+2 votes
in Fanfiction by (6.0k points)

First: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/228739/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-series-prologue

Next: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/238626/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-fanfic-chapter-16


Chapter 15


It was cold. So very cold.

Brittany pushed herself up and sat down on the hard rock floor. She pressed a hand to her helmet. *Cracked. I should probably get this patched or fixed soon. I don't know how long I'll last breathing whatever this planet has in its atmosphere...*

"Alph?" She called out to Team 404's engineer. The cave was silent, saved for a muffled squeaking sound. It was somewhat like...

*A Pikmin!*

There, just to her right, a glowing leaf flitted, its body hidden by a rock. She carefully crept forward and peeked behind it.

A golden Pikmin stood alone. Two long sails stuck out of its head, somewhat like ears. It seemed to be fixated on something. Brittany followed the tiny being's gaze and saw a large yellow bulb buried in the ground, surrounded by tiny sprouts. *An Onion?* She'd seen the one the Red and Rock Pikmin shared. It looked exactly like them, but a bit smaller.

She whistled at the yellow Pikmin in an attempt to get its attention. It whipped around and stared at her. It looked... sad. "You need help with that, little guy?" she asked. "Don't worry, I got you."

She walked over and carefully plucked the sprouts from the stone ground. How they'd even gotten buried in something this hard was a mystery to her. As she freed the final Pikmin, a glint of even more yellow caught her eye. *A data file!*

Yellow Pikmin #1

Yellow Pikmin can conduct electricity.

*Interesting...* she thought, turning back to the little creatures. She then noticed a large structure behind them, connected by a few wires. One of them was emitting sparks.

Brittany's major may have been botany, but she was proficient enough in engineering to know that the current needed to be connected to work properly. She called together the Yellow Pikmin and threw them at the wires. *Please let this work...*

The little yellow creatures seemed to know what to do already. They ran towards the wires and grabbed each other's hands. the ones at the end of the Pikmin chain both grabbed a wire, and in an instant, the cave was illuminated. And there stood the Yellows, glowing bright as the current ran through their bodies.

Behind her, the Onion began to move. She called back her new allies and stared at the bulb as it rose from the ground on three worm-like legs. The Pikmin seemed a little happier.

"Brittany! Where are you?"

*That was Alph!* She turned. She'd been so focused on helping the little creatures that she hadn't seen the exit right behind her. Pikmin in tow, Brittany rushed outside.


*throws you some content* bon appetit

I'd like to quickly point out that PNF-404's atmosphere will not kill the Koppaites; they'd simply have some unpleasant side effects after some time. If they were Hocotatians like Olimar, though, then Brittany would be long gone.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (529k points)

That content was very delicious download

O goodness

I'm becoming gassy


Excuse me—

by (6.0k points)
That was rather smelly. :/
by (529k points)
Apologies x3

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