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Rainbow Wings - The Dance of Time (TRAILER)

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Channel: Christian Spencer
Categories: Fine Arts   |   Biology   |   Film   |   Science  
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The rainbow images are real and naturally occur when sunlight shines through the black Jacobin hummingbird’s wings.

Winner of 10 awards "The Dance of Time" takes the viewer on a unique journey of beauty and into the infinite cycles of nature.Filmed over 4 years in the mountains of the Atlantic rainforests of Brasil, the exuberant nature of this place dances to a unique and original soundtrack.
Usually unseen rhythms and patterns of water and clouds,hidden dances of rarely seen birds,monkeys and serpents, dance in a beautifully ordered and musical rhythm of Nature.
Featuring rare species such as the complete dance of the blue manikin,wooly spider monkeys,Royal Atlantic Flycatcher,Frilled Coquette Hummingbird,Trapdoor spiders and 5 species of serpents.
It expresses the perfect proportions and patterns of natural phenomena and the evidence of a interrelationship of all things.A film of contrasts and opposites that complete each other in Harmonious "Dance of Time".

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