+9 votes
in Personal by (82.8k points)
So, most of you guys know I'm claustrophobic. I absolutely hate elevators. I get really uncomfortable, and I have this constant worry that the elevator will get stuck, and we'll just stay there until we die. I know it's not very rational thinking, but I can't help it! Tunnels don't really bother me, but I wanted to run away when I saw just a picture of someone stuck in an air vent...I also have a problem with plane bathrooms. I used to be able to close the door and pee in peace, but now, I have to have my mom hold the door open with her finger. Kinda sad, I know. How am I supposed to get over my claustrophobia?!!

3 Answers

0 votes
by (1.34m points)
I have the same problem except I am not just afraid but I have some physical anxiety symptoms. I get really dizzy and fall on the floor or I get tunnel vision and have trouble breathing. To prevent your fears turning into physical symptoms You can try square breathing ( I explained that in your last question) and it won't make it go away instantly with a snap of a finger, but it will calm you down. Also, try belly breathing (Breath deep in your chest instead of normally) (practice belly breathing by putting a book on your chest and try to push it up and down as you breathe)

My doctors said belly breathing may reduce panic attacks by 75% for moderate anxiety.
by (82.8k points)
Yeah, when I get stressed I do try belly breathing, but the problem is, every time I do that my stomach, like, squeezes back in? Like my body doesn't want me to breathe?!
by (1.34m points)
Yes, I had that. You have to practice every day for about 8 (or much more) weeks.
by (82.8k points)
+2 votes

I have the same problem. I'm also afraid of being in a large crowd of people with no place to escape if needed. One thing that helps a little for me when things get really bad is to just close my eyes and to do slow deep breathing. I focus mostly on breathing out fully.  I'll open my eyes briefly to see what I'm doing, but close them back quickly. Once I'm less panicked I can shorten the time my eyes are closed. 

by (82.8k points)
I have the same problem with crowds. Same thing with, like, school lines? When we’re all squished into a line?
+2 votes
by (153k points)
Well I read earlier that you might en getting a therapist, that will definitely help. Maybe imagine a fluffy puppy butterfly hybrid giving you a big hug? Lol it’s what I do sometimes.

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