+1 vote
in KS Tech Support by (87.3k points)

here is a screenshot with everything blurred out... I think... heheh lol

3 Answers

0 votes
by (350k points)
Best answer
We will follow up with Securly and appreciate the information. Different schools have different policies over what keywords can automatically trigger a page being blocked, even if the site in general is allowed.
by (87.3k points)
Ok thanks so much! I love KT, so it would suck if it were blocked
by (90.1k points)
Yeah umm our school blocks s3x*al!ty
by (87.3k points)
Yeahhh it sucks. :( I figured that out
0 votes
by (30.2k points)
i also have securly, but its not blocked on mine.

i think your school noticed ur on kidzsearch.com a lot, so they checked the website, found a weird reddit ripoff called "kidztalk" and blocked it.
by (87.3k points)

Nooooooooo there's a REASON I'm on it a lot!! T_T If they continue to block it I'm going to talk to my guidance counselor but I don't want to...

by (87.3k points)
WAIT I THINK I FIGURED IT OUT!!!!!! So far only one post has been blocked it was the 'ooh fun sexuality questions so fun' post so maybe because it said sexuality? So I did a test I searched sexuality in the KT searchbar and it was blocked! So I think that's why? Maybe? But I don't know why it says site is in global block list and not blocked keyword...
0 votes
by (114k points)
gLoBaL bLoCk lIsT

like what its called KIDZsearch for a reason-
by (87.3k points)

Yeah!! And for some reason this isn't blocked...

Edit: also it literally says educational- skull

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