+1 vote
in Flaming Pheonix's Fun Blog by (87.3k points)
Ok so one time I was doing gymnastics when I was a smol chidler and we were stepping on a big block because we were smol and then walking our hands down the bar. Well I was so bored so I was not paying attention and was on autopilot. My turn came and I tried to grab on with both hands but one grabbed on to nothing. So I stepped off the block and toppled sideways. Into the metal cables holding up the bar. And I was confused but then I felt wetness creeping down my forehead and my head felt like it was burning and getting stung by hornets. I got the wound covered by people from an ambulance and could have gone in the ambulance, but I wanted to go with my mom because I was scared of the EMTs. Anyway we waited in the hospital for like 3 hours but I got a happy meal and posicles so I was happy. Then I got two medical staples in my head and they were removed a few months later

2 Answers

0 votes
by (58.8k points)
0 votes
by (539k points)
Cool storoytime.

Wanna join realtime its on for one hour!!
by (87.3k points)
whats realtime??


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