+5 votes
in Other by (3.0k points)
I'm whant to make a blog. but idk how. dos enyone know??????


- PUGgirl11
I know (5 votes, 83%)
idk (1 vote, 17%)

4 Answers

0 votes
by (266k points)
Hi! There are two ways:

1.) Unofficial blogs. I've seen several of these, and you basically make a post about whatever you want, but then add the "____'s blog" at the end of the title.

2.) Official blogs. You have to ask KT personally, and you must have a certain amount of points to get one. I believe it's 10,000 points? Anyways, they'll ask you what you'd like it to be named, and then BOOM! They'll create it and you've got your own little corner of the internet!

Hope this helped!
by (167k points)
Its 1k points (To get a official blog)
by (965k points)
It’s 1k points for registered users, or be active for unregistered users.
by (266k points)
Oh okay! Mb then :)

I thought 10,000 was kinda high!
by (3.0k points)
0 votes
by (167k points)
Ask KS for one
0 votes
by (541k points)
So u go in the ask kidz search staff section, u say kt can I have a blog, then they will take a bit to reply but they will say here is ur blog, and first u have to give ur blog a name like puppyworld then say:

Hi kidz search can I please have a blog called:


And they will reply. Here is your blog the word blog will be clickable then, u click on it and make ur first official post on there!!!!

Hope this helps!!!! !!!! !!!!


0 votes
by (790k points)
ask Kidztalk

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