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in Fanfiction by (6.1k points)

First: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/228739/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-series-prologue

Next: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/230375/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-fanfic-chapter-5

Alph is cute <3


Chapter 4

For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stop.

Alph couldn't believe it. HIS team - Team 404, out of every one of them - had been selected for an expedition that could save their planet. Everything was still and silent as this rush of information went through him.

Then the cheering began.

A swarm of Koppaites began showering him and the other two with compliments. There was "You're so lucky!" and "Good luck out there!" and "I wish I were you guys!". He even thought he heard a few offers to switch teams.

"Aww, thanks," he said, blushing.

"YEAHHHHHHH!" Brittany shouted. "TAKE THAT, YOU INSECURE DUST-BRAINS!" She continued to mock Don Bergman and Nelle, who scoffed, offended.

Alph went quiet, soaking in the remarks. HIS team had been chosen. HIM, Brittany, and Charlie would explore uncharted terrain.

Soon, HE would help save the world.


Packing up was quite fast for Alph - he hadn't even had to take anything. The rest of his crew was getting ready; Brittany applying some makeup, Charlie carefully stacking his rubber ducky on top of a massive heap of pamphlets. The trio quickly finished what they were doing, and within minutes, they all stood in front of the S.S. Drake.

Brittany was the first to board. She cast a smug glance at Nelle, who glared at her from the back of the crowd. Charlie followed quickly, waving his goodbyes to the citizens of Koppai.

Alph stood still. He was ecstatic, but most of his excitement had faded into anxiety. He stared up at the round ship, named for his grandfather, and felt... homesick? Afraid? He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Someone patted him on the back. He turned around. Yorke stood behind him with an encouraging smile on his face. "You ready, little bro?"

"Not really..." he admitted. "It's kind of a lot."

"Hey." Yorke knelt down so they were around the same height, rested his hands on Alph's shoulders, and looked him in the eyes. "You're a smart kid, Alph. I'm sure you'll be fine. Now, who's ready to make everyone proud?"

Alph's eyes shone. "I am!" he exclaimed, pumping a fist.

"Great. Now go join your team." Yorke stood up, and Alph dashed onto the S.S. Drake.

"What was the holdup?" Brittany commented, leaning against the wall.

"Oh, nothing," he said, turning to Charlie. "We ready, Captain?"

"We sure are! Liftoff in three... two... one..."

Charlie pulled down the launch lever, and within seconds, the ship's engines were powering up, blasting them off the ground.

As they flew towards orbit, Alph stared down at Koppai through the window, eyes wide and sparkling.

*This is it. This is really happening. I'm going to be a hero!*


Thanks for reading this! - Charlie

1 Answer

0 votes
by (530k points)
I'm so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry for not seeing this days ago. But I'm happy I saw it now, and man, was this great!

I'm going to go read the rest, now x3
by (6.1k points)
Alright! Ur good :D
by (530k points)
Zank you :]

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