+10 votes
in Choleral Carly Chronicles by (790k points)

So we were talking about my Upcoming trip to Minnesota, and My Mom decided to make my allowance higher

Basically, I told her that because Minnesota is a place with a lot of Nordic things, I am obviously spending a lot of money on souveniers. 

Well, Guess what. She decided to make my allowance higher by 8 times

Now I get 40$ a week, and I have 32 more weeks until my trip, so that means I will have 1,600 Dollars by the time we get there (Plus Donations from my Dad, The 60$ I have on my bank account, and Birthday Money) And now my very annoying stepdad (which both me and my mom hate) has to buy insucarence and rent now!

I find this very cool, but at the same time I dont want to brag dhchuwwhhuwshiuwdudwhwdxuh

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (121k points)
Best answer
Guys its the 23rd entry
by (790k points)

23andme is approaching

by (167k points)
1,000 DOLLARS-/// Viking Diaries 23#andme
by (790k points)
+1 vote
by (214k points)
Oooh that's neat! My parents don't give me money... so I'm broke!
by (790k points)
*gives you monies*
+1 vote
by (99.4k points)


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