+6 votes
in Fanfiction by (6.0k points)


This series contains: LGBTQ+ characters and relationships, romance, some violence, possibly inaccurate writing of disabled characters, and, of course, possible cringe. If this triggers you, or someone else who may see this, feel free to click off at any time (or just don't let that one homophobic, ableist cousin find you reading my works).

The characters in this series are not owned by me. They all legally belong to Nintendo, the creators of the Pikmin games. Please do not assume they are mine.

Thank you for reading this. Have a nice day. :)

- Charlie (not the captain)

Next: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/228785/tales-from-the-koppaites-chapter-1-pikmin-3-fanfic



It was a quiet night on the alien planet. A dark blue sky, marbled gray with silver wisps of cloud and dotted by glimmering stars, hung over the landscape, as their moon observed the terrain the way a mother watched her child as they frolicked in the grass, a gentle and loving presence. The peaceful sound of leaves rustling, however, was frequently disturbed by the growls of hungry beasts. Red eyes gleamed from the shadows and watched as a pair of miniscule figures wandered through the land, followed by a group of even tinier creatures.

Olimar pushed away a gargantuan blade of grass as his Red and Yellow Pikmin chirped anxiously. The built-in alarm installed in his suit had been dinging quietly for quite some time now, but between the treasure he'd been trying to carry, and the pair of Burrowing Snagrets that had popped up out of nowhere, getting home had taken quite some time. Behind him, Louie kicked at the dust, his face locked in its usual bored, hungry look. He watched as the last Quenching Emblem was brought to the Hocotate ship and carried up into its internal storage room.

He left the grassy cover, knowing any nearby enemies would have come out by now, and approached the ship. The Pikmin rushed to their Onions, crawling up their spindly yellow-green legs and into the bulbous structures that they called home. Olimar and Louie then took off from the planet's surface, blasting off into the cosmos with the Onions in tow.

Olimar enabled autopilot and walked down to the ship's 'living room', where Louie sat alone, munching on what looked like both a large sandwich and a bowl of mac & cheese. "At this rate, kid, you're gonna make both of us starve," he said, hands on his hips. His unwilling companion grumbled something incoherent and went to his sleeping quarters, carrying his meals with him. Sighing, Olimar sat down on one of the hard light blue cylinders they used as seats, eating a salad (his wife had told him he needed to lose weight). He looked across the room at the photo of him and his family, and sadness crept through him.

He looked away. *Just a few more days on this planet,* he thought. *And after that, we'll probably have collected enough treasure to eliminate the debt that the President got us into. And I'll finally go home and see them again.* Finishing off his salad, he stood up and headed towards his bedroom.

However, as he approached the slightly dented steel door, a muffled sound caught him off guard. It was an explosion - the last two times he'd crashed had taught him that. *That can't be good.* He didn't know if any others were aware of the planet's existence, but if someone else knew...

"Hey, Louie!" he called. "Did you hear that?"

No response. Olimar should have known. He stepped inside his room and snuggled up into his cozy cryobag. But sleep was a long time coming, as he couldn't shake the feeling that, somewhere out there, for some other person, things had gone dangerously, horribly wrong.


Background Info

TFtK is made up mostly from canon and partially from some of my own opinions and headcanons surrounding Pikmin 3. Here's some things you may want to know for this:

- Olimar has been on the planet for about 4 1/2 weeks now. Him and Louie are paying off a debt caused by the President's reckless actions.

- The sound he heard was the Koppaites crashing, in case you didn't realize that already.

- Most of the characters are somewhere in their 20's. The only exception is Olimar, whose age is somewhere in the late 30's or early 40's.

Thanks for reading the first part of my story! I hope you enjoy this as much as I do :)

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