+12 votes
in Important Studios by (529k points)

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Not criniging today

Anyways, I would like to tell you about my goal for KT.

I would like—maybe even love—to get five hundred thousand points and more. I've come to the conclusion that the way to achieve my goal is to kindly ask for assistance in getting there.

So... Will you pleas help me get 500k+ points? It would mean the world to me; I would be able to half half a million points and, one day in the near future of that point, reach Pumpkin.

This is not in any way shape of form a beg, I am kindly asking you to help propel me in a direction towards my goal, and if you do not want to (and I mean if you really don't feel like it) then I accept that, and I wouldn't like you to think that I am in need of this and force yourself to do something that you don't want to do. I also do not want you guys to think that I am trying to easily surpass any of you, and I would feel bad if the opportunity was just given to me without any real history of having an account on here. With that being said, I am probably contradicting myself by asking for help and at the same time trying to ward off too much help.

Do not help me if you think this is cheating. I hate feeling bad.

Love ya'll,

nobodyimportant out—

Sure, I'll help you get to 500k (16 votes, 94%)
You're just being given this on a silver platter, while other users had to actually be active all of the time. No, I will not help you. (1 vote, 6%)

7 Answers

+1 vote
by (529k points)
To the person who picked the latter choice: may you please reveal yourself? I haven't seen a person on this post who has not been willing to help me.
0 votes
If I had an account I would help.

( PS you've only got 200,000 more to go.)
by (529k points)
It's fine, and thanks for reminding me :]
0 votes
by (550k points)
selecting a answer as best gives youI beleive 30 points
by (529k points)
Thank you, I'll do that :]
by (550k points)
The checkmark
by (550k points)
It is fine. When I first started I didn't realize MC is Minecraft. Took me about a month on here to reali
+1 vote
by (162k points)
I have already gone through your questions and upvoted all of them but any new ones I'll try to upvote in my free time :)
by (529k points)
Thank you so much, I sincerely appreciate it, really! :]
by (162k points)
0 votes
by (550k points)
When I get home I'll upvote all/ most of your questions. If you upvote mine
by (529k points)
Zank you very much, MCN :D
+1 vote
by (167k points)
by (529k points)
by (167k points)
+1 vote
by (795k points)
Also could u check my story
by (529k points)
Thank you, and absolutely :]


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