+7 votes
in Other by (116k points)
Why don't you have one?

Too young?

Too lazy?

Your parents won't let you?

To keep my answers, comments and  questions private

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (90.1k points)
None of my parents know I have my own email seperate from the one my parents gave me...

They never found out till this day and prob never will....

I also had a different acc before this but lost the password
by (90.1k points)
It really easy just go to google press accounts then add then click make new account!
+2 votes
by (34.4k points)
well i used to not too bc I actually use kt on my school computer.
+4 votes
by (155k points)
My mom doesn’t know that I use Kidztalk, and given some of the sensitive topics here, if I came to her asking to register, she would go through this site and, knowing her, would tell me no. She watches my email and stuff too so it’s pointless to try. THANKFULLY I use a “safe kids engine” app thingy to look things up, and it doesn’t have a search history thingy.

I could try one day to create an email my mom doesn’t know about and register, but thats a little risky.
by (116k points)
Uh oh......
by (155k points)
Dw I doubt I’d get in big trouble if she found out although she’d probably stop my use of kidztalk :))))))))
Thats the same with me!!!
by (3.6k points)
What 'safe website thingy?'? I have family link so my dad has to approve every site I use, and it would be really nice to not have to do that and use it instead. Also creating an email is quite a long process.
by (155k points)
It’s an app called Kidos. It pretty much just uses Kidzsearch to look things up, but through an app instead of google or safari. I’m unsure if you can use just a thing like Kidos on a computer though, cause normally you’d access the kids stuff with google or whatever.

Thanks regular_smile I'll try it

+2 votes
by (530k points)

Nunya busine—

I'm so just kidding x3

I've explained this a million times and don't really feel like doing it again zzz


by (790k points)
We get it, Your magical Kevin drowned your email in a bunch of spam links for free cars from some secret virus
by (530k points)

Thank you for understanding a-=(

+2 votes
Im scared to ask my Mom.
+3 votes
too lazy XDD and also too new
by (540k points)
Parents wont let me.
by (114k points)
makes sense

*me over here who stayed on kt without an account for 3 months before making one*

Ive been for two weeks
by (965k points)
I used KidzTalk without an account for 4 months. I didn’t get an account because I wasn’t very active at that time.
by (540k points)
by (167k points)
I got an account right when I joined KT.
by (790k points)
I was accountless for 8 months as AutisticVikingQueen and then I joined as Nordic_Genealogist on 9/17/2023
by (965k points)
You mean August 17?
by (167k points)
23andme minutes ago
by (540k points)
no she means september 17th
by (965k points)
If you click on her profile, it says that she created an account on August 17.
by (167k points)
by (965k points)
24 seconds ago!
by (167k points)
40 minutes ago!
by (965k points)
39 minutes ago!
by (790k points)
51 years ago!
by (167k points)
1 hour ago!
by (116k points)
9 hours ago!
by (790k points)
2 hours ago!
by (965k points)
32 minutes ago!
by (167k points)
1 hour ago! (duplicate)
by (965k points)
42 minutes ago!

(Guys let’s create the longest comment string of this on KT)
by (790k points)
No, SHR is
by (965k points)
29 minutes ago!
by (167k points)
7 minutes ago!
by (965k points)
15 minutes ago!
by (167k points)
37 seconds ago!
by (965k points)
44 minutes ago!
by (167k points)
13 minutes ago!
by (965k points)
5 minutes ago!
by (167k points)
15 minutes ago! Again!
by (540k points)
by (965k points)
8 minutes ago!
by (167k points)
14 miutes ago!
by (167k points)
24 minutes ago!
by (965k points)
37 minutes ago!
by (116k points)
50 minutes ago!
by (167k points)
18 minutes ago!
by (116k points)

44 minutes ago!

by (965k points)
22 minutes ago!
by (167k points)
23(andme) minutes ago!
by (167k points)
1 hour ago! Again!
by (965k points)
1 hour ago! Yet again!
by (167k points)
1 hour ago! Yet yet again!
by (965k points)
50 minutes ago! Again!
by (116k points)

9 hours ago!

by (790k points)
by (540k points)
My inbox is flooding srtop it
by (965k points)
31 minutes ago!
by (116k points)

2 hours ago!

by (167k points)

23andwho minutes ago!

by (116k points)

40 minutes ago!

by (167k points)
4 minutes ago!
by (116k points)
1 minute ago!
by (167k points)
33 seconds ago!
by (116k points)
3 minutes ago!
by (167k points)
1 minute ago! Again!
by (965k points)
34 minutes ago!
by (116k points)
41 minutes ago!
by (167k points)
2 hours!
by (965k points)
2 hours ago! Again!
by (167k points)
52 minutes ago!
by (116k points)
13 hours ago!
by (167k points)
3 hours ago!
by (116k points)

1 hour ago!

by (167k points)
31 minutes ago! Again!
by (155k points)

37 minutes ago jawdrop

by (116k points)

23and me minutes ago!

by (965k points)
2 hours ago yet again!
by (167k points)
42 minuts ago!
by (965k points)
2 hours ago! (Why is it always 2 hours)
by (167k points)
Something, cause something is the answer to everything. But now it's 1 hour ago!
by (116k points)

9 hours ago!

by (965k points)
4 hours ago!
by (167k points)
4 hours!
by (167k points)
1 hour! Like always!
by (965k points)
1 hour! Why though... and I need a serious answer.
by (116k points)

1 hour!

by (167k points)
It is always always 2 hours. Like it is now: 2 hours ago!
by (965k points)
2 hours, again! Always!
by (167k points)
But now it's 3 hours ago!
by (116k points)
13 hours!
by (167k points)
Why is it always 2 hours ago
by (116k points)

2 hours!

by (965k points)

39 minutes ago!

by (167k points)
1 hour

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