followed him.

"How are you guys lucky?" she asked his parents

by (530k points)

Noah wondered why Carly went over to his parents. He just looked over there.

Maybe they knew each other?

by (790k points)

Carly shrugged.

"Jeg trengte å vite hemmeligheten deres" She said

by (122k points)
Yeah Noah, Yeah tell us.
by (90.1k points)

Britt sat in the corner sipping a cup of tea. Watching this all go down.

by (790k points)
by (90.1k points)
Here Ms *hands cup of tea*
by (790k points)
*drinks the tea&
by (90.1k points)
"So how are you everything going well"
by (228k points)
Ulrika walks to Britt and asks for some tea.

"Snalla du, jag skulle vilja nagra te.."
by (790k points)
"Where youre from"
by (228k points)
In swedish:

"I am from Oslo. I am very cold and hungry, so can you spare some change?"

She gives Carly her biggest angel grin.
by (790k points)
Carly gives money

So, how was the ship you went to
by (228k points)
*Anytime Ulrika talks it’s in Swedish btw*

“I thank you for the money. But the ship was horrendous. All the food was spoiled!”
by (790k points)
vad mer hände
by (90.1k points)
"Oh here is some tea. Hold on I will give you some biscuits too. Being on a ship like that must be hard."

Britt grabbed a cup of tea and left to look for some biscuits.

(Can I RP as Britt's mother  and Father they basically look like her but darker shades of blond hair and aren't swedish)
by (228k points)
“Thank you so much. Do you know of a free place I could stay in? I just came from Oslo 2 days ago.”
by (90.1k points)
"You can always stay with me my mother and father won't mind bc we do this all the time! Plus my house is big enough."
by (228k points)
Ulrika gives Britt a huge hug.

by (90.1k points)
"Oh it's no problem my parents adopted me to get away from the discrimination that I would of faced being a Swedish orphan so they would always want to help others like me!"

(Btw what does ur character look like?)
by (228k points)
(Almost white blonde hair, strikingly blue eyes, very pale skin. She’s very beautiful.)

“Your parents are heroes.”
by (90.1k points)


"Ik I am so happy to have them! Also btw we kinda need an excuse to tell the people in town why ur living here or they might be suspicious that something bad is happening. The neighbors are kinda nosey gossipers. Like maybe you could be my family coming over to live here?"

by (228k points)
“Yes, perhaps. I am an orphan, and I had to scrape enough money together to come the America. It is a very different place!”
by (90.1k points)
"Yeah it is... EEEEE I can't believe I made a friend!!!!!"

*Hugs Ulrika*
by (228k points)
Ulrika giggles. She feels a twinge of guilt as she remembers her plan. She is actually started to become fond of Britt.

"So, where is your house?"
by (90.1k points)
"Oh shoot I need to get the carriage!!" *Britt dashed off to the bustling center of town dragging Ulrika along*
by (790k points)

*In Swedish*

Ulrika, my life in on the ship was weird. I fell down and almost died of cholera of hyperthermia

i swear if someone on here brings up the C word I will scream

by (90.1k points)

*drags Carly with her too*

(You just mentioned the C word)

by (228k points)
“Wow. That sounds rough. Meanwhile I almost died of typhoid…”
by (790k points)
womp womp .
How did you survive?
by (228k points)
“I honestly don’t know.. My mother helped me a lot… but….”

Ulrika’s eyes fill with tears.
by (790k points)
Well. I spent 3 days without eating of drinking, I had to breathe toxic fumes
by (228k points)

Ulrika wipes away her tears and prays that nobody saw them. 

“How did you survive?”

by (790k points)
I got rescued. Also my friend Noah was starving. And there was a 'lera outbreak on board
by (228k points)
“Ah. Where’s Noah now?”
by (90.1k points)
"You guys seem to be having a sob story battle."
by (228k points)
Ulrika glares at Britt.

“Well, maybe we’ve been through a lot.”
by (90.1k points)
"Whoa I wasn't trying to be mean"

Britt reaches the small open carriage with one horse that pulls it. She goes around the back talking to a man shorter than her and he jumps up into the carriage and Britt offers Carly and Ulrika to hop on
by (790k points)
by (228k points)

Ulrika jumps but stumbles. She blushes and looks down once she balances herself. 

