+7 votes
in Choleral Carly Chronicles by (790k points)

  • jumps from the endless void of IKEA*

Hej Vikings.


song of the day. (Cool Faroese Viking song)

It's me. Carly. Welcome to entry 39 of Viking Diaries.

Now, Ads. Ads are how free websites earn money. Some are weird, some are annoying, some are downright disturbing but appearently the ads I get are just strange

Ok, Storytime. Yesterday was Friday, January 5 2024. Just as I arrived home, I ate lunch, I took a bath, I did my homework and at around 6pm I got my phone. I decided to do what I do most of the time on my phone, Watch Youtube

I was basically watching some interviews with the cast of the 2021 adaption of The Emigrants. You know, the franchise of books and movies about 19th century Swedish Immigrants in Minnesota that I litteary won’t stop talking about about because well, Autistic canon even (we Autistics are into the weirdest things ever) -t, well guess what Ad I got.




They're either clothes for babies or clothes for seniors.  I get stuff like "Im not crying im ordering dinner" or "Being a grandma dosent make me old, it makes me blessed"  **I want to see clothes targeted at teen girls who are into Scandinavian countries, art and history. I want to see “I survived the Kalmar Union” or “This is what an Awesome Autistic Girl who’s into Scandinavia looks like” 

Now, Viking Diaries 32# is where I talk about my concerns with Temu, I feel like Temu clothes have lead and other dangerous things in them, but no matter what I am watching I always get Temu ads. Youtube let me watch The Emigrants in piece.

Not only that...I. GET RETIREMENT ADS. I am not even in highschool, I am almost 14 and in the 7th grade.  Why do I get retirement ads? WHY.

I should be getting littearly ads for something else.. I SHOULD BE GETTING ADS ABOUT MOVING TO NORWAY N’STUFF

Those 2 things have nothing to do with what I watch on Youtube. I watch stuff like art supply reviews, Nordic history documeantries and other stuff that’s either art or Scandinavia (I littearly woke up and decided to watch a documeantry on the great Northern war because whynot :D My brain at that time was like "time to learn about the most important war in Swedish history instead of do productivity)

Anyways, hope your saturday is as cool as Greenland. I have to go to my cousin Claudia's birthday party. She's 11 now :0

Ha det, Färval, Báze Dearvan, Hyvästi whatever youre cool

- Carly

7 Answers

+1 vote
by (122k points)
Best answer
Weird ad syndrome
by (790k points)


+1 vote
I get ads for gacha....

I don't even watch gacha!!
by (790k points)
+1 vote
by (228k points)

This song is so pretty rock

by (790k points)
+1 vote
by (550k points)
I think there is downloadable ad blocking software
by (965k points)
That’s what I use.
+1 vote
by (167k points)
by (790k points)
by (167k points)
0 votes
by (790k points)
+1 vote
by (965k points)
Google ads be like to you: “OK, Boomer”

Apparently Google (i’m assuming you’re getting google ads) thinks you’re an uncool boomer because you love Scandinavia, so they shove you Temu ads and retirement ads.
by (790k points)

The Emigrants is a boomer movie skull

by (965k points)
You aren’t a preppy? You’re an automatic boomer.
by (790k points)
Nihara is a boomer as well then
by (167k points)
And I am too.
by (790k points)
SAINing will make you go from 14 to 80 fast
by (167k points)
so will researching on a bunch of random magnets
by (965k points)
Wait, that also means I’m a boomer. And all of my friends are boomers.


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