+2 votes
in Fanfiction by (6.0k points)

First: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/228739/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-series-prologue

Next: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/236074/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-fanfic-chapter-14

the armored mawdad has been angered

Sorry for the lack of posts! Due to work and other projects I've been working on, the wait time between chapters will probably be 1-2 days, maybe more if I'm not feeling it. Thank you!


Chapter 13

Brittany grabbed Alph by the collar and yanked him out of the way just as the creature's giant mandibles began to close. It growled, disappointed, and charged again. Yelping with terror, the Pikmin followed, desperate to escape the crystal bug's wrath. They hid in a small cavity, ducking behind mushrooms as it screeched and snapped, while she paced in the back, trying to figure out a way to fight it.

Its shiny hide glowed in the dark. It reminded her of something... "Brittany! Come on!" Alph backed away. "It's breaking through!"

*Breaking... Wait...*

An idea formed in her head.

*The crystal wall!* It was probably their only hope... Turning, she grabbed one of the Rock Pikmin and chucked it at one of its gleaming mandibles as hard as possible.

An earsplitting CHINK rang through the stump as it broke in two, the endpiece falling to the ground. The crystal monster roared furiously, throwing back its head with its tiny legs flailing in the air, before falling backwards. More of its armor broke, leaving some of its navy skin exposed as it got up and ran around the area.

Brittany took her chance and threw more Pikmin. The Rocks bounced off, shattering its carapace further, while the Reds clung on and attacked it determinedly.

The squirming animal's cries faded as it suddenly went limp. A large red fruit popped out of its mouth, followed by a large, rectangular object. The Pikmin circled its head and began dragging it away.

Alph whistled some of the idle ones over to the strange item. "It's not the captain," he sighed, deflating a bit. "But it seems to contain technology inside of it. I bet I can use it to upgrade the Drake! You guys, carry this and the fruit back, too!"

Brittany watched as he followed the Pikmin back, when something bumped into her leg. It was one of the Rock Pikmin. She had to admit, they DID all look a bit different up close. This one in particular had bigger, wider eyes. She smiled. These creatures were rather endearing.

Calling the other stragglers together, she began the walk back to their ship.


"Brittany! Brittany! Wake up!"

Alph was shaking her harder than the ship during their landing. She groaned, rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?"

Alph's eyes were tired, bloodshot, and wide with excitement. "You HAVE to get up! I just finished upgrading the S.S. Drake's sensors, and get this - we've got another signal! This one's the captain, I just KNOW it!"

"Alph, it's four in the morning. Get some sleep." She tried to hide in her sleeping bag, but her teammate just threw it off again.

"When we're THIS CLOSE to finding Captain Charlie!?" he exclaimed, pinching the air to emphasize his point. "No way! We're going to this place RIGHT NOW!"

"ALPH! You are in no condition to-" He'd already started the engines. *Great,* she thought, rolling her eyes. This was definitely going to be a very long day.


Alph no don't do it you've been up way too long - nooooooooo

So yeah this happens \/(-_-)\/

1 Answer

0 votes
by (529k points)
Alph, never stop being optimistic x3
by (6.0k points)
he won't
by (529k points)

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