+3 votes
in Shout-Outs by (147k points)
Crashers, never.

Stalkers, you can peak if you want, but please don't answer if you're not nobi ^^










































You said you wanted to talk sometime and we haven't really gotten a chance to interact since my epic return haha

What's up?
by (966k points)
Hey, you never said we couldn’t comment.

Stalkers, GO!

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (529k points)

Now count all of the Y's—

Jkjkjk, I just wanted to chat about stuff like we used to do :D

If you want me to start first, I can do that.

I mentioned writing ideas to you before you left, about an HP fanfic I wanted to do :D

(Also, I revealed my age and part of my heritage while you were gone, 13 turning 14 this May, and Native American Cherokee, respectively x3)

I can tell you the details if you're interested :3
by (147k points)


I lost count after fourty-two 'y's.

Also, YESSS pls infodump me. I'd love to hear about it!

by (529k points)

Only by a few months x3

I didn't expect you to actually count :O

Thank you for caring so much :D


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea—

So the protagonist of my fanfic will be Draco Malfoy's son. I'm going to change around the canon next generation families a bit, such as making my main character the brother of Scorpias Malfoy and having Astoria die after giving birth to the main character.

Also, Harry is going to have twins and Albus Severus Potter, with Albus being the older one and being in the same year as Scorpias, while the twins, Thomas and Lisa Potter, will be in Atticus' (main character) year :3

This may change, and I may just have Albus Potter and Rose Granger-Weasley be in the same year as Atticus, but I haven't fully decided yet since I made two versions of this fanfic in Minecraft a long time ago and decided to revamp it x3

What do you think I should do?

Have Albus and Rose be in the same year as Atticus,

Or have Albus have younger siblings (twins) who are in the same year as Atticus and have Albus and Scorpias in the same year?

I hope you got all of that x3

I also don't want to spoil too much of the plot because that doesn't make it fun x]

by (147k points)
That sounds awesome tho :O

uH imnotgoodatcharacterstuff

If I understood correctly, it might be good to use the second option, just so you're not cramming all of your next-generation characters into one year lol. If you still wanted to feature them tho, you could have one to a few of the classes their taking at Hogwarts be one of those combined classes, with students from both years. The twin idea also sounds awesome (I love fictional twins in general for some reason haha) too!
by (529k points)
Yeah, I may feature the older siblings a lot, too :D

I have plans >:]

I actually may favor the latter, too :D

Twins it is!

Thank you very much for your involvement in the idea-making :3

If you want to infodump or have me do more infodumping, say the word :D
by (147k points)

I am also writing a book and it is so chaotic and messy at this point haha

I am totally not referencing Gail Carson Levine content for help (And by not I mean am qwq)

by (529k points)

Spill deets meowla

by (147k points)
whenever i try to explain things i suddenly can't so i'll try haha. a lot of this is tbd because im not good at plot

what I have so far is basically a fantasy novella about this smol village near a forest. every night ppl hear the gong of a clock tower coming from the forest, but no one has ever been able to find the clock tower. many people think the forest is haunted or something

my main character is is 12-13(?) year old girl in the village named Sera. (everyone calls her Sewer Rat or just Rat bc i said so) and she has a younger autistic brother. Well, autism won't be an actual condition in my world but yeagh he has autism. I'm probably going to give him powers like the ability to see ghosts or smth. Rat might get powers too, depending on where the book goes.

rn im trying to figure out ideas on how to get Rat and maybe her brother too to go into the forest and possibly get lost. I also have a bunch of extremely silly side characters :P

if you have any tips about anything i will appreciate- specifically on characters/character development but rn I'm just trying to get people's opinions on the idea for the book so far ;-;

also lore is extremely fun to make but also ridiculously hard
by (529k points)

You should definitely give Rat (almost spelled fat what am I doing) powers, because In my opinion, the main character not having powers doesn't really capture my attention.

She doesn't need to have powers at first, but I would just like to know that she gets powers somewhere in the story x3

These silly side characters sound like fun >:]

What specific character do you need help on?

by (147k points)

yeag I was thinking she could have powers, but they would be uhmm hidden if that makes sense???

And I need help on appearance for Rat and her brother (what they look like). i want them to be unique. also i have no fashion sense outfits are beyond me

by (529k points)
Well, are you going for a more fantasy story or a more realistic story where they wear normal clothing?

Like, you know how in PJ they wear normal clothing in a fantasy world? Are you going for that, or is it other?
by (147k points)
maybe kind of like the style in The Wingfeather Saga, like some people wear normal clothes, but cloaks and dresses and stuff are also a trend ig

so yeah kind of in-between medieval and modern, no one's going to raise an eyebrow if you're wearing a pauldron or a hoodie haha.
by (529k points)
Hmm... If the main character is sort of a tomboy, she should wear a sweater/hoodie and whatever pants you think she should wear, and her brother can just wear a shirt with a collar and any pants you prefer :D

I'm sorry, I'm not really good at coming up with appearances x3

If I didn't help much, I'll try to be more detailed but it will take a lot x]

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