+5 votes
in Fanfiction by (6.1k points)

Note that there are several minorities that will be represented within this story. If at any point you feel like I am portraying something incorrectly, please let me know what it is and I'll try to fix it. Thank you, and happy reading.

First: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/228739/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-series-prologue

Next: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/229348/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-series-chapter-3

Go to the first one for the warnings :)


Chapter 2

*Oh. My. Lord.*

Alph felt as if he were going to explode from the pure rush of excitement. Charlie had been his icon since they'd been in kindergarten. The slightly older, infinitely braver Koppaite didn't seem to fear anything, not even that one time there had been an earthquake in the area. In fact, rumor had it that he'd saved two of his classmates from a chunk of drywall that had come loose - and Alph, of course, believed it. And now his hero was standing here, right in front of him? He could feel himself shaking from joy.

He dashed forward and immediately began bombarding him with compliments. "Holy cow, it's really you! Remember me? From elementary school? Oh, you probably don't. Well, that doesn't matter, because you're the best! I wish I were as cool as you!" he said, squeezing him tight.

"Uh... thanks," Charlie mumbled, patting Alph awkwardly on the head.

"What's going on here?"

A third voice sounded from the entrance. Leaning against the doorframe was what Alph guessed to be their third group member. She had medium-length, bright pink hair, tiny glasses perched upon her pointy nose, and a pink-and-white suit, similar to theirs, but with a more feminine design. The third member glared at them with a mean look on her face, although she seemed to be focused on Charlie.

She rolled her eyes and walked into the room. "Looks like you've gotten yourself yet another fangirl, Charlie. GREAT JOB." Then she turned to Alph. "So you're the man in blue. I thought you'd come in around this time. What's your name?"

"I'm Alph!" he said. "I'm assuming you know Charlie?"

"Yeah, I've been stuck with him since day one here. The name's Brittany. I'm a botanist. And since he's captain - unfortunately - that means YOU'RE our engineer. I hope you know what you're doing!"

"Of course I do! I spent a lot of time with my grandpa Drake when I was younger. I know all sorts of stuff from him! I think he designed a bunch of the ships here! One of them is-"

A loud alarm sound began blaring from a speaker located in one of the room's top corners, interrupting Alph's speech.

"Looks like it's lunchtime," Charlie commented. "We'll show you to the cafeteria. Right, Brittany?" he added, nudging her with his elbow.

"Yes, yes we will," she grumbled, covering her face with her hands. "Come on, Alph, let's get out of here. This noise is bursting my eardrums."

And so Group 404 left for an energizing meal, unaware of what was going on just a few halls away.


Thinking of a good ending for this chapter was hard. Unfortunately, my mind blanked out, so you're gonna have to settle for this. Sorry, guys.

I'll be honest - I REALLY don't like Brittany. She's extremely toxic towards Charlie, and most of the community keeps overlooking how mean she is. Louie isn't a great person either, but at least he was INTENDED to be a villain.

If you prefer one of the other captains, don't worry! I'll be switching around the POV character frequently.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (303k points)
. . . .

im speechless. it gets better, and BETTER.

and, i still love Alph x3


anyways, i love it so much, this and Everpane have just- MMMMMM-
by (530k points)
You might be happy to hear that I've been working on chapter 27!

Because of my long hiatus, I hope you think it still has that "MMMMM!" x3
by (6.1k points)
Yeah, Alph's probably going to be featured more in this series. Brittany's generally a good person in this series, but she's pretty toxic, mostly towards Charlie. Chapter 3 may take a while, because it reloaded 3: Thanks for reading!
0 votes
by (530k points)
Another great chapter! I feel like I could learn a lot from you. I have a hard time describing things the way I picture them in my head (mostly because it's not all there inside my head either), and I frequently feel like I'm over-describing things.

You have a more simplistic, painting-all-of-the-picture-without-too-many-words approach, which I admire and think is cool!

If you have time, or if you just want to, do you mind reading my story called Everpane? Maybe you could give me tips on how to better my writing.

If you don't, I understand.

This wasn't intended to be so long, sorry x3
by (6.1k points)
I'd love to read your story! Thanks! :) I usually try to describe scenery or characters in one paragraph, with some adjectives sprinkled in. That way, it makes the different parts feel more organized, and I'm not just adding parts of their description in different sections of the story unless needed.
by (530k points)
Thank you! If you check my blog called "Important Studios" and scroll down until you see "All Everpane Chapters BOOK ONE" (or something along those lines) you'll have access to all of the chapters I've done so far :D

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