0 votes
in Personal by (546k points)
I already told a user on here. Not sayin who and plz dont say it if u read this user that I told.

Should I tell ya'll?


Ne (0 votes)
Ye (12 votes, 86%)
Idk but I like ur bracelets! (2 votes, 14%)

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (64.7k points)
Best answer
Tell us what???
+1 vote
by (90.4k points)
YE but I also like ur bracelets...

I can't choose
by (546k points)
+1 vote


Oh btw I got you sugar free ice cream ice-cream-cone

by (546k points)
Aw ty.

*eats it up*!!
by (967k points)
By the way Queen cat, can you get me chocolate ice cream with fudge chunks and chocolate sauce on top? And chocolate whipped cream? Thanks!

Oh, and don’t forget chunks of chocolate.
by (546k points)

Your a great friend becus u always make me laugh in the weirdest ways


@Elo Here you go! ice-cream-cone (just pretend its chocalote with all the toppings you asked for though lol)

by (967k points)
@Chelsea Thank you very much, and yeah, the people on KT are very loyal. I got into a Roblox argument and Eva and Athena were also there as my allies and we won.

@QC Thanks a lot! Man, it’s delicious!
by (546k points)
+1 vote
by (550k points)
Yes if you feel comfortable

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