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Parts of speech are types of word in grammar. There are many different word categories: they are called 'lexical categories'. The most common are these:

Part of SpeechFunctionExample WordsExample Sentence(s)Notes
VerbIdentifies an action or state.(to) be, have, do, like, work, sing, can, mustLondon is a big city. I like London.A verb has a subject, which is a noun performing the action. Some verbs also have an object, which receives the action.
NounIdentifies a person, place or thing.pen, dog, work, music, town, London, teacher, JohnNew York City is very beautiful.Proper nouns are a type of noun that refers to something individual. Two proper nouns are New York City and the name Amelia. Proper nouns are capitalized. Other nouns are called common nouns.
AdjectiveDescribes a noun.good, big, red, interestingThe cat is black and white.
AdverbDescribes a verb, adjective or adverb.quickly, silently, well, badly, very, reallyThe giraffe eats slowly, but when he is very hungry, he eats really quickly.Slowly describes the verb eat, very describes the adjective hungry and really describes the adverb quickly.
PronounReplaces a noun.I, you, he, she, some, itShe is very good at playing the piano.
PrepositionLinks a noun to another, at, after, on, underThe dog is under the table.
The man ran over the bridge.
Under links the noun dog to the noun table.
Over links the verb ran to the noun bridge.
ConjunctionJoins clauses, sentences or words.and, but, when, orI like apples and oranges, but I don't like grapes.
DeterminerHelps refer to a noun.the, a, an, my, your,this, thatThere is a drink on the table. It is my drink.
InterjectionShort exclamation.oh!, ouch!, hi!Ouch! That really hurt!
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