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in Fanfiction by (6.1k points)

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Aaaaaaaaaaaand back to Koppai :P

sorry it took so long to post. in the meantime, here's something i've been working on: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/970176594/


Chapter 24

"BRITTANYYY!" Charlie screamed as he watched the sand worm swallow up his one true love. His fists clenched angrily. *Oh, you're gonna pay for that, you coward!*

Abandoning his hiding place, he jumped into the sandpit and ran towards the huge worm, which snapped its head around to glare at him. Alph yelled something, but he couldn't hear him, and besides, he wasn't in the mood to sit and hide anymore. *Plus, this is my chance to impress Brittany!"

The massive worm's throat convulsed as it hurled up a chunk of earth from who knows where. He sidestepped it, whistled at the Red Pikmin they'd left nearby, and charged them at its partially-buried chest. Alarmed, it began spitting up even more dirt, showering the battlefield with mud in its desperation.

With a screech, the worm suddenly launched itself from the ground and soared through the air before landing back on the ground. The thrown-off Pikmin scurried after it as it shoved its face into the sand and began digging. It disappeared into the ground and began digging in circles, and in the blink of an eye, the entire center of the map collapsed, with its toothy mouth in the center, opening and closing in anticipation.

Charlie's Pikmin squealed as they began to slide towards its mouth. Charlie whistled at them, trying to keep them together, and looked around to find an escape, when something caught his attention.

A peculiar rock, sitting on the wall of the sandpit. A strange orange glow came from the cracks in its ashy brown surface. *I wonder what that does...*

He threw a Pikmin at it. The little alien picked up the rock instantly - as if on instinct - and ran back to him, carefully holding the rock above the surface. "Hey, little guy, can you throw that rock at that thing?"

It nodded and suddenly kicked the glowing rock into the massive hole. The sand worm's mouth snapped shut around it eagerly...

... just as the rock exploded.

It flew out from the ground once more, smoke billowing from its jaws, and this time, it made no effort to retreat to the safety of the ground.

"Hey, Brittany!" he called, holding its jaws open. "You in there?"

The pink-haired botanist emerged from its throat. Thankfully, she looked fine. "Uh, yeah, of course I am."

"Oh, good. I was so worried that-"

"Alph!" she exclaimed, running away.

Alph was sitting on the ground, clutching one of his legs. "Alphie, are you okay?" Brittany asked. He gave her a shaky thumbs-up in response.

Charlie stepped towards him nervously. He could hear weird noises behind him, but didn't bother checking them out. He'd been so focused on beating up the worm... How had he not noticed that his engineer had been injured? He felt terrible.

"What happened?" she asked, sitting down beside him.

"I was running after Charlie, and trying to get him to come back, and then I got hit by one of its massive sand balls. I-i'm fine, though," he added quickly. "It's just a sprain. I'm still able to walk... probably."

She stood up and turned to Charlie. "Captain, you're carrying him back."

"What? Why me?"

"Because I don't feel like it, and the Pikmin have their hands full. Brittany pointed past him, at the corpse of the sand worm, the alien technology they'd seen earlier, and a huge, broken-up fruit with a leaf-green shell and striking red interior. The Pikmin were already surrounding the various objects, struggling to pick them up. *Oh. That was what caused those sounds.*

Alph's gaze flitted between her and Charlie, his freckles suddenly outlined in red. "I-I... I can walk! Totally! I just, uh, need some time to rest, and I'll be fine-"

Charlie thrust his arms under Alph and scooped up the smaller Koppaite, whose face instantly flushed the same shade as the huge fruit the Pikmin were carrying off. "Are you SURE you aren't sick?" he asked. "You've been all hot and bothered ever since the last spar we had with that worm. Do you think that juice was contaminated, Brittany?"

"O-oh, I'm not sick," Alph stammered. "This is - this is just a lot."

"Well, either way, you're still injured, so we need to get you back to the Drake. Plus, someone's gotta upgrade the ship with all that new tech!"

And so began the long walk back, with determination in their hearts and Koppai on their minds.

Or at least, that's how Charlie felt. He wasn't psychic.


*shipping intensifies*

haha i totally didn't clone one of my favorite toh lumity scenes into this one (i totally did)

anyways bye

by (17.3k points)
didnt read it all probly good tho
by (6.1k points)
thx! i work hard on these :D

2 Answers

0 votes
by (530k points)
Charlie, the oblivious captain of the world x3
0 votes
by (303k points)
Charlie: *PiCkS Up Da SmOL One*

Alph *full on gay panic*


Okay, so i'm thinking abt ship names:

Chalph was the first... we burned it ina whole tho...

so. yeah.

im thinking of more...

by (6.1k points)
the only thing keeping them apart is the fact that captain charlie is a tad oblivious to alph's huge crush on him
by (303k points)
he is so oblivious lol

by (530k points)

Sorry, was stuck on the ship name x3

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