+2 votes
in Technology by
My name is Brooke. I have really strict parents that won't let me get a phone. I'm 12 years old and still no phone. I don't know why I can't have one. I have a job, a boyfriend, and I watch my little siblings ALL the time, plus I'm a straight A student, have a 4.0 GPA and I do 4 sports to top it off, and Student Council. It doesn't make sense.

8 Answers

0 votes
I promise u my parents are just as strict, I'm 14 and have a gabb phone (supposed to be a phone for little kids to text their parents. ive been begging for an iphone for months and it makes me miserable. I struggle to fit in in school and it destroys my confidence anytime someone makes fun of it (a lot) so hang in there and hopefully u can convince ur parents
0 votes
by (116k points)

Maybe it's because you are immature?? You literally are trying to date at 12 laughing-tears

0 votes
by (43.5k points)
I have very strict parents too, I'm almost 15 and I don't have a phone so don't worry. Your parents are trying to protect you.
0 votes
Tell me why I have a phone at 9……….?
0 votes
It kinda does.

I'm turning twelve too- not everyone gets a phone at the same age.

I agree, it's annoying; But they probably are trying to keep you safe. You can get hacked on a phone, somebody can steal your number or info and use identity theft,

they can steal the money you store in there, and there are many other dangers on the internet with a phone that you may not know of.

So yes, while it is annoying; Our parents are kind of right. Though you are a tween like me and know a bunch of stuff that can happen, there's still a lot more we don't know about phones.
0 votes
by (550k points)
Explain that most modern  phones have parental control features. I can give you more info if you want.
0 votes
by (42.3k points)
You could make a presentation to show them all the reasons you might possibly need a phone

Like if you needed to call the police or an ambulance in an emergency

And they could put parental controls on it so they can make sure you don’t do anything bad
0 votes
by (137k points)
It's usually understandable that a parent doesn't allow their child to have a phone until it's only absolutely necessary. Children should learn how to develop without the reliance of this kind of technology, as it helps with vital skills for their future life, as well as helping protect the child against harmful consumption of information that isn't uncommon for a child to encounter if they had unrestricted freedom to everything. Additionally, strict parents are a good signifier of a well developing child. Studies show that a child who has marginally strict parents (there is a limit to having too strict parents, where the child will be negatively impacted in several aspects, where general behavior and academic achievement is affected negatively.) have a greater chance of becoming well off in life in the long run. I believe your situation is optimal for child development, and it only takes acknowledgement to see it. Feel free to sway me to side with you, or tell me that your parents do indeed fall into the "too strict" category, I would be happy to provide any assistance I can.

Also, you seem to be an amazing person! I mean, having a boyfriend at 12 isn't usually advised, but it's okay as long as you have the ability to employ matured and adequate emotional intelligence in your situations and interactions, and recognize that you are in a positive symbiotic relationship to a degree that you will benefit from eachother. I want to wish you luck in whatever you may pursue in your future, it certainly evaluates as positive.

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