+5 votes
in Weird Stuff by (965k points)
Usually, I have weird dreams that are just one whole dream. But today, I had several dream segments that are connected, kind of. Let’s jump in and find out what they are.

1. The first one is me and my female classmates (this is gym class) in a locker room (not the one in my gym). Our backpacks are in the locker room, and my backpack has my iPad in it for some reason. Same with my phone. One of my friends has this liquid and she sprays it on her hands. At first, it’s fine, but then one of her fingers is on fire for a split-second. I was scared to death in my head. Then, she sprayed the substance some more and the room soon catches fire, and everyone has to evacuate. (Somehow, she is not on fire) Most of us grab our backpacks or water bottles, but I didn’t grab anything. I sprint out the door to see that firstly, most of my male classmates went out the door before the fire alarm sounded. Secondly, some kid not in my gym class was also there.

Thirdly, we were in an underground parking garage. I thought about how my tablet was burned, and then I realized I never brought my phone with me. That’s gone too.

I had just reached the part that leads to the garage when the staff said that the huge fire was already contained. We walk back into the locker room and there’s barely any damage.

This segment ends.

2. Now me and my robotics class are on our school field. Well, it’s actually the field from my elementary school on the outside area of my current school. I check my watch and it said the time was 11:12 AM. That’s one minute before our lunch, and my lunch bag was in my backpack from the first segment. My backpack was in my robotics class (it was undamaged in the fire). I yelled that it was almost lunch, and some people line up.

We started walking to our class (now we’re at the back portion of my elementary school) and then I realized that I misread the time and it was actually 10:17 AM. I said, “Oops, I misread the time. It’s actually 10:17.” and we all head back.

This segment ends.

3. Now me and some of my robotics classmates were at T-Mobile Park, viewing the baseball game. Well, it hadn’t started yet obviously. There was a big empty space right when you walked out the doors from the inside portion (we were in the 200 level) and we all sat down. I was behind someone, and then my crush came over. He sat down next to me, then got right back up and sat down far away from anyone else. We look down the field to see a few fans in the actual field and some colorguard ceremony thing. All of a sudden, one of our classmates gets to do batting practice. He had three chances to hit the ball that was being pitched and all three times he succeeded. Keep in mind he stayed in the 200 level, so somehow the pitcher threw a ball some 400+ feet.

Then, I was chosen to do the exact same thing.

This old lady (who I had seen in real life also at T-Mobile Park) decided to teach me how to hold a baseball bat because in this dream I didn’t know how to hold one. She demanded I swing the bat and then she saw I was holding it wrong. She told me to hold it so that the metal rod inside the bat was facing me. I finally saw who the pitcher was - someone not in any of my classes and one of the most racist kids in my grade.

T-Mobile Park was no longer T-Mobile Park - we were all teleported to my school’s baseball field. Or at least, my classmates and the pitcher. Nobody knows what happened to the 40,000 other people.

Now we were on a viewing deck made out of mud bricks. I stayed up there, ready to hit the ball. The first two times, I didn’t even try to swing the bat. I failed horribly. Then, the third and final ball came to me. But something wrong was with that ball.

It was an inflated baseball, made out of the same material as the really cheap printed balloons. It came to me, and I tapped it upwards with my baseball bat. It came down, and I did the same thing. Everybody noticed, especially my crush.

That’s where the dream ends.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (33.2k points)


Five star review.

0 votes
by (9.5k points)
I had a dream where it was a What If video about peeing and i woke up with a wet bed

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