+2 votes
in Personal by (43.5k points)
I just wanted you all to know some little things about myself.

So, I am bi and genderfluid. I'm biologically a girl but I prefer to be called they/them or he/him. My mom doesn't really agree with me being gender-fluid or bi, but hey can't make everyone happy. Alex is NOT my actual name, I prefer to be called Alex or Alexander because it is a more gender-neutral name. I have a more masculine style (obviously) but I will dress a little more feminine here and there. I do have a couple of mental health problems I'm working on. I'll go into a little more detail about that in a different post. I'm in a relationship in real life. I do have long hair but I am cutting it short soon.

So yeah, it took a while to convince myself to post this so I hope this is acceptable. Sorry if you all get upset. Have a great day. <3

2 Answers

0 votes
by (228k points)
Best answer
I'm not mad, if I was that would be absurd!!

I will call you what you want! :D
by (43.5k points)
Tysm! That means a lot. :)
by (228k points)
Nooooo problemo!
by (43.5k points)
0 votes
by (31.4k points)
Oh......sorry but I thought you where a boy....Oop
by (43.5k points)
Yeah, I'm good at confusing people. I prefer to dress like a guy, I like the style. Sorry for confusing you.

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