+6 votes
in The Life Of The Pizza by (116k points)
I need as much advice as I can get. How much do they hurt? Whta food can you eat? What foods can you not eat? What color should I get? Will clear color for braces get dirty? How long did you have them for?

If you have had braces PLEASE give me some advice.


4 Answers

0 votes
Hello there! I have braces and so I can tell you some things about them.

1. Braces can make your teeth sore for about a week, and then you cheeks will get sore for about a month.

2. Foods that you should not eat if you have braces are: gum, Taffy, caramel, carrots (these should be soft and small), and anything else hard or chewy.

3. Never ever pick green, ok?? Pick any color just not green. It looks like you have broccoli in you teeth.

4. No, not unless you never brush your teeth!!

5. I had to have two rounds of them. Not all people do, but I did. I am in the middle of my second and last one. Each round lasts about two and a half years.

+1 vote
It's been a long time since we last chatted. I was in your 1st grade class my name jeff. I would suggest eating stick things with braces and getting yellow or green or brown. You can eat everything, especially your fingers.
by (116k points)
I have no idea who you are
by (541k points)
Is it just me who finds this funny
asked Dec 8, 2023 in The Life Of The Pizza by (541k points) Umm wut
by (116k points)
What the actual heck
+3 votes
by (214k points)
Yes, I used to have braces!

1. It hurts when you first get them on, but the pain lessens as you have them for longer!!

2. At first, you can only eat soft foods because it might hurt otherwise. As you get used to them, you can eat more foods (but still not really hard foods or other foods bad for braces)!

3. You can't eat any sticky food that might get stuck, or food like popcorn. Also no food that is really hard because it may break your braces. The orthodontist will probably give you a paper or something similar with foods not to eat!

4. Get a color that you like! Don't get white because it may make your teeth look yellow though! The colors that I think look the nicest on teeth are green, purple, and blue!

5. At first clear bands for braces may look cool, but yes, they will get dirty and turn yellowish eventually!

6. Lastly, I had my braces for roughly 2 years! I had them from the beginning of 7th grade till the end of 8th!

I hope this helps some! Good luck with your braces!
by (137k points)

They're to expensive for me! T_T

by (214k points)
Awwww :(
+1 vote
by (949k points)
I used to have braces for 11 months, from March 2021 to February 2022.

1. I don’t remember them hurting when I got them, but they do feel weird for a few days after you get them.

2. The orthodontist (where you get your braces) will probably give you a list of what not to eat. I know you can’t eat popcorn though.

3. Whatever color band you want. I got a different color each month.

4. I’ve never gotten a clear colored band before, so I don’t know.

5. I just told you. 11 months.


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