Ugh. I am so embarrassing….

by (90.1k points)
Britt yells at the driver to start moving  and turns to Carly and Ulrika

"So what brang you to this area?"
by (228k points)
“Sweden had a really bad famine so I had to leave.”
by (228k points)
“Also it didn’t help that my parents passed away.”
by (790k points)
From what
by (228k points)
“Well, my dad got hit by a carriage and my mom, she died of typhoid on the ship like I said earlier..”
by (790k points)

Thats sad

Can you cheer me up :]
by (228k points)
“Yeah it is really sad. But would you like for me to tell you a secret? It is quite funny,” Ulrika says, smiling wide.
by (90.1k points)
"Yeah!!!" says Britt
by (228k points)
"Uh.... I might've stolen food from my best friend back in Oslo. He had A LOT of money and I just... snuck in and he saw me, but I said, 'You are dreaming. Go to sleep.' and he said, 'Okay, Ulrika....' Maybe that was pretty cruel of me.."
by (90.1k points)

Britt looked at Ulrika assessing her

"Well you will never have to steal again now that your living with me!'
by (228k points)

She laughs nervously.
by (90.1k points)
Britt stared at Ulrika
by (228k points)
Ulrika stares back, laughs again and looks away quickly.
by (790k points)
where in the 23andme is Noah
by (228k points)
“I don’t know who he even is. Sooo.”
by (790k points)
Noah is in the void
by (228k points)

We sit in silence, until Britt’s house is in sight.
by (790k points)
*Carly looks around. she sits down with Ulrika and Britt and notices the surroundings*

Carly sees the house and screams

by (530k points)
Noah nods in agreement with Carly.
by (228k points)
“Holy Faroe Islands, why not?”
by (228k points)
Ulrika starts screaming.


She faints right away.
by (530k points)
Noah's eyes get wide as they stare at the fainted girl.
by (965k points)
“Hi guys!” Carl says.
by (790k points)
We were at sea.

Also, I haven't seen the sun for 3 days due to me being locked in a really small space with little food or water . Noah also fell but he was rescued,

(Gotta love how SAIN characters always have to have traumatic times on board. I need to do a SAIN character stereotype)
by (228k points)
Ulrika wakes up.

Her eyes bulge out when she now sees another man in the carriage so she faints again.
by (790k points)
"Hei Carl"

*Carly decides to sleep. she rubs her eyes. She was also starving but she didn't care

the next day Carly wakes up with a fever...
by (122k points)
we need to check on someone-
by (228k points)
Ulrika wakes up in a comfy bed. She looks around and sees a very cute room.
by (790k points)

what is a cute room in the 1800s

anyways im sick hjelp
by (228k points)
“What are you feeling?”
by (790k points)
and I feel like I want to throw up
by (228k points)
“Maybe it’s

Dare I say


She’s interupted by the sound of throwing up.

“Maybe whatever you caught, the others also have..”
by (90.1k points)
(WHERE THE HECK R WE? At my house? Some random persons house?)
by (228k points)
by (90.1k points)
(Ohhhhh They are magic)

Britt burst into the room "YOUR UP!"

*hears the sound of throwing up*

"Oh no not Carly"

She runs over to Carly
by (228k points)
Ulrika suddenly falls on her bed, retching. She throws up all over her dress.

She groans and leans against Carly, knocking her down.
by (790k points)
by (90.1k points)
Brit shreaks and goes pale.

by (228k points)
Ulrika falls down, groaning.

“My stomach hurrrttttttssss!!!!!!”
by (90.1k points)
*rando maid walks in with the doctor*

"Thanks Macy. Doctor they started throwing up help!"
by (790k points)
What do we have?
by (228k points)
Ulrika barfs again, this time on Macy.

“I AM SO SORRY MADAM!!!!” She screams
by (790k points)
But what do we have?
by (90.1k points)
(idk Carly u pick u know more then me just nothing to bad)

Macy doesn't seems to be fazed and she just rubs Ulrika's back as she holds a trashcan to barf in
by (790k points)
You arent doing anything
by (228k points)

She doubles over in pain. Then she collapses.
by (790k points)
*Cries in Typhoid*

(Speaking of Typhoid: at school there's a list of diseases that have happened at school due to the food, and Typhoid was at the list. Mind you I live in 'MERICA
by (90.1k points)
*cries in watching ppl have typhoid*

(Lol that's kinda funny since you live in Texas)
by (790k points)
What does Typhoid have to do in Texas?
by (228k points)

(This is getting dramictic wondering I feel like my character is the most drama queenish character in this RP-)

by (790k points)
*Carly rests*
by (90.1k points)
*Britt glances at Carly sleeping and turns to Ulrika*
by (790k points)
by (228k points)
“BUT HOW CAN SHE GO SOMEWHERE ELSE WHEN IM-“ Ulrika exhales shakily. “DYINNNNNG” she wails
by (790k points)
Carly starts crying
by (790k points)


I missread your comment as "I Think I have Typhoid with who knows how many O's"

I guess we have either very bad 'lera or dysentery.

by (228k points)
by (790k points)
Its bad
by (90.1k points)
"So i'm going to exit this way.... I get you guys some water just listen to what the doctor says."

