+1 vote
in Film / TV by (156k points)
Back with another Bluey theory and today we are talking about:

Bingo is adopted

So in the episode Onesies (season 3 not sure which episode) we see Chili's sister Brandy come over. When 1st greeted at the door by Bluey and Bingo, she is asked so many questions, Chili even says "She looks like you" (referring to the fact that bingo looks similar to Brandy) Brandy gets emotional and thinks she should leave. After Chili convince s her to stay, she feels better and give the girl a gift. These gifts are onesies. Apparently when Bingo wears a onesie she becomes like whatever animal that onesie is. Well she's wearing a cheetah. So after they run from bingo and are all "scared" of bingo "attacking" them, Brandy finds herself alone in the backyard lying on the grass. Suddenly Bingo comes out of nowhere and jumps on brandy and is"Attacking" her however Brandy is having the time of her life with bingo on top of her. Bingo decides she has successfully attacked her and runs off. As she runs, Brandy holds her arms out. This symbolizes what happened batter bingo was born. Brandy wanted to care for her, but she wasn't financially or physically able to. So her sister generously stepped in and cared for bingo. She hasn't been to visit because its been too painful. And now that she is able to care for Bingo, she can't pull her away from her family.

More evidence to support this theory is that Chili never talks about Bingo when she was younger like she told Bluey in the episode Baby Race. This could just be Bingos never asked.

Maybe Bingo isn't brandys daughter and Brandy just has fertility issues. And its been too painful to see the girls because Chili doesnt.but my mom had fertility issues for a while and LOVED seeing my nieces cause they kinda replaced the emptiness of not having a child. We see that Brandy visited before Bingo was ever born. Probably while she was pregnant with Bingo. And if Bingo wasn't Brandys, why would it be emotional when Chili said "She looks like you"??

But who knows that's just a theory.

A film theory.

Stay tuned for part 3!

6 Answers

0 votes
by (14.0k points)
But bingo has the patterns of Bandit and the colors of Chili soooo.....
0 votes
Wow. That’s my sisters favorite episode
0 votes
by (59.0k points)
Ik this is a bit late… but i always thought that maybe both Chili and Brandy loved bandit and bandit chose Chili…. That’s why Brandy is also sad when Bluey looks like bandit…maybe?
0 votes
by (227k points)
Also, in Keepy-Uppy, Chili said she used to play it with Bluey and not Bingo
by (156k points)
0 votes
by (227k points)
wow my brain just exploded
0 votes
by (206k points)
My Aunt had that problem.

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