+1 vote
in The Archive by (41.6k points)

As the title may suggest I am in utter disbelief look at this

I was playing this RNG game and I rolled a really rare aura called Prism Pulse

1 IN 1,000,000

There is a cool cutscene for any aura with a rarity over 1 in 600

When the cutscene for this one started playing I said and I quote “What the [BLEEP] did I just roll”

I censored myself yes

The cutscene looked like a swirling vortex of colors with a bright star in the middle and the star grew and the thing went white and then it showed the name and rarity of the aura

It was crazy

Anyways that’s all I wanted to say

Athena_Kid out!

3 Answers

0 votes
by (116k points)
I have one friend who plays RNGs all the time and he rolled a 1 in 38 million in Sol's RNG
by (41.6k points)
WOW cool

The best I have in Sol’s is undead which is 1 in 12,000

Got it within my first 100 rolls I believe
ago by (5.2k points)
undead is a pain sometimes because it just jumpscares you with a star but once you see it’s green it’s probably bad.
0 votes
by (227k points)
You look like a (BLEEP) god
by (41.6k points)

It’s crazy how cool it looks

The star in the vortex thing looks like the star in the cutscene

And finally my staff matches with my aura

My second rarest aura in that game is 1 in 30,000
by (227k points)
by (41.6k points)
by (227k points)
0 votes
by (964k points)
Oh yeah, I saw you playing that game yesterday!

I don’t really like RNG’s though.
by (41.6k points)


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