+6 votes
in Worm's Colorful Blog by (303k points)

let me know if you like it!!!


Nobi was walking to training when a familiar face stopped her, “hey, Nobi!” Shikamaru ran up to her, “do you know how to use a shuriken?

“Nobi tapped her chin, “no, I don’t, come to think of it...” Shikamaru tucked his hands into his pockets, do you want to know how?” he said, sounding quite deadpan, “let me teach you.” He took her wrist and lead her to a row of targets nobi picked one of the stars out of his hand and she stood in front of the targets, “like this?” She tried to fling the star and it failed, landing on the floor.

Shikamaru laughed. Nobi’s eyes went partially wide, nobody had seen him smile or let alone laugh before.

Nobi picked up the star and Shikamaru came up behind her, “may I touch your elbow?”

Nobi’s face turned a light shade of pink, “y-yeah, sure.” He lifted her elbow to an angle, then slightly kicked one of her feet, putting her into a strange stance, “now, center your vision, and keep your eyes on the target.” Shikamaru put his head beside Nobi’s face and Nobi suddenly found it hard to focus.

She took a deep breath and flung the shuriken; it lands square in the middle of the target. A wide smile spread across her face, and she jolted around and hugged Shikamaru out of nowhere. Shikamaru was at first shocked then hugged Nobi back. Nobi pulled away now, quite embarrassed. “Hey, Shikamaru, your session starts now!” Shikamaru’s sensei called. He turned to Nobi and pecked her on the cheek, “see you later, Nobi!” he ran off leaving Nobi with one of his shuriken and butterflies in her stomach.


i hope i did good!!


5 Answers

0 votes
by (530k points)
Best answer

Ah, yes.

You did very well, my fren :]

I honestly do kind if like it when tough guys soften up around certain people and will only stop being mean for them, but I also like funny and nice people :D

by (303k points)

yeah, thats why i love him x3

0 votes
by (71.3k points)

(reminds me of some c!tntduo fanfics I used to read)

by (303k points)
by (71.3k points)
0 votes
by (790k points)

can i has a fanfic

by (303k points)
about who?


if so who with?
by (790k points)
About me
Just me-
And chaos
0 votes
by (161k points)

Eeeeeeee made me feel uncomfortable

Still good

do mine :D

by (530k points)

May I ask why you're uncomfortable x3

by (303k points)
why did it make you uncomfortable---
by (161k points)
Im just not used to a fanfic about another user lol

As Major Payne said when Tiger hugged him,

“It makes me feel funny”
0 votes
by (206k points)
Good job do mine next
by (303k points)
i will, i will!!!
whats your sexuality tho?!?
by (206k points)
I dont know yet. But for now I think I'm a girl
by (303k points)
can i ship you with a anime character 0-0
by (206k points)
Ok! Great!
by (303k points)
oki doki!!!


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