+6 votes
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This is awkward..so my friend made me do a dare, and she said “tell ur crush that u like them” I knew she wouldn’t me like “tell me ur crush”, cuz I tell her everything and she knows all (almost all) my crushes.

So then I was like-wha, I can’t do this, I do have multiple boys that I like so I chose one. I decided to go on KidzTalk, not reveal my Kidznet/KidzTalk name and gives hints on which ks user I like.

  • He likes..EDM? (I guess, he has mentioned liking and listening to Alan Walker *big hint* and Marshmello)
  • He’s friendly to everyone and very popular. 

You will probably figure who it is. But I won’t give any hints on who am. That would be too cringey. I’m already embarrassed.

But if you guess like-“maybe it’s this girl” by the way I’m talking and my personality then just type it in the comments, you’ll never guess. (I do post a lot on KT/KN though so I’m not just a random person)

Oh god, I know if like, you know, ur the guy who likes Alan Walker and stuff, if ur looking at this, I know it’s awkward, sorry, I didn’t want to do this my friend wanted me to. And your probably wondering who I am, I won’t tell.

*cringed a lot* (weird laughs going on)






uhh so..I will embarrass myself for no reason right now so..here are some hints on who I am..

*I...have...an A on the first..you know..my profile name starts with an A and it ends with a 4

*I like..music 

*I have moons and big buildings on my profile pic on kn/kt

Have way too many hints, you might be able to guess, and yes..I like Jay. (Woah, “I like Jay”, I didn’t have to do that.




O M G ... jawdrop

by (137k points)
Is that you Ada4?? :OOO

4 Answers

+1 vote

Wha- You- I- ME!? Wow... wow

Dear Ada,

This is the first time someone has confessed to me, and I don't really know how to react. Honestly, I'm really surprised, IDK what to say. a-=

Ada, I'm really sorry that I don't feel the same way you feel for me. I'm sorry, really. Please don't mind. I hope you'll understand. sad_smile

But you're a great friend for sure! Maybe not as in romantically, but I love you, too, as a friend. emoticon-00100-smile

Also, thank you. You made me smile, you made me feel happy. teeth_smile

*Hugs* heart


Yours Ever,

JD2005. in_love


by (32.0k points)

It's completely fine, I knew you would say that anyway. 


I hope you aren't upset. Again, I'm sorry.sad_smile

0 votes
by (165k points)
Alan W- IT'S JD2005!!!


Lol, who else?


Also, dang it, Jay, why does your name have to be all caps and numbers lol? Makes it difficult to show exclamation with your name lol.
Yeah Luna... IKR? I'm really bad at making up usernames. ATM when I made my account, more than 2 years ago, I couldn't think of any unique names, and "JD2005" suddenly popped into my head, and I chose it even though it's not that good. I don't intend on changing it, though. Lol.



0 votes
by (101k points)
Obviously JD.
0 votes
by (137k points)
Oh my gosh, it's JD :OOO
by (82.8k points)

... wow ...

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