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in Fanfiction by (6.0k points)

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When the page reloads mid-chapter :/

Anyways enjoy Charlie learning about Pikmin while Brittany is Brittany


Chapter 20

"So, they all LIVE in that tiny thing?" Charlie asked, pointing at the Onion floating outside their ship. "That's strange. It looks way too small for them."

Brittany facepalmed. "It's an alien species that we know almost nothing about. Now, quit staring out the window and get over here. You're behaving like a child."

"Yes ma'am! Sorry about that. I just can't wait to land."

"Well, we've got to wait for Alph," she pointed out, annoyed. "He still hasn't recovered from that fight with the Vehemoth Phosbat, and-"

"Hey, guys! So, where are we landing?"

Both of them jumped back. An excited Alph stood behind them, eyes sparkling.

"Weeee...... haven't decided yet," Charlie admitted.

"Well, we might have a winner! Look at Tropical Wilds. There's some sort of signal!" He pointed at something on his KopPad. "And it's a pretty significant one, too. It's probably really important!"

"Sounds good enough. I'm with you." In all honestly, Brittany was more interested in how many fruits the region held, and the nice-looking terrain, but she wasn't about to admit that to her team.

The Captain nodded. "Well, let's go already!"


She'd been correct about Alph's crash site - it certainly was rather pleasant, especially in comparison to the Distant Tundra. He'd certainly gotten lucky.

Alph led them through the Tropical Wilds, staring at his KopPad, while Charlie observed the Pikmin behind them. They'd been tracking the mysterious signal for quite some time now. Her legs were starting to get tired. But hopefully, with this signal, they'd at least be able to find something helpful. Besides, Alph had already gotten pretty excited about this, so it wasn't like they could get him out of this.

"So, Brittany," Charlie began, "Why do you think these little guys follow us around all the time? I mean, you're the botanist, so maybe-"

"Oh! I actually have a theory on that!" Alph looked over his shoulder. "I think it's a symbiotic relationship - they help us gather the items we need, and in turn, we help them get things they'll need for reproduction. We may never know, though." He turned back and suddenly stopped. "Uh, guys? Bit of a problem here."

Brittany peered past him. The ground had reached a sudden drop, and below them was a pool of water. A tall white structure stuck out from the ground, marking the area right between their side and their destination.

"We can go around that.. right?" the captain asked.

"Nope, look over there." Brittany pointed to the right. "There's not another way to get across." An idea crossed her mind. She began to approach Charlie.

"Well, I don't think - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUuuuuufffff!" Grabbing Charlie mid-sentence, she tossed him onto the white center thing. He landed face-first with a thump. A horde of Yellow Pikmin and an alarmed Alph followed.

"THAT'S how you get across. Now you just got to do the same. Got it?"

Alph stared back at her. "I mean..."

She nodded. "You got it. Now, get over there and do something. We can't just sit here all day!"


The Red Pikmin cheered as the thick gray slab they'd been pushing fell, providing an easy route to and from both levels of the terrain.

Brittany called together her Yellows and climbed up to meet Alph, with Captain Charlie behind her. "Great job, Alphie," she said, patting him on the back. "You know, you should probably be captain instead! You're really good at commanding the Pikmin."

"Thanks, but that's not really my thing," he replied, shrugging. "I like being an engineer."

Charlie stepped forward. "Hey, it looks like we're almost there! Let's keep going!" He hurried off towards a really long-looking path, one that she couldn't see the end of. Alph ran after him, although his tinier legs weren't doing him much good.

*These people, I swear...* She sighed and followed them. Given what had happened the last two times they'd decided to follow any sort of signal, she had her doubts about what was in store. And yet her teammates rushed forward, completely oblivious to the high possibility of danger.

The ground began to change from soft dirt to chunky sand that made a satisfying crunching sound under her feet. Before long, she'd reached the end of the road - a massive sandpit, surrounded by walls of stone. Alph and Charlie stood in its center, admiring what seemed to be another form of alien technology. Strangely, she couldn't spot a single enemy.

So why couldn't she shake the rising sense of dread in her gut?

"Guys, get back!" she called. "Something's not right with this place."

Her words were futile. They were too distracted by Alph's attempts to open the apparently-folded device. Grumbling, she sat back, deciding to wait for them to bring it back on their own.

And then the sands began to shift.

Brittany jolted upright, watching as some underground being slowly approached the two. "Alph! Charlie! Get out of there!"

They turned back to her for a moment, only for Alph to shrug her off, trying to get Charlie's attention again.

And then a massive creature burst from the ground, right under where the alien device had been.

The other two Koppaites jumped back, alarmed, as this new enemy caught the item in its violet-lipped jaws and swallowed it whole. Shaking sand from its hide, it glared down at the alarmed duo with rage burning in its tiny, beady eyes.

She groaned.

*Oh, no.*


this went over the character limit

2 Answers

0 votes
by (302k points)

i love Alph, i love Charlie, and Brittany is growing on me lol

amazing chapter. i rlly enjoyed it!! :D
by (6.0k points)
Thanks! Trying to make Brittany more likable as a character while keeping her canon personality is pretty difficult.
0 votes
by (529k points)

I sense a love triangle going on.

Charlie likes Brittany,

Brittany likes Alph,

and Alph likes Charlie (possibly Brittany as well).

Awesomesauce chapter :D

Also, Charlie isn't really being much of a captain at the moment x3

by (302k points)
by (529k points)
by (6.0k points)
Charlie has a huge crush on Brittany, Brittany has some sort of squish (platonic crush) on Alph, and Alph is about to experience gay panic.

(also charlie wants to swim in this sand; he just thinks it'll make him look bad)
by (529k points)

Yes, swim in the sand, Charlie. That will be one sight to see x]
by (6.0k points)
according to his notes on the sandbelching meerslug, he intends to tell alph and brittany it's a training exercise, and then just take his rubber ducky and s w i m (and i forgot to mention it but your first comment basically describes the actual pikmin 3
by (529k points)

Awesomesauce! I know what happens before I even play the game :D

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