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Fable the Raven | Did you know Ravens can talk?!

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Channel: Falconry And Me
Categories: Biology   |   Science  
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Hello everyone :) I'm back after a five year gap, wow!

Look out for loads of new content on my falconry birds in the coming weeks.

However this video today is all about a very special bird of mine I'd like you to meet. She's not a bird of prey but she's very awesome in her own way and I am planning a mini series all about her.

Fable is a two year old raven. She is captive bred and I hand reared her from just a few weeks old.

Ravens can live over 40 years so she has a lot of time ahead of her to learn. She can already articulate over 50 words and noises and loves to solve puzzles and hide/bury her favourite things - more on that in the next videos.

**For those of you who have questions about why I keep birds...**
IF YOU ARE ABOUT TO WRITE "SET HER FREE SHE SHOULD BE IN THE WILD"...please watch this video. It explains all about her:

I am a falconer. All of my birds are captive bred, not wild, but they free fly on a daily basis. And my birds of prey hunt with me.

The bars on her avariy are to stop her climbing. If I was to use square mesh she would climb up and push her lovely wing and tail feathers through the wire and break/damage them. Bars allow her to see out (she likes to stick her head out to see what I'm doing) but keeps her in good condition. She free flies too, however sometimes when I open the doors of her avairiy she can't be bothered to go out. Ravens like what they know and to her, her avariy is her territory and safe space!

Our falcony birds have long lifespans compared to wild birds because we are able to give them a good diet everyday, vet care if ever needed, and plenty of free flying, whilst helping them avoid dangers their wild counterparts would come across.

Around 80% of wild birds of prey will not survive beyond a year old, and the average lifespan is around 3 years. Our captive bred birds can live well into their 30s and 40s, sometimes longer. My oldest bird is 33, and is expected to live around 40 years.

Falconry techniques allow us to successfully rescue injured wild birds of prey and release them as strong, fit individuals. Falconers spend a lot of time working with wild bird of prey projects conserving some very endangered species.

Don't forget to like & share, and let me know what you'd like to see and learn about in the comments below.

See you all soon x

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