+1 vote
in Announcements by (114k points)

As the KidzTalk president, I would make the Kidsearch magazine more known, and promote people hired as journalists for the magazine! Also, I would shoot for making blogs only postable by the actual person who owns it, and that person would be able to chose who can post in their blog. Another thing I would hope for is to help make KidzTalk a more diverse place, so people understand others easier. In other words, making bios.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (114k points)
boost third time because everyone is ignoring this
0 votes
by (76.1k points)

I would vote but I'm voting for Joel and either way I wouldn't vote for you for a few reasons.

1. You can't handle hate. The moment Alpha said a small comment, it was like he had attacked you or something. It wa steh end of the world for you.

2. I'm not sure if you'd be hibnerating while your president when winter comes. (This was a joke T_T I know you'd make a great president I just am voting Joel instead-)

by (116k points)
Well said!
by (76.1k points)

Hey Alpha! The last part Isn't rlly a joke more like me bring just brutal but it's funny. Shows that you shouldn't take hate and everything so serious like Adi did. rock

by (114k points)
honestly i'd rather hibernate during winter than go to school because my favorite season is summer so
by (76.1k points)
Honestly would do the same *shrug* but i'm not an animal but if I was then yeah me too.

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