+4 votes
in Nordic Stuff by (790k points)

So, a few days ago they announced the Sámi Grand Prix contestants

In case you don't know what Sámi Grand Prix is, it is a yearly musical contest hosted by the Sámi Government

they have announced the contestants, and the contest will go live on Monday in SVT and NRK 

I haven't listened to any of the songs for spoilers, and here are my predictions for the winners of SGP

Joik category : Lávre

Reason : He is one of the most popular Sámi singers of the 2020s. He is also very talented in my opinion, yet everyone hates him along with other young Sámi singers

Song Category : ImCeline

I bet all her fans will vote for her due to the fact she's popular on Youtube. This will be her 1st Sámi Song

What do you guys think?

Also I cant believe this is the 68th day of the year 

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (122k points)
Best answer
boosting for you (you havent boost + why do you not have upvotes + gurls flopping + good predictions)
0 votes
by (122k points)
New Sámi Music artists (People like Lávre, Hilda Länsman, Sunna Máret, Yungmiqu etc) are actually a hit or miss.

but the fact that they're getting hated for being younger is just terrible.

Also, Isn't Lávre like 25?
by (790k points)
But Hilda's mom is littesrly one of the most important Sámi singers
0 votes
by (790k points)
boost (im flopping)

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