+2 votes
in Mental Health by (116k points)
I know I have made a lot of people angry and a lot of people happy. Please tell me what you think about me. Be brutally honest. It might hurt me but that will only cause me to change in some way.

7 Answers

+2 votes
by (965k points)
Best answer
I don’t agree with a lot of your opinions. BUT you’re very experienced at tech, and therefore, we are good friends.
by (116k points)
by (965k points)
Also, how did you instantly recognize me in the email? I didn’t even tell you who I was…
by (116k points)
U said in the question with the screenshot, "check your inbox"
by (965k points)
by (530k points)
Wait you guys emailed each other—
by (116k points)
Heck yea
by (965k points)

Yeah. Unfortunately for me, my full name is in my email address, so… skull

by (116k points)
Welp lucky for u I ain't some random discord mod couch potato hehe
by (530k points)
by (116k points)
I had a post with my email in the screenshot (not 100% intentional) and a secret message in the tags. I could have just told her though roblox tho
by (530k points)
Elo's also a she x3
by (116k points)
darn it. Ill just edit the comment
by (530k points)

It'sa fine! :D

It'sa me-a, a-Mario—

by (116k points)
The identity of Nobi revealed!
by (530k points)

I've said too much—

*runs into a wall*
by (59.0k points)
Waiiit what’s ur email elo
by (965k points)
Full name at Apple online data cloud, with the domain being commercial.

Can’t tell you any more.
by (59.0k points)
Dang it. What post had it on there?!?!
by (116k points)
I made a post with my email in the search suggestions. They removed the post shortly after and I promised not to post stuff with my info in it anymore.

I was able to get Elo and PizzaLover's emails before they took it down tho.
0 votes
by (59.0k points)
You are pretty much awesome.



Are sometimes








You are


Why did that sound so childish

+1 vote
by (90.1k points)

Ok so a lot of what you say is kind of out of line and I don't agree with a lot of your opinions but you make me laugh a lot so ur good. 

As long as you don't hurt any of my friends heart

0 votes
by (541k points)
I think your amazing.

I don't really like how you don't support Joel and stuff like that.

But I in ow you try and ur doing much better dude!!
0 votes
by (114k points)
just so u know, u said no sugar coating.

tbh, I honestly have nothing good to say. you criticize so many ppl for being who they are, then blame them for being overdramatic when they call u out on it.
by (116k points)
Thanks for being honest.

Though technically I never blamed anyone for being overdramatic after criticizing them. The only time I ever blamed someone for being overdramatic (that I can think of) was after u flipped out from me saying we are doomed cuz of therians who are adults.

Again, thank u for spending the time to write that for me.
by (114k points)
u also called Queenie overdramatic.

but anyways np
by (116k points)
Welp I hope that over time we can start to be friends again.
+1 vote
by (64.4k points)
I think you an absolutely TERRIBLE perso---

 jk... luv ya bro ;]
0 votes
by (228k points)

In short:

  • You're one of the rudest person active (imo)
  • You don't know how to make actually funny jokes, only ones that hurt people
  • You can be nice sometimes but not nearly enough
  • You make me very annoyed 3/4 of the time
  • You trigger us A LOT
by (116k points)

First of all, thanks for telling the truth.

Second, I felt really bad because I thought this was rainbowworm but then I realized it was you and I was a bit more relieved cuz no offense but u tend to get more mad than most people. 

Third, I really appreciate your opinion. Peace rock

by (228k points)

Ye I know I get mad easy


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