Britt edges out of the room
by (790k points)
by (122k points)
Pardon but what's Typhoid?
by (790k points)
by (90.1k points)
by (790k points)
by (965k points)
Wait, what is typhoid?
by (790k points)
by (90.1k points)
by (122k points)
by (790k points)
by (228k points)
Ulrika whispers, “typhoid.” then giggles.
by (790k points)
by (90.1k points)
by (790k points)
Stop yapping
by (90.1k points)
by (790k points)
by (90.1k points)
by (228k points)
“It’s a bad sickness that makes people oof. “
by (790k points)
Every disease ever
by (122k points)
Whats a typhoid
by (965k points)
It’s the 1800’s version of a Polaroid.
by (790k points)

"Guys Im taking a photo with my typhoid skull"

by (90.1k points)
by (790k points)
by (228k points)
ME TOO WAIT WTH (what the heck) IS A SELFI-
by (965k points)
*Another One Bites The Dust intensifies*
by (790k points)
by (965k points)
Carl spawns a cholera plush.

“Guys, it’s my new cholera plush! Get yours today, at that store, uh, over there!”

Carl points to the skibidi toilet store.
by (790k points)
Carly destroys the plush agresively

*That thing killed my brother*
by (965k points)
Carl pulls out a typhoid-branded Polaroid.
by (790k points)
This is 1800s
by (90.1k points)
"OOOOOOoooooooooooo can I have one"

say Britt
by (228k points)

Since this is the 1800s, why is there even skibidi skull

by (530k points)
This is why I left.
by (790k points)
Famous last words.
by (965k points)
We brought all this to the 1800’s. That’s why.
by (790k points)
Carl is a time traveller?
by (965k points)
Dude, we all are.
by (790k points)
My mom thinks my SHR persona is my past life
by (965k points)
by (790k points)
by (90.1k points)
by (790k points)
Proove it
by (90.1k points)
ago by (90.1k points)
this is so dead
ago by (790k points)
0 votes
by (790k points)
Guys we need Noah to save the rp
0 votes
by (790k points)
Why in the sigma is everyome suddenly talking about typhoid
0 votes
by (228k points)

Can I join :3


AGE : 15


COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE (You can also put non-independent areas like Faroe Islands and Sápmi) : Sweden


OTHER : She is chaotic, weird, shy but likes to interact, friendly and sarcastic

by (790k points)
by (228k points)
0 votes
by (790k points)
this is so nostalgic-
by (161k points)
I technically revived this-
0 votes
by (790k points)
I actually forgot about SHR
by (161k points)
Wait is it dead again
by (790k points)
0 votes
by (790k points)

to celebrate the return of SHR, I decided to do an SHR draw the squad, so if you are a former or current member, please tell me what spot are you, and the physical attributes of your character

I am gonna the one on the edge just staring at the s h a r k

by (530k points)
Noah will either be the one holding the guy up, or the one with the paddle looking at the shark weird x3
by (790k points)
physical descriptions?
by (530k points)
Check my answer for descriptions, and also check out the AI posts you've made where I have mentioned that that's what I want him to look like x3
by (790k points)
Dont forge when you called him handsome

HE IS 8-
by (90.1k points)

Britt is the one pushing off the person into the water I realized I didn't tell you he alingment


She has Medium Blond Hair, 6' 1", green eyes, very pale, heart shaped head, and almond eyes. Her hair goes down to the middle of her back.

by (790k points)
by (90.1k points)

Britt at the start of SHR would be the person standing up but now she is pushing somebody to their death.
by (790k points)
Was she on the ship?
(IK you arrived early)
by (90.1k points)
No, the start for me was later
by (790k points)
but if you joined earlier, were you on the same ship or a diferent ship?
(I banned the word "Ship" because everybody kept spamming to a new roleplayer that we were on a ship)
by (90.1k points)
I beleave we are in the USA in that case Britt was just a baby when she came here but her parents died from a desease so this woman hoping to get her away from the discrimination adopted her into the family saying she was her chid who came from England recently but she speaks.
by (790k points)
so she's Norwegian but got adopted by an English woman
by (90.1k points)
by (790k points)
understandable have a nice day
by (90.1k points)
Y tu
by (790k points)
Wait what did Britt's parents die of-
0 votes
by (122k points)
by (790k points)
by (530k points)
+1 vote
by (530k points)
I think the reason why I quietly left was because I felt like I was the only one taking this seriously.

Among other reasons.
by (790k points)
Yes you where

You were a legend, hope Noah was doing well
by (530k points)
He is.

I will reconsider joining and starting this back up if you are willing to, but I want us to take this more seriously.
by (790k points)
Okay, I will try
When will you rejoin
by (122k points)
I will try

by (530k points)
Thanks, guys :]

I can rejoin whenever. When will we start?
+1 vote
by (790k points)
lets hold the SHR funeral here
by (122k points)

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