+13 votes
in Fiction by (529k points)

Chapter 25

Nicolas could feel the weight of guilt on his chest as he glanced back and forth between Azure and the floor. Him and his friends were walking back from Math class, and Zachary was complaining about the headache he was suffering from the subject.

"Arghhh! I could sue this camp for their cruel and unusual punishments!" He declared, gripping his head in exaggerated agony. Patton looked at him and smiled his same old smile. Azure, obviously, didn't think her brother was being funny. "It's not a 'cruel and unusual punishment,' it's education!" she retorted through her teeth. Nicolas knew that her annoyance didn't just stem from Zachary being overdramatic—it was because Nicolas had fallen asleep during their study time, and she takes that time very seriously.

Ravi was engulfed in yet another book he held in his left hand, playing with a squishy red ball in his other. Nicolas looked over at him and noticed that his pupils often flicked along through the pages he swiftly turned with his finger. Ravi glanced up from his book and arched his eyebrows, "Something wrong?" he asked Nicolas.

"No, no," replied Nicolas hastily, "I was just wondering how you read your books so quickly..."

Ravi smirked, putting his squishy ball away in his coat and then raising his hand to his face to adjust his glasses. "I've been devouring my books since I was a little baby," he said, "...at least that's what my parents tell me. I think you can, too, if you want to. I know fellow brainiacs when I see them, and believe me, you and Azure have definitely got the aura of it." The hand that used to hold the squishy ball then jumped, as if from muscle memory, to the book and flew through the pages once again until stopping on one. Ravi the entire page out loud, without looking down.

"Daro mat, bhai, kyunki mere paas aapke khilaaf kuchh bhi nahi hai main keval yahi chahta hoon ki ramati meri dalilen sunen... shayad, ek baar ke liye, mujhe jawab den?

He suddenly shut the book, giving Nicolas a start. As Ravi put the book away into his coat, he frowned. "Nicolas, you do not seem as confident as when I met you," he said to him. "Ever since yesterday, you've been very jumpy and, visibly, very tired. Is something wrong?"

Nicolas shook his head, continuing to brush off the fact that, deep down inside of him, he felt a dark orb of angst, guilt, and confusion bubbling up, waiting to crawl out from his soul and wreak havoc on the outside. He wasn't going to give it attention. If he mentioned it, it would be real, and he couldn't let that happen. He took in a deep breath, internally convinced himself that he was mentally stable, and sped up his walking pace, leaving those who worry about him farther back.

He felt a hand hook his arm, suddenly pulling him back. He snapped his head around to meet the eyes of Azure, holding his arm and staring at him with fed up eyes. She pointed to a door with letters right above it that said "Science". Nicolas felt embarrassed, but refused to show it, and instead he snatched his arm away from her and stormed into the classroom with a belligerent expression on his face. He husked over to his chair and quietly sat in it informally. He then ran his fingers through his hair, his leg bouncing frantically.

He struggled to avert his eyes from his friends'. He knew that they were staring at him with utmost contempt. But who wouldn't? He acted churlish because he wanted to avoid their help. He had made up his mind that they couldn't aid in his internal battle... It was their fault for wanting to. They asked for curtness.

Professor Goldman came in looking as unpleasant as ever. Nicolas slowly adjusted his position to a formal one, so as to not look scared into changing by her. She scanned the room with judging eyes. "Let us get to work," she said sharply.

Nicolas avoided looking at his friends for the remainder of the class, although, he could feel eyes glance at him every now and then.

End of Chapter


Hope you enjoyed! Tell me what you think about it in the comments and answers!

nobodyimportant out—

3 Answers

0 votes
by (302k points)
Best answer
i rlly need to get into this book.

can you post a link to the first, second and third ones?

by (529k points)

Here are all of the chapters so far!

I of course need to add this chapter to the list and update it, but for now, enjoy :D
Thank you for reading my story, I really appreciate it :]

0 votes
by (137k points)

(Wow the latest response possible)

That was an interesting font change, may I know why?

Also, I just got to reading this and I do really like it.

by (529k points)
I wanted to make that paragraph stand out, because it shows him doing what people who can't handle their feelings usually do: try to push them away, and, in turn, push others away.

Also, it's fine. I'm waiting until I get a burst of inspiration to do my next chapter, so, in a sense, we're both late x3
by (137k points)
I was also inquiring about the continuation beyond that paragraph, as the font changes into something different. But I can see that it wasn't intentional now.
by (529k points)
No, it was intentional. I wanted only that paragraph to stand out x3
by (137k points)
kkayy, if you say so.
0 votes
by (116k points)
I wonder if KS actually reads all of this, or if they have detector they put the text though when they approve the post.
by (529k points)
If they do read this, I hope they like it x3

Also... Do you like my story? Have you been reading it?
by (116k points)
Yes, I do like it and have been reading it.

You could make money off of this!
by (529k points)
Thank you so much! I actually didn't expect you to be a viewer, but my confidence about it has increased now that I have more readers like you, Joel, and Pizza reading my stuff :]

I've actually been thinking of pen names in case I do decide to become an author when I grow up :D

It's a bit hard, though x3
by (116k points)
Well, I think you should definetly be an author whether it's part time, or your main job.

You are very good at making, and writing stories.
by (529k points)
I try, I really do x3

I'm trying not to get too wordy, while also trying to describe the scenes as well as I can. That can be difficult x]

I'm glad people appreciate my efforts! I hope Everpane's fanbase grows along with my ever-improving skills! Who knows, maybe when I'm an adult, I'll revisit this and revise it so that I can publish it for the world to see :D

Thank you so much for your kind feedback, I really appreciate it, Shred :]
by (116k points)


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