+4 votes
in Homework Help by (26.9k points)
So in school we are learning metric (I’m in 3rd grade fyi) and I don’t know what to do :( it’s so hard. I always seem to mess up one tiny bit in math and I get in trouble. And My Thea her seems so mad about it too. But in retrospect, she does this to all the other kids so I won’t worry. I have a C in math too. Metric is easy, and so is geometry. But all the other kinds of math (except adding subtracting multiplying and division) is super hard :( I got a 10 out of 25 once! This is rlly homework help, but I need help with any type of math that will help me get at least a B or an A-. I suggest people above my grade to help me by u know more math than me. But other than math I usually get B’s and A’s
I'm literally in year 5 giong to year 6 this year and literally don't know what you are talking about?

6 Answers

0 votes
I'm going into 4 grade and I have no idea what your talking about
0 votes
by (541k points)
I know it's late.

But, here's a way to remember the metric system.

Kids have determined underwater doing confusing Minecraft.

I know the sentence is hillarious
0 votes
by (126k points)
Just use the Internet. If you’re struggling with Algebra I or II, or Trig or whatever, there are some good sites out there that can explain everything. Personally, I struggled with Algebra last year, managed to keep an A in Geometry, but I still have Trig and Calculus to do. Not looking forward to either of those.
0 votes
by (949k points)
You have letter grades? I thought they started giving you letter grades in middle school…
0 votes
So I don't have any tips but if you really have a problem with math, then I suggest you go to your math teacher after class and ask her to review whatever math problem seems confusing or hard. If not, you can ask one of your parents that really knows math to help.

Let's take your mom. You should ask her when she's done with all her housework. Same with your dad. Ask him when he's done with work or something.

One of the people I listed should help you with math. If not, go to a friend that can help you understand.

Hope this helped!
0 votes
by (261k points)

Hey!! I would oh-so love to help!! 

What exactly, exactly are you working on??

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