+2 votes
in Other by (69.6k points)
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Fave subject

If your a jock nerd ect.

Your appearance

I'm Shady

She's 16

She enjoys math

She's different from everyone else

Black hair, white nirvana shirt, black ripped jeans

5 Answers

0 votes
by (114k points)
Best answer
ill start:

-she walks in Science, the first class of the day. she sits in the second row next to Shady.-

"Hey, you look new." She says, nudging her.
by (69.6k points)
Shady blows a bubble.


"No talking ladies." Mrs. Lang says looking at the two girls.
by (114k points)

-she scoffs and looks at the board, passing a note to Shady.-

the note reads:

Hey Shady, I think you seem pretty cool. Wanna team up in Phys Ed today?

by (69.6k points)

Shady reads the note and then writes,

sure. Well dominate everyone.

by (114k points)
-Leah reads Shady's note, cracking a slight smile at her before looking back up at the board.-

"Today, we will start a new project. You will work in pairs." Mrs. Lang says.

-She glances at Shady, making eye contact with her-
by (69.6k points)
Shady mouths yes.

"Who has dissected a frog before?" Mrs. Lang asks everyone. No one raises their hands so she explains what to do.

"Tommorow we will begin." Mrs. Lang says as the bell rings.
by (114k points)
-Leah gets up, stuffing her textbook and notebook into her shoulder bag.-

"See you at Phys Ed. I have Math in a few minutes. You have English, right?" She asks Shady, heading out of the door.
by (69.6k points)
Shady heads to English and sees some kids beating up her brother.
by (114k points)
-Leah looks over to the kids, eyeing a particular boy. Jason, her ex boyfriend.-

"Ey! Stop shoving the poor kid! He ain't doing nothing to you!" (I didn't know what to say so this is straight out of my Annie script)

-Leah shoves past the boys and helps Shady's brother up, comforting him.-
by (69.6k points)
Shady's brother, Nathan explains why they were beating him up.

"I'm the new kid. They don't think I'm worthy to be on the football team."
by (161k points)
Yo guys, this is a ripoff of the original High School rp.
0 votes
by (161k points)
When will people stop ripping off roleplays? First there’s “rich family rollplay!!!” And now this.

I’m literally getting annoyed.
by (529k points)
I knew this answer was coming. I was waiting x3

I'm loyal, so I'm not taking part in this.
+1 vote
by (28.8k points)
I'm bella I'm 10 years old fave sub art umm artist. Umm I have brown curly hair pulled into a bun cinnomon skin. Brown eyes. Light purple tank top with black overalls.

Tall for age I'm like 5'3 irl
0 votes
by (114k points)



Nice popular girl

Light brown freckles, brunette, tight bun, gray sweatpants, dark gray long sleeve crop top sweatshirt with New York City in black on it
+1 vote
by (99.7k points)
Alr, mat not be AS active as the family one but here we go :)



Science  (duh)

Nerd but also popular ig

Brown curly hair, really tall, flare jeans and a hoodie :)

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