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in Fanfiction by (6.0k points)

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it reloaded 2 times TwT

Alph shall now be known as 'the Queerio'


Chapter 22

Charlie tapped the whiteboard with his stick. "So, after Alph's lured the worm to the other side of the sand pit, Brit and I are going to attack from behind and take it down. Hopefully, we'll get back that alien tech as well. Any questions?"

Brittany raised her hand.

"Yes, Brittany?"

"Can I, like, swap places with Alph?" she asked, pointing to the now-blushing engineer. "I think he'd enjoy learning from his childhood hero." *Plus, I don't want to be stuck with you for a half hour.*

"Okay, I guess," he mumbled, disappointed. "But what if you get hurt? That thing looked pretty nasty."

"I don't have any doubts about it. Now, If you'll excuse me, I'm going to get some beauty sleep. I mean, who would want to fight a killer bug without sleep? We both saw what happened to Alph after the fight with the Vehemoth Phosbat..."

Charlie sighed. "Right. Sorry. Alph, you go get some rest too."

Alph nodded, watching him leave, and then turned to Brittany with a panicked look on his face. "Why would you DO THAT!?" he hissed.

"Hey, I'm only trying to progress the relationship," she said dismissively, searching for her cryogenic sleeping bag. "Plus, I don't think I could handle 30 minutes alone with that airhead."

"CHARLIE IS NOT A-" He paused, took a deep breath, and continued. "Why do you have to be so hard on him? He clearly likes you."

"I have no feelings for that man, or any other. Plus, if you knew - nevermind. Either way, he's getting extremely annoying, so I'd actually appreciate it if you two got together. Either way, enjoy your date tomorrow!"

"Shut up!" he snapped.


They were back at the sand worm's home. Brittany walked out alone into the pit's center. "Hey, fish-lips!" she shouted, kicking the dust. "You gonna hide in all that earth like a coward, or are you going to get up here and fight me like a man?"

As if on cue, the limbless beast burst from its sandy home behind her, shaking grains of sand from its shimmering tan skin. It stared down at her with its tiny black eyes, before snarling and lunging forward, mouth wide.

She jumped back, easily avoiding the attack. "Is that the best you got, you pathetic excuse for a slug?" she hollered.

The giant creature hesitated suddenly, then coughed up a ball of dirt in her general direction.

It was a direct hit. She stumbled backwards, stunned...

,,, and looked back up to see the jaws of the beast closing around her.


four chapters of boss fight, new record lol

im so tired


well i hope this is good :)

Charlie out

1 Answer

0 votes
by (529k points)
Brittany should get an award for almost dying literally every other chapter x3
by (6.0k points)
She has access to Pikmin 3 glitches and abuses them constantly

At this point, death doesn't concern her

It's scared of her
by (529k points)



Almost said "its brones are shaking"  x3

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