+8 votes
in Other by
Hello guys! I know Christmas was the other day, so, what did you get? Here is a short list of what I got:

Stuffed animals; XL Beanie Boo Spirit, Umbreon Plush, +2 more!

Notebook (as always lol)

Uhm.....I am 11 but I am still into the shopkin and calico critter stuff. So I got a toooooonn of that stuff.

My brothers got a huge car parking garage :) it was gigantic

Annnddd I got Animal Crossing New Horizons!! I'm happy about that! If anyone wants to give me their friend code then maybe we can play sometime!

My brothers got a never version of Ascension (a game) and Star Wars Battlefront 2 omg its so realistic but u can be people like Anakin Skywalker or Darth Maul or Rey - basically a lot of jedi

As well as a book :)

I can post a photo of my umbreon plush soon if you'd like

Oh we also got like 15-20 tiny pokemon figurines

I got a cat robe and cat pajamas :) i just looovvveee cats :)

And i am getting more stuff next week cuz we saved a few things XD



I hope u all had a good christmas too

Shout-out to my friends; CheerlessCheerleader, Thalia, Coconut <3, Rainbowpuppies_123, OrnamentOwl (or soon to be OutstandingOwl) as always!!
I got....

.Hoodies/ Jackets




Yeah battlefront 2 is awesome. (Darth maul isn't a Jedi tho)
Sweeeeettt :) Ye I know Darth Maul is a Sith
I got

IPhone 13


Hanging tent



Lego Set

Trip to another state


A book I really wanted
by (1.2k points)
I got…..


-3-d pen


-clothes and blankets

that’s not all but my favorites lol
You got a IPhone 13 sweet !!!!!!!!!!
I like calico stuff too so don’t feel weird.

7 Answers

+1 vote
I'm back ! I got tons of art stuff. I will probably get more detailed later.

Other than art stuff I got...

A notebook


A couple Harry Potter books and little women.

A spa kit etc.
+1 vote
by (68.9k points)

Merry late Christmas! I wrote what I got on a post that I just made a few minutes ago. But, here:

I got a black, white, and light pink crop-top hoodie, light pink cargo/sweat pants, 2 wet brushes, 1 turquoise headband, 1 black and holographic lined Pisces tote bag (since I'm a Pisces), a black mini Adidas backpack, a black heart-shaped wallet from Juicy, 120 water bottle stickers, 30 Prismacolor soft cored colored pencils, and a Royal & Langnickel Essential Charcoal Art set. All from many different people that I know.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

+1 vote
Hey! Happy late christmas Thunder!! Sounds like u got some nice stuff. I got a brand new phone - so happy about that - a cast signing from my best friend that lives 3 states away (she came over for the holidays), a jumbo pack of glitter pens, a sling backpack, a new fidget spinner, some clothes, Pokemon cards, a few plushies, a new sewing kit (yeah i like doing that)....and.....

I also got the best present ever.....

We currently have 1 cat and 1 dog.

AND MY PARENTS GOT ME A KITTEN!! YAY!! He is about 5 weeks old. He is a little siamese cat - what should I name him? It was a late present I got yesterday. I've been calling him Twig. Is that a good name? What do you think?
Name him crazy or something to do with that. Trust me, i have a siamese cat, and they are lunatics. Literally. They are crazy.
+1 vote
by (99.7k points)
:) thanks for the shout out!
yw! i love ur pfp btw!
by (99.7k points)
+1 vote
by (6.0k points)
Thanks for the shout out!


I got a personalized blanket from my dad and other things to from him because I don't live with my parents. I havnt seen my mum for 3 years soo if you want the full story just let me know.

My foster parents got  a tie die set and a slime making one. And a hair drier/hair curlers

I got a new suit case since we are going on Holiday tomaro. Chocolate. LED'S. Necklace with a L on for my name.

That's it but i hav ing more in a few weeks from my mum and family who had covid on 25 so yeah


Shout to My friends

CheerlessCheerleader, Thunder Dragon, PUMKIN
by (99.7k points)
Do u want to be friends?
by (6.0k points)
Yeah sure
Wow u got some cool stuff, Rainbowpuppies_123!
And you don't have to tell me about the story with your parents if you don't feel like it. I'm so sorry for that. :(
oh and some of your family had COVID?? omg im so sorry i hope they recover very quick
by (6.0k points)
They didn't get it badly  but i went on Holiday yesterday morning so we had to get tested
by (6.0k points)
Thanks for understanding but shorten the story in in foster care
+1 vote
by (266k points)
Thanks (again!) for the shout-out!

It was kinda a skimpy Christmas this year :/ I got...

A lil' bit of candy

A stuffed bear my mum made me

A dress for chapel (my school has chapel every Wednesday)


And the game "Apples to Apples"
Oh I have that game too! That's cool!
+1 vote
by (40.6k points)
I got...

- lodge cast iron pan

- new tablet

-the game clue

- pens

- puzzle
by (156k points)
Lol I got clue too!
OOHH tablets and pens :) MY FAV. I own Clue toooooooooooooo

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