+3 votes
in Other by (161k points)
Yes (15 votes, 79%)
No (2 votes, 11%)
Neutral (2 votes, 11%)

6 Answers

0 votes
by (529k points)
The concept of everyone being equal, yes, but if people abuse it, no.
by (968k points)
by (156k points)
If a hardworking Police Officer made money but it was taken to be given to a perfectly able bodied man who doesn't have a job and plays video games all day, is that equal?
by (529k points)

They would have the same job, they would have the same amount of money, so that is equal.

Equality is equality no matter what. If the person is treated the same as others, that's equality.

But that is in actual communism, not abused communism. I support actual communism, not the fake communism that bad people have made it.

Equality no matter what is what I support. No matter what religion, romantic preference, gender, or anything. No one should be below or above anyone. Everyone should work together to achieve peace and wellness.

If someone wants to lead people in a good, healthy direction, that is fine. But many times, people who are higher than others tend to think that they are better than others. And if equality, true communism, was a practice, everyone would be equal and working together, so no one would be poor.

by (156k points)
I agree everyone should be treated with the same respect as others, not matter what. But when it come to wealth, everyone should have their own money they worked for. Some people really are poor and can't catch up, but majority of people who are struggling with money aren't making smart financial decisions.
by (529k points)
But communism closes the gap between poor and rich.
by (161k points)

There has been zero communist countries that have accomplished the utopia they wanted.

In every communist country ever (with the exception of maybe Yugoslavia), there have been at least thousands killed for speaking out against the government.

I will list some of the communist governments.

The Soviet government? Monsters.

The Chinese Government? Monsters.

North Korean government? Monsters.

There’s more, too.

In Jamestown, they tried a common-store system similar to communism/socialism.

It almost ended the colony.

The hard workers got the same amount of food as the lazy fat lards that did nothing.

That’s dumb.

Equality of people regardless of race, gender, or other factors?

Yes, we should have that. Perfect.

Equality of pay regardless of how hard you’re working?

That’s just incompetent.

Thankfully, the U.S.S.R. Has collapsed and this world has mostly discarded communism (with some exceptions like Vietnam).

by (529k points)
Okay, I see where you're coming from.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't say I'm communist myself, but I can see where they're trying to go.
0 votes
by (161k points)
Who voted no and why

If you voted no, your IQ might be below normal
by (548k points)
I put yes.
0 votes
by (120k points)

WHO TH PUT NO?????????????? DO YOU WANT TO BE CONTROLED BY ONE DICTATOR (I was so tempted to spell that wrong)?

Bro whoever put no explain your reasoning.

Guys I don't hate whoever put No I just want to hear their opinions.

by (90.4k points)
Yes was my answer but the idea of communism is good the execution was very bad
by (231k points)

If they didn't become greedy it could be a good thing
0 votes
by (161k points)
Who voted yes and why
by (120k points)
1 man should not have that amount of power and control. It isn't healthy for the economy or government.
0 votes
by (231k points)
We all know what Nobi thinks…..
by (529k points)
I joke a lot about being communist x3
by (231k points)
Lol I was joking too xD
by (529k points)

​​​​​​Yes, I know x3

by (231k points)
What is the opposite of communism??
by (529k points)
I guess what America has. Can't remember the name, though.
by (231k points)
Mm. Im pretty sure it’s democracy
by (529k points)
No, I meant like... Specifically. Pretty sure it's individualism x3
by (231k points)
Oh lol
0 votes
by (548k points)

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