+3 votes
in Choleral Carly Chronicles by (794k points)

But first, Here is some music :) I'm starting to love this band so yeah 

I have science class (Like everyone duh)

and we're currently learning about Water Pollution

We had to research the effects of Water Pollution, and this one kid said the weirdest thing about Water pollution

He said that GOOGLE SNAKE (yes the google game with the snake and apples) is a cause of water pollution

This is why I love Science class. And also because Nihara is in there.

Also ahh nah

5 Answers

0 votes
by (967k points)
Best answer
Hey, what about me? I love science class!

We’re doing climate change debates right now. Today we’re supposed to do our final debates, but neither me or my debate partner are here so we’re basically granting the enemy an automatic win.

Also, my teacher said that we were gonna do it on Monday or Tuesday, so he lied to us. Again.
0 votes
by (122k points)
Nah your school is too strict
by (794k points)
0 votes
by (794k points)
0 votes
by (87.2k points)
0 votes


(the music is really good!)

by (794k points)
It's so awesome. The band is a Swedish/Norwegian Indie folk band and they're so cool :D


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