+12 votes
in Choleral Carly Chronicles by (790k points)
I forgot to say that the soundtrack of the Emigrants movie is SO GOOD. My favorite song there is "Näs Ingrid polkka" and I already know the dance and the lyrics it goes like ladadadada KANSJE (maybe in Norwegian) and stuff.

I did the dance in walmart and it was very cool. If only I could own a Bunad and dance in the Bunad I will look slay.

Also, If you want to make any posts acosiated with the Emigrants novel series or movies use the tag #KarlIsInmortal (because he is)

That's all

- Carly ♡

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (64.4k points)
Best answer
You should post something on YouTube about you drawing a character from it;-)
0 votes
by (790k points)
Boosting this so more people read


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