+11 votes
in Memes For Kids by (529k points)

Would you be so kind...

Can you please...

Do you  t h i n k  you can...

Make me a sandwhi—

Joking x3

Describe me as a meme, please :]

nobodyimportant out—

4 Answers

0 votes
by (795k points)
Best answer

Nobi if she dosen't end her comments in "x3" (Except her serious comments)

by (529k points)
I feel like I am compelled to end it with something humorous! I may have mild OCD x3
by (795k points)
+1 vote
by (115k points)

nobi as a meme:

a beautiful human sitting on her computer with the caption (obvi in those giant white meme letters) 'that one girl who expresses everything on her computer'

dont take this the wrong way i swear its not supposed to be depressing

by (529k points)
Not sure I get it...

But thank you x3

Is there any way you can input a picture?
by (795k points)
Can you make me a meme adi?
by (115k points)

@ Nobi I literally I have no idea where I would find a meme like that lol

@ Carly that one girl who is obsessed with that one thing that goes unnoticed but then actually makes it noticed

idk how to make memes pls don't take this the wrong way either

+1 vote
by (529k points)

Slight boost. Don't know why these go unnoticed :[

by (967k points)
Because no one can make memes out of users, I guess?
+2 votes
by (967k points)

I can make you a sandwich, but not a meme.

envelopeThis is the closest thing I can find to a sandwich.

by (115k points)



by (967k points)
(I was deliberately putting the wrong emoji…)
by (795k points)
Mmm Envelope Sandwich

Yum! Paper cuts!
by (99.7k points)



I didn't just do that-

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