+1 vote
in Other by (3.0k points)
i was always surrounded by anime lovers and listens to Vocaloid a lot, my parents themselves loved anime and Japanese Mangas , and they strongly encouraged i used Japanese swords, and kimonos which my parents have a ton of. and i love inuyasha , and if u saw my last post u know i worship hatsune miku.

4 Answers

0 votes
I don't worship him, but I love Izuku Midoriya lol
I saw a bit of an episode, and I learned what it's about from Youtube.
I've known about him for some time :)
Also, I enjoy SpyxFamily and learning Japanese.
I haven't tried to learn any recently, but I will soon.
+1 vote
by (302k points)
im surrounded by anime/Japan haters, have no Haori, Katana or anything.

my parents didnt like anime, bcuz it wasnt introduced when they were kids/teens

i love Miku, Manga, anime, cosplaying and i collect figures and posters!!

a Weeb is simply someone who loves anime, you dont have to do all this to be a weeb!

but its cool you love the Japanese culture as well! <3
by (77.2k points)
AGAIN. the term or the proper term would be Otaku.

Otakus are enthusiasts of all things anime. Weebs, on the other hand, have a wider scope of interests specifically related to Japanese culture.
by (302k points)

i guess im dumber than i thought when it came to that XD

sorry, ive never heard that term before, i'll be better about that.

sorry if i made you mad by not knowing!
by (77.2k points)
No you didn't make me mad! Otaku isn't a well known term but it is the proper one! No worries and don't feel bad!
ago by (3.0k points)
the first anime came out in 1917. ur parents are 100+ years old...
ago by (302k points)
well, or they didnt know about it.

OR, maybe their parents didnt have a TV.

they were broke.

ago by (77.2k points)
a few words.

 financial aid may had been in that childhood.
0 votes
by (77.2k points)
Actually! I think you may be looking for the term Otaku! :)
0 votes
Anime is cool...

I listen to hatsune miku too

You sound really cool

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