+6 votes
in Other by (114k points)

Here it is... honest opinions!

Amanda stares at the bird that had perched on the windowsill of her classroom. It was nibilling on some breadcrumbs that she had left out. She imagines what it's like to be a bird. To be free. Amanda was trapped in her own feelings of regret. She had used her best friend, Jezzelle, to get closer to Stacy, the most popular girl in school. Later, Amanda found out that Stacy had moved across the country and was starting at a rich, private school. When Jezzelle found out Amanda was using her, she stopped returning her calls and ignored Amanda at school.

'' Amanda? Amanda?" The teacher yells, knocking Amanda out of her thoughts.

"The answer for question three?''

Amanda looks up at the chalkboard and quickly answers.


All the students look stunned. They had never seen Amanda answer a question before. Furthermore had never seen her answer right!

"What?" Amanda asks, looks at the astound expressions on her classmate's faces.

Next part coming soon!

by (114k points)
i really did make this up on the spot. my vocab is humungus.

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (550k points)
I love it (for something non MC)
+1 vote
by (71.2k points)
ooh! that's pretty cool :D

+1 vote
by (132k points)
Need. More.

This was really good!

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