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in Fanfiction by (6.0k points)

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In which Olimar and Louie look around for treasure, because they're gonna become plot relevant verrrrrry soon...


Chapter 25

'The Formidable Oak' had certainly been a rather fitting name for this spot. The massive stump, which had pale, dry wood almost identical in color to the sandy ground, loomed ominously over the Hocotatians and their Pikmin.

Louie twitched nervously as they approached the long-dead tree, glancing over his shoulder every few seconds, just in case. Something was wrong here - he knew it, from the way its location had just suddenly popped into their ship’s system, and the complete lack of wildlife in the area. And Olimar knew it too, but the seasoned explorer refused to back away from the concept of treasure.

*How can he keep going in a place like this? It’s so quiet… too quiet. How can he even stand being in this awful place? Maybe I should go home. I could just ditch him here, and go back to that nice jungle with all the fruit… It would be so easy… No one telling me what to do…*

A lovely smell hit Louie’s nose. *Well, if there’s food, then I guess staying here a bit longer wouldn’t hurt… Probably.*

Somewhere on the tree, a droplet of water hit the ground, its quiet splat echoing through the halls of the wooden tunnels. Grains of sand tumbled across the ground. A distant creature growled, its voice gurgling. The pair stopped for a moment, waiting for another noise. After a few seconds of silence, Louie stepped forward, looking over his shoulder at the intricately curved walls.

Then he crashed into a mesmerized Captain Olimar.

“Be careful,” he said absentmindedly, holding out an arm to keep Louie from proceeding. He peeked over the captain’s shoulder and almost instantly spotted what he was staring at - a shiny golden blob, sitting alone. It wasn’t nectar; otherwise the Pikmin would have swarmed it already, pushing and shoving to get a taste of the sweet liquid pollen. It gave off a ravishing scent of citrus, too. And yet he couldn’t shake the growing sense of dread in his gut, telling him that he needed to run.

“Captain?” he mumbled. “We should leave.”

“Why?” Olimar asked, turning to face him. “That’s the shiniest thing I’ve seen on the planet this whole trip. Whatever it is, it’ll sell for tons back on Hocotate.”

“Something’s wrong…” Louie trailed off, horrified. The golden blob was beginning to grow and tremble, forming an odd shape. Backing away, he whipped around and ran to the entrance, tumbling out. He heard irritated shouts, and then a scream, and then a soft squelch.

Whatever had happened, he didn’t want to know.

He just wanted to get away. Far, far away.

Scrambling to the Hocotate Freight ship, he booted up the engine and escaped to the safety of the skies.


Here something to eat

So yeah, Olimar’s gone… what now?

and yes i know it's called tales of the koppaites and they're not koppaites, deal with it :P

2 Answers

0 votes
by (15.4k points)
I used to play Pikmin deluxe 3!

This is really good!
by (6.0k points)
Thanks! The 3rd game had the most fleshed-out characters. I'll always prefer Pikmin 2 but both versions of the third game are pretty solid.
by (15.4k points)
No worries! I haven’t played the other games but I’ll take your word for it!
0 votes
by (528k points)

Aww, man.

That's kind of sad :[


Maybe the same thing happened with Charlie, and Olimar is just now sitting in there playing Uno with the monster's intestines patiently, waiting until Captain Charlie and his friends come to save him.

by (6.0k points)
he doesn't actually know who they are (although he is aware there are others on the planet) but you're half right ig
by (528k points)
I know, but what is a better introduction than to save another captain from a monster's belly :D

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