+11 votes
in Other by (38.6k points)

Hey friends, nice to talk to you all again. :)
As you all probably have noticed, I'm not active much. Don't worry, I'm still doing all right. 

KidzSearch will always hold some special place in my heart, because here is where I met all of you guys who are some of my biggest supporters. Thank you for sticking by me the entire way. I will try to post updates more often.

I want to talk to you all about something which is something I've only briefly mentioned once. I do not want to feel like I'm bragging about anything, and if you feel like some of this information upsets you for any reason or if you just don't feel like hearing it, message me on KidzNet about it and I will try to take it down. Your opinions matter to me and I don't want anyone feeling uncomfortable with what I'm saying.

What I want to talk about right now is my boyfriend.

You may be wondering why I want to talk to this. The reason is because I almost consider you guys like family. You have always been there for me, and I feel like it's only fair that you also know some more private information on my life.

Also before I begin, I am letting you ask questions. Post as many in the comments as you like and I would be happy to answer them. However, I politely ask that people refrain from saying things like, "Aren't you a bit young?" or "They never last that long anyways." Of course I do know that there is a chance we could potentially break up, and I'm not going to hide that fact, I just don't want to hear any rude or impolite comments about it. Being concerned is one thing, but being rude is another. Thank you. :)

 Here are some things about him!

  • We are both 17 years old, however he is about 4 months older than me.
  • We both live in the UK, he lives in London and I live about 45 minutes south of it.
  • He is French but moved to the UK when he was 13.
  •  He teaches me French sometimes, even though I am really bad. teeth_smile
  • Along with him being older, his birthday is February 3rd and mine is October 18th.
  • We have been together since August 29th.
  • We went to the same school years back. In my World History class when I was a freshman, we called him a name that sounds like Grammarly except with his name in it. I can't say his name, but we said this because he would always correct our spelling and pronunciation on words.

When I was on KidzNet earlier today, I saw someone asked the question "How did your parents meet?" 

I know me and him aren't married, but I want to answer the question on how we met.

You know the movie "5 Feet Apart"? We kind of met how those people did, except he doesn't have any illness.

He was at the hospital for his grandpa. He told me that he was in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) because he had a stroke. At the time, I was also at the hospital, but not in the ICU. He was in the lobby area which was where we met. He said it had the strongest WiFi there teeth_smile

I was sitting next to him waiting for my mom to get out of one of the rooms. The hospital was like a second home to me at this point. I guess he felt bad for me because he saw how I had no hair.  He is really optimistic, which is one of the reasons why I really like him. The first thing he ever had said to me was, "How are you doing this fine evening?" Okay, this may seem like nothing, but to me it was everything. I always ask that to everyone, and I have since before I knew he existed. 

It also meant so much to me because he just asked. I couldn't remember the last time someone said that to me, and it looked like he really did care. And I guess he did, after sticking with me for all this time. I answered "Just awesome." like I usually do. 

He started to smile when I said that, and we started talking for so long it felt like forever, but the best forever of my life. It was actually about 45 minutes, but I would never take the conversation back for the world. I told him at the end that I had to leave, but I told him the room number I was going to be in on a certain day of the week I don't remember. He said he would still be there, and he promised to be there for me.

He came, like he promised.

Now, I feel like some of you might be thinking that I am just a teenager with my hopes too high. And so, my friends, if you are wondering that, what's the bad thing about thinking big?




8 Answers

+1 vote
Dear Cindy,

Hey! Your boyfriend seems like a really nice guy. I hope the two of you proceed with your relationship! Best wishes from me. ;D

BTW, I was the person who asked "how did your parents meet". And I like love stories, TBH. Stay well!


Yours ever,

by (38.6k points)
Thank you for the support! :)
You are the most welcome! ;D
And can I get some more info, please? :)
+1 vote
by (137k points)
I'm really glad you're doing better!! You and your boyfriend sound like such a cute couple :D
by (38.6k points)
Thanks so much!!
0 votes
by (1.34m points)
Thats so sweet. #CindyStrong


Your nimber 1 fan Kitten
by (38.6k points)
Thanks Kitten! <3
+2 votes
by (375k points)
I am so happy for you! I do NOT think you are too young to date. This made my heart flip. I am a big romantic.

by (38.6k points)
Thanks so much. :)
by (375k points)
You're so very welcome! Can I hear some more details?
by (38.6k points)
Of course, text me on KidzNet if interested in more information. :)
+4 votes
by (75.6k points)
Cindy, I am like Gem, I don't like love stories that much. But this is so sweet! I loved this one. I am very happy you found someone Cindy.

- FunHeart1010
by (38.6k points)
Thanks FunHeart :)
+4 votes
by (350k points)
I usually hate love stories, but since it's yours, I LOVE IT TO ITS CORE!!!!!

Glad to know you are doing so much better!!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! And yes, please continue to update. We all love you! And it's never bad to dream big. ;) Love you Cindy!!!


by (38.6k points)
Thank you, Gem. :) I will continue to update, so don't worry.

Love you too!
+3 votes
by (448k points)
Hey cindy!  your boyfriend seems like a really nice guy
by (38.6k points)
Thanks, arkzo! :)
+4 votes
by (138k points)
I recently joined Kids Search so I don't know you, but you seem like an awesome person! Anyway, I have questions for you. Who asked each other out? How did he or you ask the other person out? Also, why did you have no hair? Did you do chemotherapy?
by (38.6k points)
Hey, thank you so much for asking!

So, he asked me out after about 4 months of talking.

To answer your second question, I did go through chemotherapy which is why I have no hair anymore.

Thank you for your questions!

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