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I saw your post about that digital art website. I got there and literally, I have absolutely no idea how to use it. I don’t really use any digital art websites/apps so if you could explain it as simply as you can that would be great! :)


2 Answers

0 votes
by (26.4k points)

Basic tools:

Cursor= Click an item to be able to make changes to it

Circle= Hold left click while dragging to make a circle of oval (you can make changes to size and position in the inspector panel using the cursor tool)

Rectange= Works same as circle tool but creates a rectangle or square

Line= Works same as circle tool but creates a line

Fill= Click in a rectangle, square or an area made from lines to fill in the area (if the is a gap in any of the lines a small rectangle will pop up in the top right corner saying "There is no gap to fill." )

Colours= The 2 circles next to all the tools at the top are to change colours, click on one then click on the colour you want you circle, rectangle, line or fill bucket to be. The left one is fill.and the right one is stroke ( for lines and fills you will always want to set both circles to each be the same colour

Assets and bulletin assets= Click the plus to choose a bulletin asset and click upload to upload you own small drawing done on stuff like MS Paint, Paint 3D or Paint.net (you can upload audio as well, multiple items at once) and the click on the asset you want on your canvas then click add to canvas


New frame= Click somewhere in the timeline in line with the layer you want to put it on

Frames= Click on a frame to be able to edit the length, name, scripts and sounds for the frame in the inspector panel

New layer= Underneath all of you layers click the plus button

Layers= Click on a later to be able to edit it's name in the inspector panel

Tweens= place one (click the little diamond near the delete button in the timeline) at the start of a frame then place one at the end of the same frame. Then edit width, rotation, height or position of the object (clip) (you can do multiple at once) and it the editor will make the movement as smooth as it can. It does this for the entire layer of everything in the layer in the frame

Gap fill mode= in the bottom left corner, click this button to change between modes (extend frame and new blank frame)

Frame size= Next to the Gap fill mode button, click this button to be able to change size of all frames (small, medium and large), this won't effect the project

Project Actions:

New= Creates new project

Open= Open a .wick file

Export= Look through my Suggested animation website post to find out

Save= saves a .wick file in downloads

Cog(editor settings)= Edit name of project, resolution, background, frame rate, shortcuts and onion skin mode

Preview= watch a preview of he project

Onion skinning= Click to turn on and off, drag lines next to arrow to make it show more or less frames

0 votes
by (26.4k points)
Overtime I will give an answer with specific parts of the editor. Basic, Medium then advanced difficulty. Just comment when you're ready to find out the next features.

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